Medic Equip Sugg Plz


Aug 2, 2003
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Visit site pretty sure that your doing something REALLY wrong...Maybe your adding the skills BASE lvl up to 49/32 or whatever...if so thats your problem. Synergys arent affected by the +skills. So your 49/32 base levels for Prayer/Bolt is why its healing in the 1000s.


May 18, 2005
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Umm...right, exactly. All I am doing is adding in the direct + skill bonuses being supplied by the equipment, in which this case for Defensive Auras its +29. 20 allotments +29 = 49. Bolt gets synergy from Hamm and FoH, so what your saying is that Bolt will only recieve a max of whatever true allotments I give to Hamm and Foh and not include the +29 at all? All I am doing is reading what the skill planner is saying, and it does not have any disclaimers about synergies. Other things, but not that - I did not know that.


May 18, 2005
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Waitaminute - so are you saying that although Prayer @ lvl 49 will heal 104/sec, Meditation @ lvl 49 will only heal 25/sec from a maxed out Prayer @ 20 pts???


Aug 2, 2003
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Visit site Look. When your useing the Skill Planner your adding in +29 to skills right? Well those +29 dont add towards any bonuses that would come from a Regular-synergy.

Take as an EXAMPLE(this is not exact values by any means.)

Holy bolt at lvl 20
Heals +50 health per bolt
+5% Heal per Point in Prayer

so you add in prayer at lvl 20
that means it adds 100% to heal factor sooo
50+(50*1.00) so you get 100
so now it heals 100.
Now the most you can add with Prayer is the lvl 20x(the % the synergy adds)
BUT you can however raise Holy bolt up...
So lets say

Holy Bolt lvl 50
Heals +400 health
+5% Prayer synergy
so you have 400+(400*1.00) = 800 heal.

The reason you only get lvl 20 to synergies is because you get synergys for every POINT YOU SPEND in that skill. so if you spen 5 skill points into the skill, you get that amount towards synergy. But since you can only add 20 to skills, your maxed at lvl 20. Now Take for instance you use the skill planner and change the skill lvls to 50 each.

then technically you have(again, not actual skill %s)

Holy Bolt lvl 50
heals +400 health
+5% prayer synergy

and a lvl 50 prayer(base lvl)
then thats up to 250% to heal amount...sooo that you get 400+(400*2.5) amount. which is inacurate...That comes up to 1400 heal.

Now a jump from 800 to 1400 is quite significant...

Now for the issue with Prayer and MEditation

The "synergy" of Prayer and Meditation is a "DIRECT SYNERGY" meaning it adds onto the skill DIRECTLY of what the alternate skill is at.

So a lvl 20 prayer provides +21 life/2secs (I believe...its a BIT higher I believe)
Then Meditation and Clensing also get 21 life/2secs

The thing about Direct synergies is that since they apply DIRECT amounts, they include +skill items.

When you are calculating Synergies without an ingame test...its best to set all skills to lvl 20. and then add the +skills to the skill your testing the DMG or whatnot for...that gives an accurate value.

(btw, I just reread your post, and yes thats what I mean. But ima leave that info up anyway...)


May 18, 2005
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Everything I have been talking about so far is just my plans and thoughts for my chr. I did some lvling to 45 last night. This is what I am currently wearing:

Full Plate (def 232ish, no +)
Some weak sword 7-14 dmg, but +1 pala skills all
HoZ, +2 com / +2 all
5 def Gc (+5 def)

So I am getting: +9 defensive, + 5 combat, +2 offensive.

Prayer is maxed right now, and says it has 29. All my other Def skills are getting +9.
All my offensives are 1 allotment, but say they’re at 3.
My combats are also all at 1, but say they’re at 6.

Your right about one thing – since my H. Shield is at 6, it is giving me +115% def bonus, and +26% blocking, just as it says it should be @ 6 on the skill planner. However, I also have 1 (3 after bonus) in Defiance, so it is showing that I am getting 1 synergy from Defiance, but not the other two from equip bonuses (otherwise H. Shield def bonus would be +145%). So your right about that one. But since Prayer is @ 29, and heals 44/sec, I am also healing 44/sec with Meditation. After my last b-run, I went to go kill Baal while the rest of the party went and sat in town talkin it up. I defeated him on my own, him AND clone, and he never took more than 10% of my life down as I was healing it up so fast (it was awesome!), so your saying that I am getting “direct” synergy between these two? So which skills give direct synergies? Like FoH and H. Shock? But not H. Shock and Resist Lightning?

Sorry if all this is getting too noob forum. Need to understand so I am not posting false info. Appreciate it!


May 18, 2005
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Correction for above: +9 for Defiance for a total of 10, which would give H. Shield a total +250% def bonus. However, I think that I remember seeing this 250% in game last night (why my chr screen said my total def against Baal was 1450, its the only way Full Plate 232 (plus really small other stuff) with nothing but h. shield to enhance could get that high), the above figures might be pre-lvl 42 before I equiped hoz and the gc's......which would mean that all synergies transferred! I will check again later and re-post. Sorry for the confusion.


May 18, 2005
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Dont mean to beat a dead horse; the information posted by berious is correct and should be taken as the final say - I dont know where I was getting those bonuses from, but it was not synergies that were not applying to the skills I was using. Thanks for the info!


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Heres a guide I did for a medic a while back.
PVM Cleric Paladin Ladder Softcore/Hardcore

This character, is known to some, but, the Cleric, Monk, Medic, whatever you want to call it has made some drastic changes since the introduction of the new runewords. No longer is Prayer Aura needed to to max out, nor meditation. With the help of a good mercenary, your party can get the aid of both skills at the same time, along with Conviction as your main aura, and Holy Freeze as your mercs. The good news on this build is that, everyone in your party will love you since you keep them alive. Bad news is this is in no way a fighter. He will be heavily dependent on his merc, and party. Some may see this character as the ultimate leech, but, when they notice that they will have an endless supply of life, mana regenerating they will thank you. Not including the negative elemental effects that come along as well.
Within this build is a short list of gear, that I have found of good use. The end gear is what I have found to be best, but, it is truely needed. You could easily get by with the segested beginning gear of Khalim's Will(up to Mephisto, then Heavens Light), Sigon Complete Steel Set till the end of the game. But if your rich go for the best right?


Strength: Enough to use end gear

Dexterity: 125, blocking 75% at lvl 99 (Might need more depending on gear being used)

Vitality: Everything else.

Energy: Don't even think about it. Not needed.


Andariel's Visage,
Vampire Gaze,
Harlequin Crest, (Um Rune socketed)
Griswold's Valor,
Dream Runeword

Highlord,(+ skills, and adds to lightning damage)
Sereph's Hymn, ( cheap, and + skills)
Metalgrid, (for defence, and meat shield. Good alternative to end gear amulet)
Mara's Kaleidoscope

Shaftstop, (Upgraded)
Gardian Angel,
Griswold's Heart,
Arkaine's Valor,
Templar's Might,
Skin of the Vipermagi,
Skullder's Ire,
Que-Hegan's Wisdom,
Black Hades,
Smoke Runeword,
Chains of Honor Runeword,
Fortitude Runeword,
Enigma Runeword

Khalim's Will, (Best beginner weapon)
Baranar's Star,
Schaefer's Hammer,
Heaven's Light, (Perfect Skulls socketed)
The Redeemer,
Astreon's Iron Ward,
Mang Song's Lesson,
Ondal's Wisdom,
Spirit Runeword Sword,
Lawbringer, (can be used for Sanctuary Aura)
Hand of Blessed Light, (great alternative to end gear weapon)
Call To Arms, (on switch)
Heart of the Oak (as your main weapon)

(If your a crazy bastard) ....
Breath of the Dying Berzerker Axe
Any runeword bow is good,
6os longbow (4 sheal, 2 Perfect Skulls)

Stormshield, (2x Perfect Diamond Socketed)
Moser's Blessed Circle, (2x Perfect Diamond Socketed)
The Ward,
Alma Negra,
Ancient's Pledge Runeword,
Splendor Runeword, (good beginner/mid level)
Dragon Runeword,
Phoenix Runeword,
Spirit Runeword,
Herald Of Zakarum, (on switch)
Exile Runeword, (main shield)

String of Ears, (good alternative)
Nosferatu's Coil,
Immortal King,


Treads of Cthon,
Sandstorm Trek

anything with life, mana regeneration, + skills, and/or Faster Cast Rate
Stone of Jordan (for obvious reasons)
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band (simply put, an amazing ring)

1 Annihilus, 1 Pally Torch, 9 Grand Charms, (Lion Branded +1 Paladin Combat Charms) Resist all Small Charms for the rest (Shimmering Charms)

Your Merc:
Act 2 Defence, Nightmare Difficulty - Holy Freeze Aura

Etheral Reaper's Toll,
Perfect Etheral Bonehew, (2x Amn Runes, or Perfect Skulls socketed)
Infinity Runeword, ( for conviction aura)
Insight Runeword (for mana regen)

Arkaine's Valor,
Gladiator's Bane,
Stone Runeword,
Fortatude Runeword,
Chains of Honor Runeword

Andariel's Visage,
Blackhorn's Face,
Kira's Guardian,
Perfect Vampire Gaze (Um Rune Socketed)
Dream Runeword

Basically, use a act 2 merc Holy Freeze with prefered:
Fort, Gaze, and Insight, reason being, with a good merc you can have Holy Freeze, Meditation. While you have Prayer and Holy Bolt, or FOH, and Conviction.

Holy Shield - 20
Fist of Heaven - 20 (your main attack)
Holy Bolt - 20 (secondary attack till FOH)
Holy Shock - 20
Prayer - 6 (your main aura. This is more than enough to keep players alive)
Might - 1
Holy Fire -1
Thorns -1
Holy Freeze - 1
Sanctuary - 1
Conviction - 1 (your secondary aura. With + skills this is more then enough to help)
Charge - 1
Smite -1
Blessed Hammer - 1
1 into each of the rest of the Defensive Skills. 104 total

This is the original thread...

Hope this helps a bit.


May 18, 2005
Reaction score
WOW very helpful - you gave me some things to consider. However, your build seems to be kind of Merc dependant, which I want to stay free from. Although most of my mercs are tougher than my chrs, they are also fearless (except for maybe the A1 merc because she seems to run away but only really to move into firing position) and are always the first to die. There goes half my power, and Im always too low on gold to resurrect them until I go solo-ing for a while. I think the best advantage of a merc is distracting half the attention from yourself so you dont get surrounded. If I die, I want to just pop back thru the tp and lend instant life and mana support so I can retrieve my body. I am lvl 76 now, and this has been working well.

I am still using/used the same skill pt spending I listed above, and this is what I am wearing for equipment now:

Eth Gaurdian Angel (Zoded) def 1232
Headstriker (142% deadly strike) weap switched w/ The Atlantean (+2 pal skills)
Seraphs Hymn +2/+2 com
Sandstorm Trek
Natures Peace Ring (Mosters rest in peace - big advantage if I get caught alone)
+2 circlet

Just need to bust out and get some SOJ/BK, arachnids, and Heaven's Light. Am considering going the extra mile for Tyraels Might - I know its not the best armor and is over-priced, but the biggest kick I get out of this chr is not analyzing his stats, but more the theme of him, and wearing that armor would be great. At some point I may consider Gris armor, for the +2 def skills, better than G.A., but lower def. I have been thinking about Enigma..... would the tele really help this chr? I have Hellrack, and thought about rangering him at first, but I think that xbow is best left to my Vengeance Pal for the bonus elemental dmg, and can better +skills with melee equipment, which is the real power behind this chr, in my opinion. I have never heard of Lion branded Charm, so I will definatly keep an eye out for that. I am debating replacing the circlet with Dream helm.
Question: Why do you recommend Exile over HoZ?

One skill I did not care to get at first but am now totally suprised by: Conversion. Since this chr is not a front-line fighter, and getting face-to-face with creatures can be dangerous, being able to whack a couple and turn them to your side allows me to get away and is invaluable. I now use this all the time in a pinch.

About your recommendation for Energy stat, I have put in 100 to it - it allows me to FoH, H Bolt, and anything else from a distance continuously, combined with all the mana regen I am giving myself. Sometimes in a long battle my mana drops to half while getting (currently) +1100%, so I am glad I did this. I am keeping Str and Dex to between 125-150 and will Vit the rest.

Thanks for your input and the link too!


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Willund said:
WOW very helpful - you gave me some things to consider. However, your build seems to be kind of Merc dependant, which I want to stay free from. Although most of my mercs are tougher than my chrs, they are also fearless (except for maybe the A1 merc because she seems to run away but only really to move into firing position) and are always the first to die. There goes half my power, and Im always too low on gold to resurrect them until I go solo-ing for a while. I think the best advantage of a merc is distracting half the attention from yourself so you dont get surrounded. If I die, I want to just pop back thru the tp and lend instant life and mana support so I can retrieve my body. I am lvl 76 now, and this has been working well.
Yes my build is merc dependent, but with the suggested gear, (Fort, Gaze, Insight) a lvl 76 act 2 def Merc (Holy Freeze) should have easily 3k damage with 5-6k defence. With merc using Meditation, and Holy Freeze Auras, while the Pally uses Prayer, Holy Bolt, or Conviction, Fist of Heavens. You will have more then enough mana coming in to cast your spells while still healing, or attacking. The key is to have the merc at the same lvl as your Pally. To achieve this, simply repay to buy a higher lvl same aura merc, or cow. Cowing is a easy way to lvl a merc gaining 1-3 per run in a solo game.

Under lvl 25 lvl merc as would your character to get to 25
30-50 norm cows.
50-75 nightmare cows
75(or when able to stay alive)-till same lvl Hell cows

Willund said:
Just need to bust out and get some SOJ/BK, arachnids, and Heaven's Light. Am considering going the extra mile for Tyraels Might - I know its not the best armor and is over-priced, but the biggest kick I get out of this chr is not analyzing his stats, but more the theme of him, and wearing that armor would be great. At some point I may consider Gris armor, for the +2 def skills, better than G.A., but lower def. I have been thinking about Enigma..... would the tele really help this chr? I have Hellrack, and thought about rangering him at first, but I think that xbow is best left to my Vengeance Pal for the bonus elemental dmg, and can better +skills with melee equipment, which is the real power behind this chr, in my opinion. I have never heard of Lion branded Charm, so I will definatly keep an eye out for that. I am debating replacing the circlet with Dream helm.
Question: Why do you recommend Exile over HoZ?
Don't bother with Tyraels Might. Too expensive and is better suited for meleeers like WW Barbs Or Zealers. Gardians, and Gris IMO are basically for mid lvl characters, they serve their purpose well till you can wear runeword endgear armor.

As for Enigma vs Chains of Honor vs Fortitude. Depends on how you play. If you find yourself surrounded and taking alot of melee hits try for Chains (+2 skills, and def) or if you like to cause damage go with Fort (chilling armor when struck) but if you find your merc dying or your cornered, and running away go with Enigma for the Teleport.

With your Vengence Pally you would do more damage with Bstar, or BotD Zerker if you can afford it.

Exile is the best Def pally shield out their PERIOD! Otherwise go with HoZ. Stormshield is good if you need the resists and want to do a little melee, otherwise go with Spirit runeword for the +2 skills for the secondary shield.

Willund said:
One skill I did not care to get at first but am now totally suprised by: Conversion. Since this chr is not a front-line fighter, and getting face-to-face with creatures can be dangerous, being able to whack a couple and turn them to your side allows me to get away and is invaluable. I now use this all the time in a pinch.
Don't bother with it. Once conversion weres off if they are still alive they will attack you. Use Redemption to leech life/mana from the dead and get rid of them. If a "Meat Shield" is what you are looking for or something to absorb the damage of melee attacks try these:

MetalGrid Amulet - Insane Def. and Iron Golem from charges.
Marrowwalk Boots - Bone Prison from charges, to trap minions, while you can still attack them.
Beast Runeword - Added Def when in werebear form, or faster run/walk and attacks ... downside you cant cast when in were form.
Their is also a Bow Runeword (Forgot name sorry) that can cause revive on attack. A faster way to get a mini army.

Willund said:
About your recommendation for Energy stat, I have put in 100 to it - it allows me to FoH, H Bolt, and anything else from a distance continuously, combined with all the mana regen I am giving myself. Sometimes in a long battle my mana drops to half while getting (currently) +1100%, so I am glad I did this. I am keeping Str and Dex to between 125-150 and will Vit the rest.
Use a medics casting skills like you would if it had a cooldown effect. Wait for 3-4 seconds before casting another just to regenerate some mana. In a pinch use meditation, this when added with mercs Insight will refill your mana full within 1-2 seconds (no joke) or simply use redemption again to leech from the dead.

Basically a medic pally is a helper only, leave the tanking to others in party, and "Meat Shield" with your merc. If done properly you can solo the Baal run in hell, if you are same lvl as the merc, have the suggested gear on, heal the merc and leech from him. With Merc using Gaze it can life leech per hit, Fort will freeze almost anything in it's way, it will also slow it down again with Holy Freeze, and if Poison die Faceted Gaze will take some nice Psn damage per second. All you gotta do is stay clear of damage, and make sure he can stay alive. It's actually easier then it sounds.

Willund said:
Thanks for your input and the link too!
No problem hope this helped somewhat.


May 18, 2005
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The idea being that this chr is to stay back in the support row and lend assistance through range-spells and auras, I will have to stay with HoZ, for the additional +2 def auras it gives. This is a Def Pal build after all. I understand that Exile would be the best overall shield, but in my opinion more suited for smiters and front-line melee fighters, with the +2 Off it gives.

Do you really think my Eth G.A. @ 1232 def is "mid" gear? I agree that Gris def lvl is mid, but once again this is not a melee chr, so the +2 to skills that it gives would be very helpful to auras and FoHing. Skills wise, it would be second only to Enigma, for those who coudnt afford Enigma.

The prob with redemption is the idea that I can kill them in the first place - the conversion helps because I CANT before they kill me, so it allows me to run and let my party do it.

I may have to break down and do some of the "army" and "meat shield" stuff you suggested. I simply dont need that in a large party, but I have been trying to go back and finish up some of my quests solo, so that would really help. The problem I keep having with these suggestions is the theme aspect - remember, I said the funnest thing for me in playing this chr is the way I like to imagine him. Sort of a "gaurdian angel-type of holy figure that descends from above on wings of shimmering samite, shining armor and holy sword in hand, to inspire and invigorate those whos faith is lost, lending the powers of rejuvenating health and inner spirit, and empower the weak to banish the evil and unjust". Now, can you imagine that in your mind? Can you now imagine that holy figure from above "suddenly morphing into a wild ravenous wear-bear and dismembering everything with massive claws"? Dorky. I have 3 accts and 19 chrs to simply concentrate on stats and always looking for the best kill, but my idea with this chr is to go with something off the beated path, something different, not cookie-cutter. the suggestions you make are VERY VERY GOOD ONES, but more for the reader who is looking to get the most survivability and overall strength/kill power from their character. Doesnt mean I dont appreciate, I like some of your other equip suggestions, so thanks again! :-D


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Willund said:
The idea being that this chr is to stay back in the support row and lend assistance through range-spells and auras, I will have to stay with HoZ, for the additional +2 def auras it gives. This is a Def Pal build after all. I understand that Exile would be the best overall shield, but in my opinion more suited for smiters and front-line melee fighters, with the +2 Off it gives.
Hoz is a great shield, only secondary for Exile. The +2 is great, but with the Exile you also get massive defence added, which as you know, medics are not the best at killing, so when faced with overwhelming odds (which will happen from time to time) the defence is a great addition.

Willund said:
Do you really think my Eth G.A. @ 1232 def is "mid" gear? I agree that Gris def lvl is mid, but once again this is not a melee chr, so the +2 to skills that it gives would be very helpful to auras and FoHing. Skills wise, it would be second only to Enigma, for those who coudnt afford Enigma.
Your Eth Angel is indeed good, but, I do IMHO still consider it a mid level armor when compared to Chains of Honor, Enigma, or even Fortitude. Reason being, Chains will most likely have the same def, if not more, while still having the +2 to skills. Fort, is great if the Chilling Armor can freeze the attackers, otherwise put it on your merc. Nigma I would use only if you find yourself cornered often and need a tele to get out of the hotzone.

Willund said:
The prob with redemption is the idea that I can kill them in the first place - the conversion helps because I CANT before they kill me, so it allows me to run and let my party do it.
Medics are really not meant to kill, that is their drawback, and that is where a merc comes in he could kill easily and stay alive if you have the proper gear on and occasionally help him with regenerating life. The real drawback with Conversion, is that when the skill disappears on them, the aura you have equipped will stay for a few seconds. If you have .... Prayer .... for example, they will be fully regenerated with life. Also depending on how many you have turned to your side, you might make things harder for yourself, by now having all these minions that were on your side crowded around you with your aura.

Willund said:
I may have to break down and do some of the "army" and "meat shield" stuff you suggested. I simply dont need that in a large party, but I have been trying to go back and finish up some of my quests solo, so that would really help. The problem I keep having with these suggestions is the theme aspect - remember, I said the funnest thing for me in playing this chr is the way I like to imagine him. Sort of a "gaurdian angel-type of holy figure that descends from above on wings of shimmering samite, shining armor and holy sword in hand, to inspire and invigorate those whos faith is lost, lending the powers of rejuvenating health and inner spirit, and empower the weak to banish the evil and unjust". Now, can you imagine that in your mind? Can you now imagine that holy figure from above "suddenly morphing into a wild ravenous wear-bear and dismembering everything with massive claws"? Dorky. I have 3 accts and 19 chrs to simply concentrate on stats and always looking for the best kill, but my idea with this chr is to go with something off the beated path, something different, not cookie-cutter. the suggestions you make are VERY VERY GOOD ONES, but more for the reader who is looking to get the most survivability and overall strength/kill power from their character. Doesnt mean I dont appreciate, I like some of your other equip suggestions, so thanks again! :-D
I now beieve I understand where you are coming from my appologies. I was just giving you ideas on what worked for my medic, and options for what could also work for someone else. When I played with mine, he never fought, unless they were undead, or lighting damagable. I had my merc do all the killing, and yes, he survived rather well. If you want to keep with your theme, just realise their could possibily be better options for it still. Try this then:
Heavens Light (2x P Skull) Call to Arms (on switch)
Dream Helm or Gaze (for leech)
Hoz (spirit shield on switch)
Gardian Angel or Eth Upped Shaftstop
Gore Riders or Marrowwalks (for bone prison)
Drac Gloves (for lifetap) Magefist (for mana) Hellmouth (for FUBARing)
bul/soj ring
metalgrid (meatshield) Maras (+2 skills and resist) Highlords (FUBARing)
Arachnids (+skill) Sring of Ears (leech)

if you use (umed) Gaze, (eth, zod) Shaftstop, Gore Riders, Heavens Light (CTA on switch) HoZ (spirit on switch) Dracs, bul/soj, metalgrid you should stay alive and be able to do some damage still. Not sure if that fits your theme though?

Gaze, Dream, (eth) Giant Skull, Shako, Crown of thevies helms

Stone, Fortitude, Chains of Honor, Shaftstop, (Upped) Gardian Angel Armor

Insight, (mana) Breath of the Dying, (FUBARing) Etheral Reaper's Toll,
Perfect Etheral Bonehew, (2x Amn Runes, or Perfect Skulls socketed)
Infinity Runeword, ( for conviction aura) weapons

Anyways enjoy post back with what your final gear is then.


May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hey no apologies, especially when your trying and being so helpful. I realize that my chr will not be the best all-around, and thats ok.

I recently scored Arachnid's and Heavens Light, and Im now lvl 85. My Def skill lvl total for Meditation and Prayer is 41, trying to obtain 45 so I get +1400% mana and +92/2 sec life. Thats my main goal. I was giving out +71/2 sec life last night b-running and ppl were WOWing....hehe.

Im still gonna try for tyraels - so I can feed my ego with more WOWS and OOOOOHS lol.

When I first looked up Exile I was just paying attention to what skill bonuses it gave, but then I took and second look and spotted one on ebay with (HOLY CRAP) 1075 DEF!!! I didnt realize it got that high! I have gotten really attached to my Headstriker sword, so I will pick up an Exile to use with that, and w-switch it with Heavens Light and HoZ.

So I am still wearing my Eth G.A., Seraph's, 5 Def GC's, Torch, Sandstorm (but wanna find something different), +2 circ, crappy gloves (cant remember what they are), and I also found a +2 pally skills tele ammy (25 charges)! I still need 2x soj (although I am wearing Nature's Peaace right now and dont know if I can give it up), 3 more Def GC's, and Anni. If I get Tyraels, that will replace some of the Nature's Peace effects. There is some runeword that gives you high lvl defiance aura, cant remember what it is, that would be nice.

I did not realize that my converted monsters were getting my Meditation effects and when they come back to beat on me they are all healed up!!! Have to think twice about that one....

So what merc do you recommend then? From what it sounds A2? I am saving a 4 socket lance to make into something any recommendations?



Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Willund said:
Hey no apologies, especially when your trying and being so helpful. I realize that my chr will not be the best all-around, and thats ok.
The best part about building your own characters, is that if the gear you have is not to your liking, you can always switch it.

Willund said:
I recently scored Arachnid's and Heavens Light, and Im now lvl 85. My Def skill lvl total for Meditation and Prayer is 41, trying to obtain 45 so I get +1400% mana and +92/2 sec life. Thats my main goal. I was giving out +71/2 sec life last night b-running and ppl were WOWing....hehe.
Congrats on the new gear. Out of curiosity, do you trade and MF for gear, or do you buy it online?

Is the Heavens Light a 2 os or 1? I would suggest to put in 2x P Skulls,9If you want to leech mana/life) or a 5/5 poison, and cold die facet.(for damage) With both poison, and cold you can poison while they are slowed.
Another option is to put a lightning lvl, and a die facet for the added lightning damage for the FoH, and - to enemy lightning resist too.

Willund said:
Im still gonna try for tyraels - so I can feed my ego with more WOWS and OOOOOHS lol.
That is a bit insane, but if you can afford it wtf why not. I have heard it goes for upwards of $100.00 on sites, since it is extremely rare. Good luck with that.

Willund said:
When I first looked up Exile I was just paying attention to what skill bonuses it gave, but then I took and second look and spotted one on ebay with (HOLY CRAP) 1075 DEF!!! I didnt realize it got that high! I have gotten really attached to my Headstriker sword, so I will pick up an Exile to use with that, and w-switch it with Heavens Light and HoZ.
Headstriker is ok, but their are way better weapons to fit your "theme" pally. Grief runeword for example would add insane speed for attacks, Breath of the Dying Zerker axe would take care of not being able to kill ..... it would deffinitlly kill for you. ect.

My advice go with Heavens Light (socket with your desired items) Exile shield, or HoZ. on switch go with Call to Arms Runeword for the B.O. and B.C. with a Spirit Runeword in a Monarch shield for the extra +2 to skills.

Willund said:
So I am still wearing my Eth G.A., Seraph's, 5 Def GC's, Torch, Sandstorm (but wanna find something different), +2 circ, crappy gloves (cant remember what they are), and I also found a +2 pally skills tele ammy (25 charges)! I still need 2x soj (although I am wearing Nature's Peaace right now and dont know if I can give it up), 3 more Def GC's, and Anni. If I get Tyraels, that will replace some of the Nature's Peace effects. There is some runeword that gives you high lvl defiance aura, cant remember what it is, that would be nice.
The amulet is a nice find, but it will not get + skill bonuses since it is only a charged item. This means you will be waisting the charges just to tele around the rooms. It's also expensive to repare it.

Your +2 circlet is nice, if you use the socket quest on it you could get some good amount of sockets in their. Otherwise go with a dream Runeword helm, it will add to your lightning damage with it's aura.

Try for 1x SoJ and 1x BK Rings. The reason behind this is you will get the extra Mana from SoJ, and the def and life leech from BK.

If I'm correct the Exile Runeword has the Defience Aura, which is another great bonus of Exile. :mean

Willund said:
I did not realize that my converted monsters were getting my Meditation effects and when they come back to beat on me they are all healed up!!! Have to think twice about that one....
Whatever you do DON'T USE MIGHT AURA WITH THEM!!!!! Meditation is the mana, which minions dont have are you talking about Prayer Aura that heals life?

Check out Arriets Summit website, it has a listing of all the skills what it does ect, while your their, check out under items the Runewords to see exactly what everything does for the items I have mentioned.

I would suggest to read up on the mods for the following:
Chains of Honor
Breath of the Dying
maybe even Pheniox

Non Runewords:
Reapers Toll
Unique Jewels (for the Facets)

Willund said:
So what merc do you recommend then? From what it sounds A2? I am saving a 4 socket lance to make into something any recommendations?
IMHO, I would go with a Act 2 Def Merc From Nightmare difficulty, for the Holy Freeze aura. Maybe even a Normal/Hell combat(Not sure if thats right) for a prayer merc. Technically you can have with Eth Insight Runeword, eth Fortitude Runeword, and Eth Gaze, a merc that can regenerate both mana and life for you and the party (including hireables and summoned) while you attack with FoH and conviction Aura and it tanks.

Insight is very cheap to make and is amazingly usefull for anyone partied with you and him. Ral, Tir, Tal, Sol. (I have made so many its memorized ... I'm such a nerd:D ) The only drawback is it's ladder only runeword, it is costly to trade for this item on NL. The highest lvl of meditation aura on insight is 17, but that will free you up from constantly changing auras to actually attack for once, and, if you need to you can always use your own as added regeneration of mana with the mercs.

If you are Non Ladder, go with any of the following: (Best to Least)
Breath of the Dying
Reapers Toll

Willund said:
No Problem anytime.


May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hey there,

I try to MF alot but really dont come up with much. My MF percent is around 700 I think. I buy online alot I guess. Too much probably.

2 or 1 "os"? Are you asking about socs or + skills? it is +3 skills/2 open socs. I am thinking 2 pamythyst for +300 attack or 2 pdiamond for undead dmg, a ohm for +50% dmg, a sur for 'hit blinds target'(my hit and run tactic), or a jah for sure for 'ignore target def'. Why should I put in pskulls for mana and life steal/regen when I am already getting so much from Meditation (I leave it on almost all the time)?

About Tyraels, I see really cheap ones ($12) that they admit upfront are umperm. Dont wanna deal with that. gaurantees theirs to be perm, and sell for $59.99, havent seen $100 anywhere. After I socket it with a pul, it will have 1700-1900 def. I know I could blow $60 somewhere else and not even know where it went...

About Headstriker, @ 129% deadly strike, I am doing double dmg on every hit, and havent socketed it yet that would give more, but I really do want something else, so I will check out coh, thx for the suggestion.

What do you mean I cant get the +2 skills from the ammy - I do, it is one of the separate powers it has besides the tele charges. Your right though, I am down to 9 charges and it costs 50k to recharge it - too expensive.

The +2 circ was already soc'd with a shael, but thinking about re-socing with something else.

So about the auras, you talk like they will still have the auras from me after they turn against me and come back after me - dont they lose it when the conversion wears off? Yes - I am healing them up with the Prayer/Meditation synergy.

Sorry I cant use your qoutes in my responses, I cant seem to figure it


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Willund said:
Hey there,

I try to MF alot but really dont come up with much. My MF percent is around 700 I think. I buy online alot I guess. Too much probably.
Since you buy online (shame shame) I can garentee you don't magic find alot. By alot I mean 1/4 - 1/2 of the time you are online. Also clerics are not meant to magic find their are too many drawbacks with that character to do so. IMO a hammerdin would be good to magic find since it is all magical damage, and few are immune to magical damage. 700mf on a mf character would do decent with enough mf runs.

Never answered if your ladder or non ladder?

Willund said:
2 or 1 "os"? Are you asking about socs or + skills? it is +3 skills/2 open socs. I am thinking 2 pamythyst for +300 attack or 2 pdiamond for undead dmg, a ohm for +50% dmg, a sur for 'hit blinds target'(my hit and run tactic), or a jah for sure for 'ignore target def'. Why should I put in pskulls for mana and life steal/regen when I am already getting so much from Meditation (I leave it on almost all the time)?
"OS" is open sockets, I was wondering how many sockets it came with.

the 2 p Amythest is a decent idea, but the 2 p Diamonds is not. Reason behind this is you could simply use the sanctuary skill to keep undead from getting any closer you with its knockback, and damage. Not to mention it would only work on undead, na d not on any other sort of minion. What you need is something that will damage everyone or at least most.

Don't bother with a Ohm since you only do +50%, and Jah for ignore target def, IMO it's to costly.

Sur IMO is a waist of time it doesn't add any damage, which means they will still be their after you run away. If you run back and are followed your ass is dead because you now have more to worry about because you will be followed and ect.

Reason I say 2 p Skulls, is because you are going to take damage ..... it's a given. Since you are having trouble killing, that would keep you alive that much longer. The more the merrier. Also with the merc as a tanker and him with the meditation aura you can use a aura that will increase your attacking power and damage.

No offence, but, go get the gear for the act 2 nighmare merc, and equip it then go do some normal cow runs you will see just how good a merc can kill while you sit back heal him and get more then enough gold to resurect him if he dies. (Ahhhhhh shut up and just try it you will like it.)

Willund said:
About Tyraels, I see really cheap ones ($12) that they admit upfront are umperm. Dont wanna deal with that. gaurantees theirs to be perm, and sell for $59.99, havent seen $100 anywhere. After I socket it with a pul, it will have 1700-1900 def. I know I could blow $60 somewhere else and not even know where it went...
I'm a bit confused as to why you would go with lesser gear to fit a "theme" when you can get better, no one really looks at a character and says wow awsome theme, you got all black gear on or whatever. It's only about what can you do to help them out more.

Willund said:
About Headstriker, @ 129% deadly strike, I am doing double dmg on every hit, and havent socketed it yet that would give more, but I really do want something else, so I will check out coh, thx for the suggestion.
Doulbe damage does not mean much unless you are already doing heavy damage to begin with. Example Double damage of 1 is 2 double damage of 500 is 1000 ect. IMO your base minimum damage is what is important because that is what you will AT LEAST be doing in damage every time. what you need is better minimum base damage and since you "buy online items" (shame on you) you can bet alot better items.

Try this out:

Baranar's Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159 (144 Avg)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 153
Required Dexterity: 44
Durability: 172
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength

Socket this with a Sheal rune and your golden.

Willund said:
What do you mean I cant get the +2 skills from the ammy - I do, it is one of the separate powers it has besides the tele charges. Your right though, I am down to 9 charges and it costs 50k to recharge it - too expensive.
What I mean is you can't get all of your + skills from all of your gear. At least I don't believe so ...... I could be wrong though.

Willund said:
The +2 circ was already soc'd with a shael, but thinking about re-socing with something else.
I would definitlly do so.

Willund said:
So about the auras, you talk like they will still have the auras from me after they turn against me and come back after me - dont they lose it when the conversion wears off? Yes - I am healing them up with the Prayer/Meditation synergy.
after the conversion wears off their is a bit of time that the aura is still active on them. I think after 30 seconds it disappears, but 30 seconds is dangerous if you are surrounded and/or have a powerful aura on.

Willund said:
Sorry I cant use your qoutes in my responses, I cant seem to figure it
takes a bit of editing but copy the beginning tag of
Willund and end it with the end tag of [QUOTE=Willund which is at the bottom of each area you want to quote. To make things a bit easier for you check out: Uniuqe Items (look at your headstriker then find Lightsaber said:[/url]
Runewords (look up fortitude, insight, exile, dream
Paladin skills (to see what each skill does)


My idea.

20 prayer,
20 holy bolt,
20 cleansing (No, I am not insane)
*0* meditation (Not insane)

Gear (Make it happen, cptn!):
Helm - +3 defensive helm,
armour - enigma, or the 1.11 pally armour in a pinch (+2 skills),
Seraph's Hymn ammy - +2 defensive, +2 all
Belt - arach,
Rings - 2 sojs (For the mana and skills)
gloves - magefist (For the cast rate [holy bolt])
weapon - low strength requirement, high aura insight (Preferably 17).
Pally torch and annihilus, of course. I would also advise lots of defensive gcs.
Active aura: Cleansing


Aura's granted by items when equipped gain synargies bonuses from skills you have. IE: Meditation (On your insight) gains a bonus from your prayer. But, wait! Your cleansing also gains the same thing! Let's compare the healing per two seconds:

Assuming 6 +defensive aura GCs they compare as follows:
Standard medic: 95 / 2 seconds
My build: 166 / 2 seconds (or 83 every second!)

Not bad? I think so.

Note: The cleansing will give 87% shorter curse and poison duration, effectively cutting down the time you spend poisoned, and thus your damage.

Note: If you use 9 gcs it compares like THIS.
Standard - 107 / 2 seconds
Mine - 184 / 2 seconds (+94 per second!)

Mine comes off with a lot more healing from the auras, and more bonuses. (Poison and curse solution and mana [I find that level 16/17 meditation gives LOADS])

=Everything below this line has been edited in=
Your merc & you:

Obviously you'll want a merc to go with this fancy set-up.
Merc type: Act2 prayer
Weapon: Pride (concentration aura)
Armour: Bramble (Thorns aura)
Helmet: Up to you, but I would go with CoA

This'll give thorns (which hurt monsters when they hit your party members), adds % damage to melee chars, and when hurt? Your party simply reheals.

Hope this helps,


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Big-Fat-Homo said:
My idea.

20 prayer,
20 holy bolt,
20 cleansing (No, I am not insane)
*0* meditation (Not insane)

Gear (Make it happen, cptn!):
Helm - +3 defensive helm,
armour - enigma, or the 1.11 pally armour in a pinch (+2 skills),
Seraph's Hymn ammy - +2 defensive, +2 all
Belt - arach,
Rings - 2 sojs (For the mana and skills)
gloves - magefist (For the cast rate [holy bolt])
weapon - low strength requirement, high aura insight (Preferably 17).
Pally torch and annihilus, of course. I would also advise lots of defensive gcs.
Active aura: Cleansing


Aura's granted by items when equipped gain synargies bonuses from skills you have. IE: Meditation (On your insight) gains a bonus from your prayer. But, wait! Your cleansing also gains the same thing! Let's compare the healing per two seconds:

Assuming 6 +defensive aura GCs they compare as follows:
Standard medic: 95 / 2 seconds
My build: 166 / 2 seconds (or 83 every second!)

Not bad? I think so.

Note: The cleansing will give 87% shorter curse and poison duration, effectively cutting down the time you spend poisoned, and thus your damage.

Note: If you use 9 gcs it compares like THIS.
Standard - 107 / 2 seconds
Mine - 184 / 2 seconds (+94 per second!)

Mine comes off with a lot more healing from the auras, and more bonuses. (Poison and curse solution and mana [I find that level 16/17 meditation gives LOADS])

=Everything below this line has been edited in=
Your merc & you:

Obviously you'll want a merc to go with this fancy set-up.
Merc type: Act2 prayer
Weapon: Pride (concentration aura)
Armour: Bramble (Thorns aura)
Helmet: Up to you, but I would go with CoA

This'll give thorns (which hurt monsters when they hit your party members), adds % damage to melee chars, and when hurt? Your party simply reheals.

Hope this helps,
Interesting, never even thought about Pride for a weapon. Nice, very nice. Only problem is thats 5 auras at one time. Of course if you are doing runs with other palidins some auras of yours/theirs will be inactive. My personal oppinion I would go with Fortitude or Chains as my merc armor, I don't see Thorns Aura doing much damage if any in the Hell difficulty. Also I have a love for Gaze (ugly as sin though) as a merc helm just because of the leech. Fighting alone though you have all the base auras, minus Fan covered. Kudos to you.

You forgot boots. Do you suggest treks or gores, or for something else all together?


In hell thorns does 1050% (correct me if I'm wrong) damage returned; which increases as your enemies' does.

Boots matter very little for this. I put no thought into defense (You are NOT supposed to be attacked). For lack of a better suggestion; go with treks.

Also, your weapon is insight not pride if that's what you meant.

The comparisons where there to prove that my build eventually heals people faster than the classic one, with enough +defensive skills. If you get ten (That's max) I believe it'll heal considerably faster.

Gaze would, in retrospect, make for a better merc helm.

Edit: I mean level 21 (perfect thorns aura on bramble) thorns.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Big-Fat-Homo said:
In hell thorns does 1050% (correct me if I'm wrong) damage returned; which increases as your enemies' does.

Boots matter very little for this. I put no thought into defense (You are NOT supposed to be attacked). For lack of a better suggestion; go with treks.

Also, your weapon is insight not pride if that's what you meant.

The comparisons where there to prove that my build eventually heals people faster than the classic one, with enough +defensive skills. If you get ten (That's max) I believe it'll heal considerably faster.

Gaze would, in retrospect, make for a better merc helm.

Edit: I mean level 21 (perfect thorns aura on bramble) thorns.
Yes I know that thorns is to do % of damage returned to the attacker, but for some reason, it does not seem like it does so in hell. Maybe it's just me.

As for Pride weapon I was refering to your choice of Pride as a merc weapon for the Concentration Aura.

The problem with this build and mine as well, is that Willund is not going with "best gear" he is looking for something that he can actually engage in melee combat with, and also for something that fits his "theme". Not sure why though, since this type of build would have no advantage in battling. No offence Willund. Also he doesn't beleive in using a merc because he does not have the funds to constantly revive him. Which is a big no no IMO. I am desperatly trying to convince him that with the right gear a merc will probably live until his own character dies.


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