the newest maphack (4.7) has some buggs i it for 1 it thinks my valkyrie is an enemy so guided arrow targets it. the other when you put cursor on valk and hit 0 you view some wierd inv of her
thats quite amuseing..there is maybe some one out there who could utilive the use of Mh inventory vies to steal itams and im sure its not Stgetee who can
Well, it theoretically possible... I know quite a few people who're working on the unique packets that are recieved from bnet to actually take shit from people...
notice this thread came from stegee, the biggest gay ever walking the earth, every one of his posts (deathmate as well, beware...) has been lie/scam/gayness.
also, lancer, sig pics disabled, due to too many new people and too many people using too big of pics **cough savage cough** with that like 2 pager..
and, lancer theres an EDIT button, we do not like double posts (in your case, quadraposting)
l33t_0n3 less the abuse. and so what if stegee lied? Like you aint ever lied.... Well if you think you aint how about this then You said in on of you posts You can dupe / make ith / have 6 accouns Per Realm.. i dont think so. When i was trading Europe items for West items your character had noob items. And you said " I hope its good on euorpe " In other words you have never played on euope.
This thread is starting to Go off-topic. And Stegee No this Has Not happend to Any one else . Nor did it happen to you.
I was starting to wonder if you quit the forums 1337. Oneyedman, i have OVER 6 accounts on every realm, all of them suck except on west but i still have them.
ONEMORETHING! Stegee says his inventory was full when he took their stuff. If it was full, then his stuff must have gotten deleted when he put her equipment there. And if his stuff had gotten deleted then theres no way he woulda given it back.
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