Map idea


Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
over the next few weeks(1 if i work hard on it) i will be working on a new wc3 map with a different style.

_+Kill Spree+_



Computer)pit units(

I. Intro
A. Explaination of game
B. Move camera to character select
II. Character Select
A. Agility heros
1. custom abilities
2. All agi heros can do a special skill(for their element)
B. Strength heros
1. custom ablilities
2. All str heros can do a special skill(for their element)
C. Intellegence heros
1. custom spells
2. All Int heros can do a special spell(for their element)
3. Also note, Ultimates are DEVASTATING
D. Hero choice is done by wisp
1. You may not repick
E. Character sent to a platform
1. All players start at diffrent locations
2. Every round revive at diff locations
III. Combat
A. Round 1, 100
1. Heros face off against eachother
2. Living hero is killed
3. Add x points for the winning hero, x-1 for the 2nd place x-2 for 3rd, and so-on.
4. Revive ALL heros in hero revive area. Wait 20 seconds(add to countdown clock)
5. End round 1, start round 3.
B. Round 2-99 Display string XXX_XXXX_XXXX
1. Revive heros at their respected platforms(count pick then)
2. Pause all units, countdown string 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 START
3. Spawn 200 units at each platform for )pit units(
4. Unpause units
5. Rank when a hero dies
6. last dieing hero gains extra points and exp.
7. heros are unable to go pass the round level they
are at. so round 2 you can only be level 2. round 3 level 3, etc.
IV. End of game
Condition A. All players quit
1. End game
Condition B. Round 100 ends
1. Rank players according to score

V. Side notes
A. There is a place where players can pay cash(or points maybe) to buy items
1. Between rounds. Cannot buy tomb of exp but everything else goes.
B. There is a place where players can sacrafice a few points and
Gold to instantly kill another hero. This hero cannot participate in the round
and he will gain rank according to when he died.(GOOD STRATEGIES)
C. To Be Debated: Team play
D. Int class heros
1. Each chracter is an element. only int heros can cast spells from these
elements. So an ice hero can only cast ice storm, flame-fire blast, etc.
E. Str class heros
1. All str heros have cleaving attack ability
F. Agi Class heros
1. Agi class heros have speed, that is their suite.

Gameplay notes...

Players begin a game as a weak lvl 1 hero, each hero class has his or her own specialty.
Anyways, each round after the 1st and last offers hero vs hero game style. In between
1st and last round, players fight against 200 spawned units in their square. For every unit
they kill, they obtain a small ammount of gold. BUT, these units respawn at a nearby gate
and continue the assault until your hero dies. Then you wait for other heros to die.
Once the round is over players are ranked as to how long they stayed alive. First place
recieves X points + gold. 2nd place receives x-1 + reduced gold. 3rd player receives x-2
and Low gold. 4th player receives x-3 points + no Gold. after 4th players obtain x-5 and
x-6 points. early rounds will have 6 points later rounds will have 100. In between rounds
you may buy items to aid your hero in combat. you have 20 seconds to do so. then the next
round starts. DURRING A ROUND, you may use a wisp to enter a colored circle of power.
this will instantly kill the player durring a match. But this comes at a cost of
x gold and x points. But later in the game it may just be worth it. Sadly, early in the game
you likely wont have enough gold.

End notes.

exerpt from tbs's map ideas

as you can tell, i put a lot of info in there so when i do start i have a lot to go buy. As of now, its in the planning stage, so i would apprecieate any suggestions or comments.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds like much more organised Hero Arena. Good luck.

-Frank :cool:


Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
a ffa hero arena....maybe a survival arena...but the way im thinking it should be most excelent


BattleForums Addict
Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Heh, the hardest part in mapping is making up the plans for a map, which you already did... I should do that first but I can never come up with definitive plans... heh...

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