best thing to do, if your looking for a multi aura pally, and merc, use the auras that will do damage and defence.
Case in point:
Holy Freeze
These auras are really good for most situations. Who cares if you have all these auras active at once, most of the time in hell, you only need one or two if your a good zealot.
Add to that with zeal, and holy shield, you shouldn't have any major problems at all, if you have a decent weapon, and some good elemental damage.
For gear try for:
Doom Zerker weapon (Cta on switch)
Shako (Um or die facet)
Gardian Angel, or Shaft (Upped)
Dracul's Grip (Lifetap Very handy)
Storm Shield (Umed) Hoz on switch
Ears, T-gods
Gore Riders
Merc gear: (Defience Merc)
Shaft, Stone
Bonehew, (Die facets) BotD Both Eth of corse
Perfect Gaze (Umed)
A bit expensive, but overall unstoppable. Anything thats lacking just get charms. As always + to skills is great, as well as IAS, elemental damage and defence. Im not ripping your idea apart, just stating that most of that is not needed. Learn to take some critism.