Premium Member
Alright here he is. For single and everything. Please note All Items He Has Are Perfect.
EDIT: It wont let me attack the character
EDIT: It wont let me attack the character
I'm not a guide person. Guru wrote up a splendid guide. Use his. People just wanted to see how this build would I made it... only the file wont attach...because the attachments dont support .d2s and I cant figure how to attack them.Originally posted by VizjereiMage
Make a guide, not a zonfire poopie thing..I can't sticky a file..haha..
Originally posted by Khull
I'm not a guide person. Guru wrote up a splendid guide. Use his. People just wanted to see how this build would I made it... only the file wont attach...because the attachments dont support .d2s and I cant figure how to attack them.
Valid file extensions: gif jpg png jpeg txt w3g w3m zip rep scm scx w3x bmp pcx ace rar