woOt thx drakken you rox UM what do you know about "Ghost lobby" hack? i know you prolly have it its a private hack fleet- had i believe and we thinik you have it also.
lets you ban peole like in game when your not host, lets You join games invisible lol nice hack. only few peopel got it it was one of fleets- never released hacks
Ya it's a pretty simple hack to fool your sc client to thinking it's the game host. The interesting thing is that when you kick/ban people they get "the game host has left" message. I've never heard of the "ghost lobby hack" though. I don't think it's possible to truely join a game invisible. You can however spoof your name as a space and it will apprear that you have no name. But you will be allocated a player slot and race.
There is also a funny little hack that indulgence and I came up with. It spoofs your download count. It's pretty funny to watch people freak out when my download gets to 99 then starts to count backwards.
well snipers will die now that darkken cant update hes maphack,Watch what im sayin i know i have played snipers fr years and there always some asshole with a maphack who thinks hes god Sigh only reson alot of the sniper want maphacks is to be equal to the newbie who hack!
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