Limited info on Luminous RPG!


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
I've desided to let you guys in on some things in my rpg map, Luminous RPG!

As of right now...

-Terrain = 40-50% (see image in my sig)
-Locations = 0%
-Triggers = 0%
-Unit Settings = 0%
-Story Line = 0% (all in my head and on paper right now)
-Briefing = 0%


-Akivasha (Medic with only Heal and Restore abilities)
--Akivasha is a summoner. She can summon warriors to aid her in combat. They are...
---Mini Warrior (Zergling with both upgrades) Mini Warriors are fast melee warriors that can be replaced if killed. She can control up to two at a time. Cost = 50 Mana
---Serpent Warrior (Hydralisk with upgrades) Serpents are larger ranged warriors that can be replaced if killed. She can control up to two at a time. Cost = 100 Mana
---Sunken Warrior (Lurkers) Sunken Warriors are massive beasts that live their days out underground. She can control six of these for a maximum of 30 seconds. Cost = 150 Mana
---Suicidal Warrior (Infested Terrain) Suicidals are very dangerous to all parties. Their damage is very high (1000), however their hit points are very low (10). So knowing when and where you use them is VITAL! She can only control one at a time. Cost = 200 Mana.

-Taligaro (Zealot with upgrades) (unit upgrade is Archon)
--Taligaro is a knight. Wanting vengence for the death of his father, he and his brother have dedicated their lives to finding their father's killer.

-Mandara (Infested Kerrigan with perm cloak and psi storm ability) (unit upgrade is Zeratul with a special ability)
--Mandara is a dark knight. Permanently cloaked and the strange ability to change sex from male to female (born male), he is called "The Assassin of the Realm" due to his unique abilities. His special ability is unlike anything in recorded history.

-Valka (Ghost with cloak and lockdown abilities, also all upgrades) (unit upgrade is Ghost)
--Due to Valka's ability to cloak and his long range attack, he is known as the Sniper. When upgraded to his master form, he has the ability to use Nuclear weapons. Cost = 100 Mana


--The Paradine are immortal beings with great power. The leader of the Paradine is Lord Tavion. In some areas Tavion will send forces to help the heros out. These forces do not need to be kept alive. Be warned, Tavion does not take kindly to backstabbing. If one of his forces are killed by a hero, allied status with Tavion will be turned from Ally to Enemy until another hero can talk with Tavion.


-Each hero starts off in a different town with a different boss they have to face. Once each hero has defeated their boss, they will be allowed passage to the Paradine town.
--Zakerof (Zack-er-off) Paradine Town
--Valusia Akivasha Town
--Acheron Taligaro Town
--Zalgara Mandara Town
--Commoria Valka Town


Each hero will face different enemies and a different boss.

-Juba's Forces (Animal Kingdom) Akivasha will take these guys on
--Rats (Zerglings, no upgrades, would rape the medic)
--Wolves (Hydralisks)
--Leviathans (Ultralisks, no upgrades, would rape the medic)
--Boss, Juba (Hero Ultralisk with upgrades)

-Zareta's Forces (Spider Forest) Taligaro will take on these guys
--Baby Spiders (Broodlings)
--Spiders (Dragoons, no upgrades)
--Boss, Zareta (Hero Dragoon with upgrades)

-Enaros' Forces (Raider Valley) Mandara will take these guys
--Raider (Marine)
--Mounted Raider (Vulture)
--Heavy Raider (Goliath)
--Raider Cannon (Siege Tank with Siege and Tank mode, used as a defense platform)
--Boss, Enaros (Hero Marine with upgrades)

-Borna's Forces (Dragon Caves) Valka will take these
--Baby Dragon (Firebat)
--Dragon (Reaver)
--Boss, Borna (Hero Reaver)

-Guardians (need a name for this boss, suggestions welcome, ALL four heors take these guys on... all air by the way, with ground defenses)
--Small Guardian (Scout, no upgrades)
--Medium Guardian (Arbiter, no upgrades or abilities)
--Large Guardian (Battlecruiser)
--Boss, need a name for him (Zerg Hero Guardian)

-Final Boss Desann (Infested Duran)

Other Stuff...

Each town has access to the following...

-Free Heal
-Smith Shop Upgrade your unit's armor and weapons here.
-Bank Here you can give $10,000 or $50,000 to another player.
-Regeneration Temple When a hero has fallen, his soul is saved by the Regeneration Temple. If a hero has fallen, each player will hear a sound letting them know. To regenerate your fallen friend's body, simply goto the temple and step onto the beacon of that hero. Cost = $100,000 (may change after tests)
-Market Place Buy items here. Items are... (prices may change after tests)
--Heal Potion Heals your unit(s) Cost = $25,000 Each
--Lantern Light your path! Cost = $50,000 Each
--Compass Allows you to transport from one town to another. Cost = $75,000 Each
--Mass Heal Heals all allied units. Cost $100,000 Each

-Teleportation Area Use a Compass to get here then step onto the beacon for the town you want to goto.

-Training Facility This can only be accessed in the final town of Zakerof. This allows you to face all enemies except bosses.

Testing Spots (Six)
-First Group

-Second Group

ONCE this map is ready for testing, I will send each of you an email and PM. You will have one week to respond before your spot is given to someone else. ONCE ready for testing, Group 1 will be called on first, once testing is complete with Group 1, Group 2 will be called on. ONCE both groups have finished testing and any needed changes are made, more tests will be done with both groups. ONCE all testing is finished and there are no bugs, I will release it to the rest of the world! :D

There are several things I did not put in this 'leak' because I want to surprise the testers. :D

I'm open to anything you guys have to say about my RPG, please try not to post things like 'holy shizznite I can't wait to test this!' or 'sounds sweet' I'm wanting serious feedback on my ideas here, ok guys?


Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
Seeing as i am a tester already and i know alot about this RPG as it is, i can't really input much more than i already have.

So i'll say 'Hurry the hell up, i wanna test :D'.

Looks promising.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
Hell, I want to test it too :D

But, please, make the tests in weekends. I can not play SC during the weekdays...


Jan 13, 2004
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The Throne of Zthen
i wanna test also. renz ur right again, it does look promising! :D


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
I plan to have the tests on a Saturday, so I'll send out the notices the Saturday before. I work on the map during the week and play SC (or my art, or surf the net) on the weekends. The testers will be in for one hell of a shock when Luminous is ready for testing.

Testers will have to have at least six hours of free time on their hands on the Saturday we test, since I will have NO idea how long it will take to beat. I will send emails, PMs, and make a topic here. Both groups will test on the same day so all six can post feedback, bugs, comments, questions, suggestions, etc... after testing.

ALL Times are GMT -6! (I hate time zones) So be sure you know MY time, since testing times will be when I'm awake, lol.

Also, while testing, be sure to take screenshots along the way so we can show these people whats inside Luminous.

One More Thing! ONCE this is ready for testing and the topic is made, the testers listed will have ONE WEEK to reply to it saying they are good to go. If you do not, someone else will take your place. So once the topic is made, anyone can reply saying they want to test it. If someone doesn't show, one of you will be picked. Testing will be on USEast in the BattleForums channel of OP BattleForums. So anyone willing to test, be there incase someone doesn't show up!


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
Testers will have one week to answer, I understand that. But does that mean that the test will be at the end of that one week? Might not be that nice :(

Heck, 6 hours is a helluva time, but I think I can handle it with that first team of yours (You, Ranzo and ShaftedTwice).

By the way, PM Shafted with this thread's link, he has been demodded per his own request, so he might not be as active.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds great.. how long did it take you to get this far?


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
TrongaMonga said:
Testers will have one week to answer, I understand that. But does that mean that the test will be at the end of that one week? Might not be that nice :(

Heck, 6 hours is a helluva time, but I think I can handle it with that first team of yours (You, Ranzo and ShaftedTwice).

By the way, PM Shafted with this thread's link, he has been demodded per his own request, so he might not be as active.
Lets say that this is almost finished an I have about 6 days of pretests to complete and I want to test it on the 9th of October. I would then start the topic and send out PMs and emails on the 2nd. This would give the testers a good week to let me know if the time is not good for them or they can't make it. It also gives me another 7 days to make any final pretests to work out any bugs that I notice. That way it will be as bug free as possible when the testers play.

NOTE: The Above was only an example!

Six hours is nothing! I've got rpgs that take well over 8 to finish with just two people! :D Also, with the maker playing with you, you will know what to do and how to do it because he is a super nice helpful guy. That doesn't mean he will be bossin you around yelling and screaming to do this or do that, he will just give hints here and there, when to be careful, when your in a safe area, hints on how to get past some things, etc... :D

Yea, I've noticed that Shafted hasn't been on AIM or BF latly. I'll PM him, if he doesn't reply, I'll send an email just in case.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
All right, fair enough :)

I might make an exception to come home just to test this map, you know? That'll give me an excuse to eat the always good food my mother makes, instead of crappy college... thing... :D


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Sakuhta said:
Sounds great.. how long did it take you to get this far?
Since June of this year. Good maps should NEVER be rushed :D

TrongaMonga said:
All right, fair enough :)

I might make an exception to come home just to test this map, you know? That'll give me an excuse to eat the always good food my mother makes, instead of crappy college... thing... :D
:D School food sucks! Mother's food is always the best food!

Be sure you do! I'd hate it if you missed being one of the first people to test the best RPG map to hit the SC world! :D


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Well, i got the PM, im not sure if i can spend 6 hours in a week, but i can still try i guess =)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
If ya ever need another tester for help I'm always open.


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Are you like racist?:p After all that help I gave you during AIM, I deserve to be a #2 tester?
BTW, I think SpX left BF. He hasn't posted in about over 2 weeks.
I'm reading your big ass post and I noticed something. Your money talk is in the tens and hundred thousands. Is that a typo? Or are you using about the Japan currency?
Is this a solo RPG? I read somewhere up there that every starts in different areas? I'm scared, why don't I get to be with my allies:(


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Lwek said:
Are you like racist?:p After all that help I gave you during AIM, I deserve to be a #2 tester?
BTW, I think SpX left BF. He hasn't posted in about over 2 weeks.
I'm reading your big ass post and I noticed something. Your money talk is in the tens and hundred thousands. Is that a typo? Or are you using about the Japan currency?
Is this a solo RPG? I read somewhere up there that every starts in different areas? I'm scared, why don't I get to be with my allies:(
Groups are not final man, the first three of you that shows tests first. :p

Well shit! Guess I'll have to remove SpX and pick someone else to take his place, maybe cort.

Not a typo! Those are the prices! Why? Spawn points my friend! When a player gets a whole area of spawn points for him/her self, the cash builds up pretty fast. They may change after tests.

At the start it is sorta a solo rpg. Each player starts off in their own town with their own tasks to complete. Once each player has finished their task, they gain access to the final town, where they team up to take on more enemies and their boss before they take on the final boss, Desann. HOWEVER, there is an item, Compass, that allows the player to 'warp/teleport' to another town. If a player is having a hard time with their task, the other heros can get a Compass, warp to that town, and help out, then warp back to their town. Each hero gets 1 Heal Potion, 1 Lantern, 2 Compass and 1 Mass Heal at the start of the game.

About the Unit upgrades/evolutions/whatever you want to call it... Each player should reach their Master Level by the time they reach the final town.

Its very complex! You will love it when its finished!


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
The design by the pic of the map looks awesome. The idea seems great too. (of solo to team)


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Your RPG seems like the RPG that Wing Zero posted. From the picture in your signature, I'm going to take a wild guess that each players start from each corner of the map? That's too predictable. I want a mysterious map!

If you need me to edit anything in your post due to the time limit, feel free to contact me other than posting in this thread.(PM, AIM, etc)


Aug 17, 2004
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Hammond, LA
Visit site
I just want to know if that is the complete map? or has it been updated? if that's the complete map it needs alot of work still.


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Bink said:
I just want to know if that is the complete map? or has it been updated? if that's the complete map it needs alot of work still.
Can't anyone read? Terrain = 40-50% (see image in my sig) I hate when people don't read before they post.

Lwek, you want a mysterious map huh!? True, the terrain isn't very mysterious, but there are SEVERAL things in this map that will blow your mind! But NOOO! You want a mysterious map! I just can't please you people can I!? I would stab you, but I can't find my knife. :p

Oh, one final thing before I get offline to work on my map some more...

I'm taking the image out of my sig and will not post how far I am until I'm ready for testing! So this way you will have no idea whats what, whats where, etc... Nor will I tell anyone info via AIM, sorry Renzo, no more 'inside' info man. :D


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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NoO! Send me the image, plzor! :) If I'm not going to be able to test anyways.


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