make a larva defence where you get a larva on a few strips of creep and you make it into a unit (morph into zerg egg) and when it is made into an egg make 2 explosions, one of them going UP and DOWN and one of them going LEFT and RIGHT.
(sorta like in bomberman how the explosions go up/down and side/side.
make a few creep squares seperated and make people defend against air units that fly side to side. make the larva time to morph into a unit to trigger the explosion some wait time but not too much and not too little. the more you kill the more money you get, and make the morph into units cost money. also, automatically refill larva. the one with most kills after 15 levels wins.
sound good? i think im going to make it

seems fun to make.
please reply with ideas if you have them