Kingdom of Evers'ilance

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*The Final Warrior flies low, and his swords disappear. In his hand, a new blade takes form, the joining of his four blades.*

Final Warrior: Time to test you out. *Attacks a group of Orcs.*

*The new sword, whatever it's name is, lengthens, slicing through the whole group as if it were nothing.*

Final Warrior: Hmmm...

*A hail of arrows homes in on the Final Warrior. He stands there, thinking that his armor will take the blows, but instead, most of the arrows pierce him.*

Final Warrior: Urgh... enchanted ones...

*Tyravael flies u to his brother, ready to help.*

Tyravael: The great FInal Warrior... hurt?


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Dragnskull: *fighting off leads off Orcs he sees the Final Warrior as hes pierced* !!!

*knowing that someone from this group of magically-fitted warriors will help him he continues to fight, suddenly a Massive Orc, the size of a tree comes flailing threw the Orcs, not carring whose side there on he comes crashing threw torward the castle*

Dragnskull: *looking up at the monster* ...o...crap. I think ima need help on this one...meh *using his powerful wings he leaps above the Orc, and lands directly on his head, lashing at the monsters face and eyes, suddenly the orc reaches up at him and throws him to the ground, Dragn gets back up and goes for the knees this time, bringing the orc down to his knees, Dragn jumps back intot he air, this time landing on the Orcs chest, he jabs at the monsters juglar, tearing it in half, the massive beast goes down with a loud thunder, taking 3 orcs out when he fell*

Dragnskull: *whiping sweat away from his face* whew, that was close *runs back into another group fighting.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
((Sorry... I got busy with other stuff. I'll need a quick recap via PM or Post. I'm just making this up on the fly... With how long this battle has been, it's likely the've gathered masses of energy for this, anyway, if they were here. I know this is something I'd have them do with sucha massive army.))

*Holy Warrior and Dark Warrior are flying high over head. They're gathering energy for a massive attack against the orcs in a mixture of light and dark energies. Holy Warrior is pointing his cannon like gun and Dark Warrior is pointing her now massive bow at a focal point where the energies will mix and streek out towards the armies.*

Holy Warrior: We need more time!
Dark Warrior: We're hurrying!

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Orc army attacks us. The King's army has arrived. Orc army being led by a powerful Mage. THat's all you really need to know.


*The Final Warrior grips one of the arrows that pireced him and pulls it out, ripping some muscles.*

Final Warrior: Damned barbs... I'm not going to last long...

*A second hail of arrows come down.*

Tyravael: MOVE!

*Tyravael slams into the FInal Warrior, knocking him sideways. The Final Warrior keeps his balance, but Tyravael is on the ground, pinned by arrows. The Final Warrior looks at him, contemplative.*

Tyravael: We... had... good times...

Final Warrior: A broken angel... my brother. *Turns to face Orcish archers.* He was my brother... you took him from me!

*Darkness wreathes the Final Warrior. Anger inflames him, setting fire to the tornado of darkness that he is. Hatred burns scars into his body, Corruption fills his eyes. Destruction becomes his blade, and Death embodies him. Death Incarnate awakens.*

Death Incarnate: Destruction awaits thee!

*He walks into tbe crowd of archers, and swings Destruction's Call into their midst. Dancing, weaving, and ducking, he slices and dices through out a mass of Orcs, slaying all those that stand in his way.*

Razael: Not good...


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
*In between the horror and the pain of watching thousands be destroyed, person by person, piece by piece, Ainar gets flashes of his distant past. He watched as the Silmarils fall to the hunger of Ungoliant, directed by Morgoth. He sees the slaughter of his friends and family, by his own hand. All the while he hears whispers from Toricas to kill, to avenge, those he thinks are allies are those that must die. He slowly succumbsto the suggestions and the darkness fades away, only to be replaced by a deep red light. Toricas stands before the now released Ainar, the one who is shedding this red light.*

Toricas: You know what you must do.

Ainar: Yes.............

*In the center of the main group King's Forces an explosion tears the earth asunder. Knights, footmen, support teams, everything goes flying, most dead. A hulking mass of red light stands at the center of the crater, simply laughing. He beckons to the others as he picks up the corpse of a nearby soldier, whereby he vaporizes it.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Death Incarnate: What in the name of the nine Hells?!

Soldier: It's... it's... *faints*


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
*The large mass that was once Ainar lurches forward, but then breaks into a run quicker than even the keenest eyes can follow, he almost seems to be in a dozen places at once. When he stops and turns back to his path a dozen soldiers pop like popcorn from his passing. With another such run he appear behind DI. His voice is a low scream and the mere openning of his mouth burns the skin.*

"I have been told that the Warriors here must die. What do you think on the subject?"

*Some sort of light seems to be running through his body, glowing ever brighter.*


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Burq: EQUALIBRIUM BLAST!!! *fires a huge beam of white light at the Avatar and the Avatar disintigrates* *reverts into Vox*

Vox: *looks at death incarnate* Final? what the hell? *sees arrows fly at Death Incarnate* LOOK OUT! *runs toward Death Incarnate and shoves him aside ad quickly draws Wolfsbane and deflects the arrows* are you alright?

Death Incarnate: move aside brother, I am not the Final Warrior. I am the Death Incarnate.

Vox: Death Incar- wait! I thought Final Warrior was the Death Incarnate.

Death Incarnate: I SAID MOVE ASIDE!


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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(can i somehow join in right now?
I use Igor, check Blinking mirror, page two for info)


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
*Soon, the focal point begins to look like a point-singularity. Holy Warrior and Dark Warrior's energies are starting to intermingle and mix. They concentrate on seperating ally from enemy as they fire their respective weapons into the focal point. A huge explosion of Holy and Dark energies ensue as the battle field is covered in the strange mix. Any mid - critically injured Orc is instantly slain and any uninjured - lightly injured fall in pain. Holy Warrior and Dark Warrior slowly "fall" to the ground, eyes closed, as they glow in their respective energies. Spent, they revert upon touching the ground to Wolfz and Tanya.*

Wolfz: It has been done...
Tanya: Singularity Pulse was used...

*They seem to weak to fight, but they pull out weapons anyway. Wolfz pulls out his huge gun and turns it to the cannon side as he stays close to Tanya. She knocks her bow as the two pull back, hoping no Orc regains composeur fast enough to attack them.*

Wolfz: We're spent...
Tanya: You think?!

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Yes, you can intro yourself now. You're just a traveler with the army. Build off of that.


*Lily rushes out to Death Incarnate.*

Lily: Raphael...?

Death Incarnate: Lily. *Notices arrows in the sky* LILY! DUCK!

*As Lily ducks, Death Incarnate moves to block the arrows. However, neither of them can move faster than the enchanted arrows, and Lily is pierced.*

Lily: Raph... ael...

*Death Incarnate stares at her dead body, not knowing what to do.*

Death Incarnate: ... Again, I pay. I pay for those that I take, for those that I send, for those that I kill. Lord Apollyon, is this how you repay one of your best? By making only those closest to him pay...? IS THIS WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE?! I WON'T TAKE IT! I CAN'T! *quietly* Shuranaad duar. Untaer du narsi. compraus.

*Seven large chunks of land rise, and then are assimilated into adamant hard balls of energy. They then merge into a single mass of hardened steel, rock, and energy.*

Death Incarnate: En hovrei.

*The mass of energy rises, high into the sky. All fighting stops.*

Vox: Wha...?

Death Incarate: Meteor.

*In the sky, a meteor appears. Moving at a great speed, it rockets onwards towards the suspended ball of rock and energy. Back wihin the castle walls...*

Rose Warrior: So you would avenge your brother and Lily, but never find me?... Is your love more devoted to another, Raphael? Am I just a play toy? A harlot, maybe?...

*A single tear trickles down the Rose Warrior's face.*

Rose Warrior: Is this how it'll be, Raphael?


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Tanya: here they come

Wolfz: we're doomed... *starts praying the our father*

*Wolfz stands up adbruptly as he hears several audible crys of the bow strings he turns to Tanya but she has a look of astonishment in her eyes* *Wolfz turns in the direction shes looking in and sees Vox holding Deathscream his trsty ash bow*

Vox: ah come on ye cant take on a handfull of orcs

Woflz: mind you im not a loosecannon fighter who cant control his personas.

Vox: well that hurt.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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*Igor was fighting viciously, but suddenly he stopped. His inner sight have seen the power beyond his imagination, he felt that it was filled with rage, and anger. He fought throung the crowd of Orcs and finally reached the source of power, it was Final Warrior, but he was changed, he was not the hero Igor heard about in th legends. Igor didnt know what to do. Such power, he never seen such a concentration. Something must have been done. So he cryied at the top of his lungs.*

Igor: My lord, you are the best knight of the king. Anger and rage should not be your virtues. trust me, i know the feeling of loss, i know revenge tastes sweet. But you mustn't or you kill us all, look at what damage those meteors did to both armies, your own people were killed by your hand. Have you no reason now?
Does honor mean nothing to you any longer?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
*Wolfz fires off a cannon blast from his rather large gun (understatement) into a large group of orcs. Needless to say, limbs go flying everywhere. Tanya fires a single arrow but quickly slings her bow over her shoulders brining her fore and middle finger to her mouth (rest of fingers "pointing" down). The arrow stops, mid-flight, and it quickly splits into 360 in a perfect circle. They immediately go flying off, but they stop after flying 1' and repeat the process. This repeats dozens of times until thousands of arrows are in the air. They are eathereal and pass through allies to do no damage to them. However, when they pass through an enemy, they do severe internal damage.*

Wolfz: You're having fun.
Tanya: I can't let you have all of it ;)

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Meteor hasn't hit quite yet.

*Death Incarnate turns and looks at the person that yelled.*

Death Incarnate: Honor means nothing when my only relations and friends are dead, slian by arrows enchanted by a mere wizard.

*At these words, a dark cloud blossoms over the sun, blotting out everything.*

???: Mere warlock? Well now, I am not mere...

*The Mage appears.*

Durnadmuzkab: I see that you have decided to destroy everything.

Death Incarnate: No. Just you.

Durnadmuzkab: And everything else. *Begins muttering the words to a spell.*

Death Incarnate: You won't, and can't, stop me. No one and nothing. *Turns to Igor* LEAVE.

Durnadmuzkab: My guard will take care of you.

*Six powerful Orcs, adorned in much tougher armor than the grunts, come in from nowhere.*

Death Incarnate: Elites, come to me!

*The six Elites appear, ready to fight.*

Death Incarnate: Nothing will stop me. Even my own death. The spell is irreversible.

*All the while, as this is going on, the Metoer is oncoming.*


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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*Igor sees everything*
Igor: My lord i can help, i will ease the burden of your elites
*takes out his sword, focuses energy and prepares to attack the orcs. The wind blows with great force, and Igor jumps his sword shining with a red light, the wind blows in his back making it seems like he is flying. Igor's sword lands on the head of the ORC closest to him, but all it does is hit the helmet of off ORC's head. Igor falls down after his jump, ORC is preparing for the final hit, but the throwng knife was quicker, now with no helmet on ORC was vulnerable to the cold steel. The Orc's head is pierced with a long throwing knife that hangs out of his skull. He stands still for a moment but then falls. Igor gets up*
Igor: (speaking aside) That was close.
*Dodges the blow of another Orc, and jumps away*
(To final warrior)My lord please listen to me, your army is still strong, there is no need for you to finish the spell that shall doom as all. You can take revenge without killing those who fought side by side with you. Do you not remember the codex of a knight? Do you not remember that killing those who helped you fight your enemies, killing your brethren is a crime against nature?


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Vox: *looks up at the sky and sees the meteor* has begun

Wolfz: what has?

Vox: the Apocalypse, the End of the World, The Eladrin

Wolfz: isn't your last name Eladrin?

Vox: aye because i was born from Lord Apollan ((excuse me Final if i spelled it wrong)) in spirit but born of Graj the Mighty and Fele The Fair in flesh. I have the escence of the Balance of the world in my blood and should i so much as make one certain movement, i could save us all.

Wolfz: *awe struck* then do it!

Vox: I cannot! I need time to cast the spell and there are too many orcs.

Wolfz: you took on the whole werewolf army by yourself way back in history! you can take care of a few meagre orcs.

Vox: I cant, I must cast the spell and i must be perfectly still and must not move for one hour.

Wolfz: I shall aid you warrior of fire.

Tanya: as will I

Sam: as will I father.

Rhianna: I too will aid you mighty warrior from Khalamya. *blesses Vox with an enchantment of courage*

Feodrick: ehheheeeheheehee I shall aid the fool! eeeehehehehee

Vox: It is settled... I shall stop the Apocalypse from arriving. and Wolfz

Wolfz: eh?

Vox: If i do not make it, take care of Sam for me.

Sam: what of Katie?

Feodrick: eheeeheee the fair one fell from a rush of orcs!

Vox: *moves his right arm up into the sky and opens his hand and forms a blue flame* *rises his left arm to the left forming a purple flame* *stands perfectly still and does not even open his eyes to see the oncoming battle his torn tunic's shreds flutter in the wind and the battle scars on his chest, arms and face all glow with a purple/blue aura* A MANTHONUAE A MANTHOUNOI A MANTHOUNAMI!!!! *stands still again and does not move again*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
*Wolfz knows only one way he can aid Vox now, and he does so. He slams his cross-shaped gun into the ground so that it stands upright. He then kneels from behind it and starts to pray, silently. As he does, Tanya directs any still somewhat close to Vox to back away. A powerful field of force ((note: not a forcefield)) errupts from the ground and the sky to surround and protect Vox. Wolfz stands just infront of the field of force, and his gun glows a very bright blue from its original silver coloration.*

Tanya: Okay, guys, to protect Vox we must now protect Wolfz. As long as he stands, that field of force cannot fall. Heh! Trust me, I've tried.

*Tanya sets herself up to defend his right flank.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Death Incarnate looks about him, at the horriefied, yet still loyal soldiers, his closest friends trying to fight off that which he has created. He sees the unhinged fury of the Orcs, and finally, he sees one flying at him.*

Death Incarnate: My lady?

Tanya: Rhianna?

*Rhianna flies out over the field, suspended upon angel's wings, or rather, two pairs of angel's wings.*

Death Incarnate: Two pairs of wings?...

*As she flies closer, it is seen that Lily and Tyravael are carrying her. SHe lands close to Death Incarnate, who spins around and pulls off one of his gloves and grips the face of a passing Orc, turining it into nothingness.*

Rhianna: Raphael!

*The two rush at each other and embrace.*

Death Incarnate: My lady... the touch... the Touch of Death... has no effect on you?

Rhianna: Not as long as we are together in mind.

Tanya: Rhianna! WHat are you doing out here?!

Rhianna: To protect him.

Tanya: Who? Death Incarnate? From what?!

Rhianna: Himself.

*A dark light glows. Every set of eyes turn to Death Incarnate, who is no more. Instead, he is but a mere human again. However, the Warriors see past his physical body. They see him as he truly is. Entombed within a room of stone, there is only a young child, nothing more.*

Child: Where... where is everyone?... *Sniff* Why'd you leave me? *Starts to cry* I'm s-s-so lonely...

*A bright light flashes, and Raphael Griffinhart reappears. Reality surges back into the minds of the Warriors of the Apollyon.*


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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*Igor understands that, Final Warrior can't be convinced and fights his way through another crowd of orcs, suddenly an opening appears. He sees a man standing still, casting a spell and a group of warriors surrounding and protecting him. He turns to those warriors, recognizing one of them, Wolfz. He has seen him before, before the battle started.*
Igor: need any help!?
Wolfz: Another sword on our side is never bad.
Igor: Oh i have more then a sword. It's time to show those Orcs what a lord of a grassland made of. This spell will take all my energy, you people gonna have to carry me away because i will be to weak to walk on my feet. Here it goes.
*Igor puts his sword behind his back, raises his hands, points them at the Orcs and starts making the spell, his eyes turn completely sky blue, he starts to livitate a few inches from the ground. The dark clouds start forming over the center of the Orc army.*

Igor: My soul is strong, my will is unbreakable, the power of wind is in my veins. And now i shall let it go. Shara, marka, gilgashesh. I am the wind bringer, i command my element to bring a razor death upon my enemies.

*A huge grey tornado comes out of the clouds that were formed by Igor's will. First screams from the Orc's army are heard. The tornado didnt just throw the Orcs away, it cut them, it was as the tornado was made of the sharpest knifes.Igor falls down, it seems as if he s dead, but he opens his eyes and starts talking.*

Igor: It wont last long, but it will do much damage, i made it so it will perish once it reaches our soldiers. Don't forget to get me out of here once this is over, i still got important thing to do before i die.
*He keeps lying on his back, still alive yet to weak to fight.*

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