*VOX takes the Magitto full in the face, and gets blasted off his feet.*
Rezael: Damn. He's good.
Rhianna: Yeah.
VOX: Urgh... that hurt. You're gonna pay, ya liddle worm!
*VOX jumps high into the air, and brings his sword blade down onto Sam. However, something stops VOX in midair, suspending him about 3 feet in the air, with the sword blade about 4 feet from sam.*
VOX: What the...?
Voice: You will not harm him, Demon.
VOX: And who's gonna stop me, huh? Some invisible nutsack?
Voice: If I can stop a Demon in midair, if I can keep a Demon of your size and strength still, then I must be powerful.
VOX: Whatever.
*A figure appears in front of VOX, with a beautifully crafted sword held against that of VOX's, keeping VOX in mid-air.*
VOX: Who the hell?
Final Warrior: I am the one under the mask of Raphael. I am the Fallen Angel, the Outcast Demon. I am te Immortal Mortal, Death Incarnate. I have twisted many souls that could not gain entry to Heaven nor Hell, I am the one that can combine two souls. Do you dare stand against me, foolish Demon?
VOX: I don't give a damn about your stupid accomplishments or titles. I CAN AND WILL DESTROY YOU!
*VOX jumps off, using the Final Warrior's Griffin Blade for leverage, and does a mad rush into him.*
Final Warrior: Fool. You cannot defeat me.
*As VOX swings his sword blade horizontally, the Final Warrior jumps and lands on the flat side of the blade.*
VOX: Huh?
*The Final Warrior walks forward on the blade as if he were walking on the ground. As he nears VOX, VOX drops the sword. The Final Warrior jumps, does a backflip, and lands on VOX's head. VOX does not seem to notice the weight.*
Final Warrior: Equalibrium Vox, now is your chance. In two seconds he will notice my weight. This is your chance to banish him.