Kerry Vs. Bush: Who Will You Vote For?

Who will you vote for in 2004?

  • John Kerry

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • George Bush

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters

N00b General

Apr 7, 2004
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East Germany
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Oh my whoever said Bush hasnt put enough money into education is a total idiot. 'No child left behind plan' Jesus...

Voting for nader or any other small people is totally worthless since... even if you do agree with them, they arnt going to win, no matter what you do. Nader got less then 3% of the votes last year. Not worth voting for the little people, vote for either bush or kerry since they are the only two that have any chance of winning...

Kerry, well personaly i dont like most of his views or ideas. I just dont like what he thinks we can do. And if he intends to pull all the troups out of Iraq then we just spent billions and billions for nothing (I dont know if he does intend to do that i dont listen to much of his crap). Although I am starting to notice a trend between all the librals. Ask them 'Who are you voting for?' they go 'Kerry all the way!!!' really enthusiasticly , so I have to ask 'Well... why are you voting for him exactly?' only to be given the blank stare, and the worste reply ever 'Because I'm democratic!' What the hell? Are you an idiot? Thats not a reason thats ignorance. Although I'm sure there are Republicans that do the same, I just havn't met them yet.

As for Bush well I have to say he is the pick of this litter. If Gore had been in office, all the libral democrats would be saying 'The next eight years of our lives are going to suck.. why did we vote for this asshole?' and thats going through the idea that he would have run two terms (He wouldnt have lasted, impeached no doubt about it). Since we all know he would have been a wuss, and not gone into the war or try to get revenge for the few thousand dead innocent Americans. But hey... just my thoughts again. Bush at least is trying to make the world a less-shittier place by being in Iraq. And some of his ideas I can at least agree with. Heh. However I must agree he sucks at giving speeches, and has done many stupid things.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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wtf...the NCLB act is totally underfunded. Creating the act doesn't mean he's putting money for education.


May 17, 2003
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I'm sorry, but, has anyone figured out where Kerry stands on the issues? I mean he's played all sides of just about every issue....


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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N00b Please try and learn a little more about what is going on around you before talking about shit you have no clue about.

NCLB is an adbandoned project.

We are not going to make any money off of iraq anytime soon and I want to get out before it becomes the next nam. Nam did start out as a small war no one really carred about.

There was knowledge about 9/11 in may and Bush did nothing about it, he just put it off. I doubt Gore would have ignored it, but no one knows.

Bush is the one who should be impeached lets see what he has done while in office shall we?

1.Ignored intellignece and possiblly allowed a terrorist attack to occur

2.Started a war in iraq and blamed faulty info instead of waiting it out or taking the blame himself

3.Started a Cold War

4.Blatantlly went against the constituion with a proposional amendment to ban gay marriage.

5.Once again went against the constituion with the passing and supporting of the PA and is trying to do so agauin with PA2


BattleForums Senior Member
Mar 18, 2004
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N00b General: Voting for nader or any other small people is totally worthless since... even if you do agree with them, they arnt going to win, no matter what you do. Nader got less then 3% of the votes last year. Not worth voting for the little people, vote for either bush or kerry since they are the only two that have any chance of winning...
Thats sort of an issue of morals.. personaly, I think it is a waste.. even if you hate Bush and Kerry, you should vote for the best of the worst. Unless you want to be a political martyr, but no one likes those =P.

Did you know there is a pot party? o_O''.

N00b General: well personaly i dont like most of his views or ideas
Yea, he's a bit too liberal for me.. his compliance with abortion is my greatest peeve.

N00b General: (He wouldnt have lasted, impeached no doubt about it).
If is fairly rare to be impeached.. and impeachment is a trial, not removement from office, so its not that big of a deal. The only two people I can think of that have been impeached / resigned from impeachment have been Nixon and Andrew Johnson.

Forged: N00b Please try and learn a little more about what is going on around you before talking about shit you have no clue about.
... Forged, he's entitled to his opinion, even if you do consider it dumb. If your going to say he's talking shit, point out why. Dont just say it.

Forged: We are not going to make any money off of iraq anytime soon and I want to get out before it becomes the next nam. Nam did start out as a small war no one really carred about.
Gotta agree with you on this. This war seemed a bit.. pointless? Yea, I'd say so. But Vietnam was a massive war / slaughter where hundreds died by the day. I think the death total was around 300,000. In Iraq, its a much smaller number.. like, what, 5 a day at the most? Im not saying that 5 deaths is something that can be easily let go.

Forged: 3.Started a Cold War


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Dec 23, 2003
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Originally posted by N00b General Oh my whoever said Bush hasn't put enough money into education is a total idiot. 'No child left behind plan' Jesus...That act is full of shit like the "clean air" act; all it has done is increase the amount of Co2 that factories are allowed to produce and comply with law

Voting for nader or any other small people is totally worthless since... even if you do agree with them, they arnt going to win, no matter what you do. Nader got less then 3% of the votes last year. Not worth voting for the little people, vote for either bush or kerry since they are the only two that have any chance of winning...

Kerry, well personaly i dont like most of his views or ideas. I just dont like what he thinks we can do. And if he intends to pull all the troups out of Iraq then we just spent billions and billions for nothing (I dont know if he does intend to do that i dont listen to much of his crap).If you don't listen to his crap then what do you know? Although I am starting to notice a trend between all the librals. Ask them 'Who are you voting for?' they go 'Kerry all the way!!!' really enthusiasticly , so I have to ask 'Well... why are you voting for him exactly?' only to be given the blank stare, and the worste reply ever 'Because I'm democratic!' What the hell? Are you an idiot? Thats not a reason thats ignorance. Although I'm sure there are Republicans that do the same, I just havn't met them yet.[ Republicans are the worse for doing that; look that the people in thi thread. "I lean towards the republican side so I vote for a idiot"

As for Bush well I have to say he is the pick of this litter. If Gore had been in office, all the libral democrats would be saying 'The next eight years of our lives are going to suck.. why did we vote for this asshole?' and thats going through the idea that he would have run two terms (He wouldnt have lasted, impeached no doubt about it). Since we all know he would have been a wuss, and not gone into the war or try to get revenge for the few thousand dead innocent Americans. But hey... just my thoughts again. Bush at least is trying to make the world a less-shittier place by being in Iraq. And some of his ideas I can at least agree with. Heh. However I must agree he sucks at giving speeches, and has done many stupid things.Less shitier? He is allowing more pollution and comes close to shit. Iraq = Bush's vietnam. Thousands of people died because Bush thinks he can police the world. WWIII here we come!You even admit he's a idiot. You don't know jack shit about what gore would've done so that's a pretty sad argument.
Bush is the one who should be impeached lets see what he has done while in office shall we? Don't forget his idea to spends millions on a "healthy marriage" scheme. Or his bullshit act that calls itself clean air. Or him making a joke over sending Americans to their deaths and the slaughter 1000's of Iraqis; this is just the tip of the iceburg.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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I think the death total was around 300,000. In Iraq, its a much smaller number.. like, what, 5 a day at the most? Im not saying that 5 deaths is something that can be easily let go.
I think the final death toll was 65,000. Nam started as a small war no one payed attentoin to wih less than 5 deaths a day

He has started a cold war with china.


Kerry likes too trade his wifes in, does his middle name begin with F? (JFK)? I like George washington's idea of no parties because then kerry would not be a democrat, he would be a person who likes to divorce and pay people in foreign countries to squash tomatoes with thier feet!!!


BattleForums Senior Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Originally posted by Forged
I think the final death toll was 65,000. Nam started as a small war no one payed attentoin to wih less than 5 deaths a day
My bad, I meant to say that was the total death total overall for both countries.

Originally posted by Forged
He has started a cold war with china.
How? Do you mean in reference to this whole "free trade" business?


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
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bush........ becuz he is a pretty good president imho


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Dec 23, 2003
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Welcome to battle forums (BF) the gardian
Kerry likes too trade his wifes inTrade wifes in? I beleive he got rich off marrying some rich woman but please could you specify. , does his middle name begin with F? (JFK)?I seriously do not know, do you? I like George washington's idea of no parties because then kerry would not be a democrat,I do not see how this bares any relevance, does it? Although I think these parties suck! Some people vote for a shite president i.e. Bush because they are of a certain party he would be a person who likes to divorce If he is a catholic then isn't he going against his beliefs? I don't really see if this makes him a president worthy candidate or not and pay people in foreign countrys to squash tomartoes!!!
So who do you support? Oh btw if my colour puts anyone off then I will go back to boring me again :).
bush........ becuz he is a pretty good president imho
Willing to back that up?

N00b General

Apr 7, 2004
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East Germany
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Oh boy.. Whoever said no child left behind was abandond.. You are an idiot look--- All states are making a manditory test in high school, that you have to pass to get your diploma. Ex: Connecticut has the CAPT test, starting this year every sophmore student must pass them to graduate. NY State has the Regonals (Those have been there for a while though, but they would have had to come in if they hadent anyway.) Every state has to have something like that so its obviously at least trying to do something, dont know if its working...

Also you guys seem to think im republican. Well I'm not, in fact I'm not democratic either. It shouldn't matter what I am, if you're trying to insult me for which party I am. So disregard it.

On another note, the war! Ohh my god 5 people a day? Holy crap noooo!!! NOOOOO!!!! People die in war. I can't wait till I get called in. I will always be willing to serve my country and its cause. We've spent billions and billions on this war anyway, if we pulled out now it was all in vien. I know alot of you would like that, but personally if a democratic leader came in and pulled us out, he would be hated by alot more then you think for not finishing a multi billion dollar project. Thats like designing a brand new car thats really expensive have a few hundred models made, then deside its a bad design and have it put into scrap. Way to use your money, its time to get an accountant idiot (Bad example I know thanks, you try thinking at this hour).

Oh my.. I never said I didn't know any of Kerry's ideas. I simply said I don't pay attention to must of his libral mindless rubble. Besides if i may take a quote from good old RR (He was such a great president!) "I didn't leave the democratic party, the democratic party left me." <-- Thats beautiful.

Cold War, alright WOOO WOOOO all aboard the missile train here it comes!!! Shut up... There wont be a world war 3 due to anything between the U.S. and China. Maybe NK but i still doubt it. Its going to have to do with Israel if there is a 3rd war.

I'm sure I forgot to mension a few points, but I'll answer them later if you'd like :) I can't wait to see the replies to this one after the ones I got from my last post... Heh heh.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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... Forged, he's entitled to his opinion, even if you do consider it dumb. If your going to say he's talking shit, point out why. Dont just say it.
He did point it out. Perhaps you missed the rest of the post.
does his middle name begin with F? (JFK)?
I will pretend that you were kidding and that you actually know who JFK is...
How? Do you mean in reference to this whole "free trade" business?
The withdrawal from the ABM treaty creates global nuclear tension between China, the US, and Russia. Pretty sweet huh? I love global nuclear tension. Especially between people who have shitloads of nukes.
Oh boy.. Whoever said no child left behind was abandond.. You are an idiot look--- All states are making a manditory test in high school, that you have to pass to get your diploma. Ex: Connecticut has the CAPT test, starting this year every sophmore student must pass them to graduate. NY State has the Regonals (Those have been there for a while though, but they would have had to come in if they hadent anyway.) Every state has to have something like that so its obviously at least trying to do something, dont know if its working...
So you post all this bullshit about standardized testing that most of us already know and then say "don't know if its working"? What the hell. No. No, it's not working. That's what we're trying to tell you. The NCLB is supposed to relocate kids to better schools based on the standardized test scores. There's not enough funding to cover it. You're trying to argue that Bush is putting enough money toward education without even knowing a thing about it. Passing the NCLB act has absolutely nothing to do with educational funding.
On another note, the war! Ohh my god 5 people a day? Holy crap noooo!!! NOOOOO!!!! People die in war. I can't wait till I get called in. I will always be willing to serve my country and its cause. We've spent billions and billions on this war anyway, if we pulled out now it was all in vien. I know alot of you would like that, but personally if a democratic leader came in and pulled us out, he would be hated by alot more then you think for not finishing a multi billion dollar project. Thats like designing a brand new car thats really expensive have a few hundred models made, then deside its a bad design and have it put into scrap. Way to use your money, its time to get an accountant idiot (Bad example I know thanks, you try thinking at this hour).
You're right. It's a bad example. I'll try to fix it for you. Imagine that you're designing this car. But to design the car you needed to decieve an entire country. Now that the car's underway it's killing people every day. The car is unstable and ready to collapse at any time. You allow your friends to make money off the car. You can't get out of the car safely. Every day you work on the car it cost millions of dollars. Eventually you will have to stop working on the car. You aren't sure if you'll be able to finish the car at all or whether you're just wasting all this money. Over three fourths of the world has a major problem with you working on the car.
I simply said I don't pay attention to must of his libral mindless rubble.
You are a republican no matter what you say. Let me guess: I've been brainwashed by the liberal media?
Cold War, alright WOOO WOOOO all aboard the missile train here it comes!!! Shut up... There wont be a world war 3 due to anything between the U.S. and China. Maybe NK but i still doubt it. Its going to have to do with Israel if there is a 3rd war.
When I get on my computer upstairs I will prove you wrong. You will probably respond to my solid evidence with more "WOOOO WOOO"s.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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are an idiot look--- All states are making a manditory test in high school, that you have to pass to get your diploma
Yeah I took that test it took me a total of 4 hours to finish every section, and me to give up my education because my teachers fill the need to test this retarted test as opposed to teaching the actual subject....

Also you guys seem to think im republican
No I think you are a conservative and as I think it was you who was talking about waisting votes on the third party members I am assuming that you probally vote republican (well if you could I am assuming also by your posting style you are like 12)

On another note, the war! Ohh my god 5 people a day? Holy crap noooo
I don't see why 5 people need to die a complettly unnecissary death. Expecially when the guy who sent them to war ducked out of his chance at war by using daddies influnce to get into the national gaurd.

O yeah your analogies suck as CB has pointed out.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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All states are making a manditory test
They are making people take tests. How the hell does that improve education; I bet that THEY HAVE to do that by law, it's just another have assed atempt so it looks like they're actually doing something.
dont know if its working
If it was working you wouldn't be saying that now. Where is the funding?
Also you guys seem to think im republican.
Wasn't it you that said every democratic leader ****ed this country up? You're biased because he is republican.
On another note, the war! Ohh my god 5 people a day? Holy crap noooo!!! NOOOOO!!!! People die in war.
5 people a day is a lot. Thousands of people died because of his mad craze to get oil and revenge for them trying to kill daddy. Bush is drilling into alaska for oil now, it's pretty obvious he wants to stock pile oil, that's why he has being concentrating on the middle east. Why didn't he concentrate on osama? He saw a naughty country, made up some shit about it bring a threat and saw an opputunity to get his greasy hands on oil. Bush derserves a good flogging then a shot in the chest. If I could I would kill him myself.
I can't wait till I get called in.
You would be scared beyond belief, not knowing if a bomb is going to blow up in your face.
We've spent billions and billions on this war anyway, if we pulled out now it was all in vien.
Why? The ****ing attacks wil STOP once you piss off and let the Iraqi government handle it. Anti-Bush and American parades are going down the streets of Iraq. I know you don't get it but THEY WANT YOU OUT! They see you as a occupying force. When will you be finished? If Iraq had no oil then you woudn't of bothered.
Thats like designing a brand new car thats really expensive have a few hundred models made, then deside its a bad design and have it put into scrap. Way to use your money, its time to get an accountant idiot (Bad example I know thanks, you try thinking at this hour).
That has nothing to do with the war. It does not relate to the war. It is a bad example. You cannot shoot terrorism you can only prevent it. War is bad.
Cold War, alright WOOO WOOOO all aboard the missile train here it comes!!! Shut up... There wont be a world war 3 due to anything between the U.S. and China. Maybe NK but i still doubt it. Its going to have to do with Israel if there is a 3rd war.
You don't know jack about what can happen. Famous quote: "those who do not know history are bound to repeat it". Do you know how close the cold war came to becoming a WW3? With the tension now one could easily break out.

I don't see why 5 people need to die a complettly unnecissary death. Expecially when the guy who sent them to war ducked out of his chance at war by using daddies influnce to get into the national gaurd.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Forged
There was knowledge about 9/11 in may and Bush did nothing about it, he just put it off. I doubt Gore would have ignored it, but no one knows.

Bush is the one who should be impeached lets see what he has done while in office shall we?

1.Ignored intellignece and possiblly allowed a terrorist attack to occur
What was he supposed to do? Ground every plane while he was in office? The intelligence doesn't say who or when, so how exactly do you prevent that? You should know Gore wouldn't have done anything either. Nothing could have been done.


May 31, 2003
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in Kenosha, Wisconsin (sigh)
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5 people a day is a lot when you count up your friends

divorce doesnt matter when it comes to presedential leadership

america could convert to ethanol, which comes from farms, but gw's job when he gets out of office is going to be drilling oil out in texas, so he would be poor(ish), and he doesn't want that, he wouldnt get any tax cuts

i dont think anyone knows anything about kerry though, so if i could vote, i would just wait and see who would do the most for minorities, which seem a bit neglected by both cantidates


Feb 11, 2004
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Originally posted by Undead Cheese
What was he supposed to do? Ground every plane while he was in office? The intelligence doesn't say who or when, so how exactly do you prevent that? You should know Gore wouldn't have done anything either. Nothing could have been done.
yeah I agree, I mean If it was blatently obvious that people were going to fly planes into the world trade centers and the pentagon then Im sure Bush would have done something to stop it. But he probably only got limited information and if he didnt know all the details about when, where, and how then he couldnt have stopped it.

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