if you want to get a good tourny going, get some pro or well known player to show up, tons of people will enter just to have a chance to play them
WCG=World Cyber Games. There is no rotation until the finals in Seoul Korea. BTW stop flaming please, especialy until you know what you're talking about.Originally posted by CuteGuyNo.1
ugh, let see i went to wcg canada finals, wcg canada quailifer, The only thing they give out a lil time before they play is the MAP ROTATION, but they give you THE MAPS THAT WILL BE PLAYED LIKE A MONTH OR 2 BEFORE THE QUAILY --v
If you want any prove, ask anyoen who attended WCG NATION FINALS FROM ANYWHERE --v
BWAH! Still waiting for your reply damnit! GET ONLINE!Originally posted by Akule
This my tourney and its going to be skill based not knowledge based.
All times are pacific. Sak if u want to be a third obs pm me.
I r confused... sakuhta no likee be confused RORORORORO.Originally posted by CuteGuyNo.1
Of course it isn't too late, we're re-scheduling it... maybe next week or the week after. Much more organized, and I will be editing an assortment of maps for observers... and we will pre-release all the maps early this time.Originally posted by SpiritSkater
is it still to late to sign up? if it isnt id like to play![]()
Oh believe me, we have ways of knowing.Originally posted by CuteGuyNo.1
to check maphack, uses legaos and bwchart thru the replay. It shows maphack if you know how to use it correctly
Um, no. There is plenty of other anti-maphacks out there idiot. Even if we didn't have one, if we watched a replay closely enough, we would be able to know. :-/Originally posted by CuteGuyNo.1
if you watch live pro games stream or if u can watch korean tv. You would know that pro plays liek they maphack, so you really can't tell without using legaos + bwchart thx![]()
No, there is programs. Plus I have a BNet firewall, therefor I will be hosting most of the games.Originally posted by CuteGuyNo.1
anti maphack? maps or what? btw there is tons of replay that makes it looks like uber maphack but it isn'tso you really gotta read the rep script, or make people record 1st person vod in thier game while playing