Like my cute wabbit?
you dont realy get what the LCD is all about either sorry
im just waiting for guru to reply... then ill tell you why he and you are wrong
It might not be a stealth plane, but the point is it can see the enemy and and get shots off before the enemy has a chance to react.Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
Ok the f-22 is not a STEALTH PLANE it only has stealth capabilitys...... and the sukhoi is 8 years old ffs and you havent even started making the raptor...dont you think the russians would come up with something else in 8 years also when the JSF comes out the raptor will become obselete. when the raptor opens its weapon bays (there not on the outside) itll lose most of its stealth capabilities. they probaly wont even make them LCD screen anytime soon.. and by LCD u mean "liquid crystal display" you realy dont know wtf you are talking about
If it had worked in the 60s, there would be no need to upgrade it. The funding for the plasma projects has suffered a lot in the past years, and Russia has even tried to make the Plasma research a joint project with the US since they lack the funds: http://www.fas.org/news/russia/1995/tac95060.htmOriginally posted by Otmorosok
I posted the link on Plasma shield somethere already, it said that plasma shield was already developed in like 60s by USSR, all Russian scientists are trying to do is to upgrade it. Now you say you give me fact after fact, well only fact you gave me that can't be argued against is that F-22 has stealth, however you say that it is completely stealth, then it really is not. As it said in MiG-35 link, mig is gonna have the same stealth capabilities as F-22 it also says that its gonna have that thing thats gonna make it invisible to human eye. If the funding fails then all that research will not be thrown away it will be picked up by Sukhoi who will get funding, that means that bertuk will have all the capabilities of F-22 but it will be far better the F-22 because of its maneurablity and engines.
Ok.... why are we still posting in this thread.... theres a thread designed for our little arguments =/.Originally posted by Guru
It might not be a stealth plane, but the point is it can see the enemy and and get shots off before the enemy has a chance to react.
And when the weapon bay opens, its a little late to react, wouldnt you say?
As for Sukhoi, the fact that its been out for 8 years really doesn't stand for much, especially since it is almost equally matched by the F-15. Once again, we are comparing which plane is better, not which nation has more of them or how old they are.
As for the JSF, you do realize that's an American plane developed for American forces, right?
As for the LCD screen, I know very much of what I'm talking about. See for yourself http://www.f-22raptor.com/st_future.php
If it had worked in the 60s, there would be no need to upgrade it. The funding for the plasma projects has suffered a lot in the past years, and Russia has even tried to make the Plasma research a joint project with the US since they lack the funds: http://www.fas.org/news/russia/1995/tac95060.htm
And no, the link said it was going to have "similar", not same. That can mean a lot of things depending on how the reader interprets it.
As for when the funding fails, dont count on the project being continued. The bertuk is not going to be able to keep up with the F-22, I stated why in previous posts, and I feel no need to repeat myself for you can just simply scroll up.
I stated plenty of true statements, the fact you cannot accept the truth is not my problem. And also, I had stated in that post, all the facts I have already posted. You just keep ignoring them, and I dont feel the need to repost them when you can scroll down.Originally posted by Otmorosok
You stated no facts just your interpretation of yours and my links. Now about F-15 and Bertuk how exactly F-15 is the same, the only thing good about F-22 is its radar and its stealth capabilities, wothout them it would be nothing. Can F-15 do the same things SU-37 does? Dont think so.
What doesn't?Oh and it doesnt say that MIG-35 is worse than F-22, you probably have halucinations from smking weed or whatever you Americans do.
Ok.... why are we still posting in this thread.... theres a thread designed for our little arguments =/.
when the weapon bay is open is doesnt mean the fight is over, the missle still has to deploy and hit the sukhoi then the weapon bay has to close. So there is plenty time to react, and considering the missle will probaly miss they'll have to go through the process again..... The sukhoi has been out for 8 years so they'll most likely have another plane ready to replace it.
More faster? Work on your grammar....The raptor isnt even in production till about 2005 and the euro fighter is already in production and it is more faster more manuverable and 3 times cheaper...
The Joint Strike Fighter is a american plane i knew that... british are helping them on a lot of sytems like the part they are copying off the harrier ( i should know my dad is working on the jsf now or will be) . I was just saying that the raptor would become obselete once that comes out, by that time we will have another plane which is so much better america will be begging for the technology again...... both britain and america will get the joint strike fighter so its not for the american forces... we aint gunna give them our harrier tech and not get what thier doing with it.
You keep showing us that same link, and thats supposed to convince us that you know what your talkng about. You do know that picture isnt real its a computer generated image.....lol
Have pity on him ORC, 12 year olds are naive, and if they are American they think that world revolves around them. I say we open a discussion on SU-37 vs. Typhoon. What do you say? And we already have a SU-47 the one with a plasma shield. Its not yet in production but we do have 2 prototypes. So Orc what are the advantages of Euro fighter, is it using vector engines and plasma shield like Bertuk? Enlighten me. Oh and Sukhoi is very cheap, everyone knows if you want a military device that can take out almost anyone and you want it cheap you go to Russia.
I think you should atually watch this, it is quite slowWhen the weapon bay opens the weapon is deployed almost instantly, and it closes just as quick.
It wasnt bumped it was on the first page, i never said it was bumped i just wanted for this sort of topic to be posted in a thread more suitable and this conversation would atually be on topic for once, you me and otmo are all to blame i guess, hence the reason i made a thread spefically for this.Otmo is the idiot who bumped it, so don't look at me.
If you want to talk to me about mistakes copy all your posts into word and use "spell check" and since when was don't spelt don;t.More faster? Work on your grammar....
Urm havent "proved" anything the only way to prove it is an atual battle...the thing that is so annoying, is once I proove my plane is better than one plane, you just pick another plane to go onto
The reason you're not going to explain it is because you cant, i gave 3 reason why eurofighter is much better for a cheaper price.I'm not going to proove how much better the Raptor is than the eurofighter, sense there is no sense. We both know it is.
**** knows they have most likely got one scheduled but russians are a lot more secretive than most countries. ****ing sneaky russiansWhats the replacement plane for the Sukhoi then?
Oh boy ive read it but... this wont even be practical for at least 20 years and why do you think america will make it possible? It wont be put on the f-22 raptor anyway.I keep posting the link because you seem to not be able to read it..
So we dont use f-15 and you dont use hurricanes i dont really see a point to this, the reason we're getting it is because its made from both british and american tech.The US and GB are allies, and are going to stay that way. The fact that they will both use the JSF doesn't mean a lot...
Well its not that great now.. and the purpose of the plane doesnt judge its "greatness" If it was so bad then why are they using its tech for the jsf and why was america so eager to join forces with britian to make this plane, the harrier is perfect for aircraft harrier as it can take off without a runway so they incorperate this into the j/s/f and bang you have your sea version (they are making 3 slightly different versions of the plane).Also, the harrier really isn't that great...its only used for defending carriers...
Otmo say thx for the completement, because that is what it is, russia and many other countrys get a LOT more out of thier money than america.And yes, most people would agree with you on the fact that the Russia military is cheap and korean manufactured..
Ofcourse they are American that is the only reason why they would even care about this, everyone hates America so non Americans either called us both idiots or voted for me. My childish anger well, thats funny, you see calling me a dumbass doesnt exactly make you look old and wise, now if the truth is told i will listen to it, but i refuse to listen to non sense said by some American who is probably in his 12s, and appears to have a brain defect.Originally posted by Guru
I would say your the naive one. You don't know that they are American, they could be anyone - it doesn't give you the names who voted for so stop making up crap.
What link did I say said my plane was better? Please quote the link and what I said.
The people have told you the truth, you just refuse to accept it. Don;t take your childish anger out on me dumbass...
Ataully he can by asking who voted for you and where they come from, its pretty simple. its prove not prooveOriginally posted by Guru
Why don't you proove to me that those people who voted for me were American? Oh wait, you can't. Since you are ignorant and naive, you only assume that they are. You can't proove a thing.