we only need like 15 dude[glow=black]I don't know why I said 50/month it's 100/month.
It's at 25 slots right now but chances are we won't have a Vent server at the end of the month due to SteelVent closing.[/glow]
Thats it.. http://www.ventrilo.com/download.phpVentrilo is a program that allows you to talk to other people from across the globe using a microphone (Or a headset, whatever). All you need is a good connection really, i assume your computer isn't 20 years old.
You can just download ventrilo, takes like what? 2 minutes? It's very small, all you do is connect to a server, which has channels and people in it.
I frequent the vent that's co-run by coRtALoS. It's an excellent way to keep in touch and play games (Since typing can become a chore).