l33t bunny master
Premium Member
I'm a little too gullable...so i said i believe him...although i think world warIII will be sooner than 2015.
it is impossible to go BACK in time as it would screw up soo many stuff and the slightest thing would destroy the world as we know it (watch simpsons biznatch).
Duh. Watch Dragonball ZMaybe, I put I believe him too. Well noob_phucker if he was real then it wouldn't mess up time because according to him there were different "worldlines" so what you do in one doesn't affet the others.
One he kept to himself, would have leaked one way or another. And would be invented in later later times. So time machine will be built in the future, my theory still stands.Originally posted by drax
Maybe he had his own time machine. Civil war in 2005? That seems very likely with what's going on in Iraq. Think about it. He left some *hints* about 9/11 and stuff. And who would start posting on forums for 4 months, then just vanish from existence? They tracked him and crap but they never found him. If you ask me, I think there is a possibility that he is from the future.
Also, Miss, do you think everyone is going to have a time machine? It's probably a machine he built himself, so he is the only one with it. Why would he let other people have it? If he did, time would get really messed up with everyone travelling from every time.
I do, in some ways, doubt his existence, however. If he really exists then that means there is a totally different time period that is ahead of ours. Where did this come from? Are there actually millions of time periods running at once, or just 2?
I will let you all believe what you want, but I don't doubt that his is from the future, although I don't entirely believe it either.