Retired Staff
You're a woman. Not meaning to be sexist here, but it's different. Most guys are shallow, vain and ignorant and only want to get off fast and easy. Woman like to get into the mood and like romantic stuff. Well, most of them anyways. My old girlfriend read erotic novels with soft music on in the background and sometimes candles. I don't think she ever looked at porn on the net. But lets face it... there isn't alot of good male porn out there anyways (uhm, not that i'd know). It's either straight sex (which usually focuses on the woman), lesbian or gay... and I don't think women get off on "gay guys" as much as men get off on "lesbian women"............ *shrug*, i'll never figure women out.Originally posted by |B|j|o|r|n|i|t|a|
why do people watch porn? i just don't see the reasoning behind it........
if people thought about right and wrong enough, they'd drive themselves insane. because we come up with our own morals. i mean, because we feel a little twinge, what we think is our concience (we could just have a natural reaction built into our genes to certain circumstances, or something like that), when we do something, we think it's horrible and evil and should be outlawed. i'm not against most morals, it's just an interesting topic to argue against.......