Yeah...if u listen to bands not many have heard of then not many people are going to think it is cool..
I listen to bands like Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of filth and Soil and not many people have heard of them though i think they are cool bands.
of course in our own pact at my highschool our "rocker" group, if u will, have certain bands among ourselves that are considerd "COOL", like Tool, A perfect Circle, Orgy, HIM, and Korn. It just depends on the people that u know or hand out with and what THEY listen to that will truely determine whether it is "COOL" or not.
MTV is starting to play good music. Via the Headbangers Ball. They also have a special channel MTVX.
what channel is MTVX? is it satelite or cable?
i have time warner cable so i prob wont be able to get it anyway. is it a channel more devoted to metal and such?