Is it possible for anyone to merit eternal punishment?

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Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Yes, you know there are many different versions of the Bible. Since we can not say which one is the original, if any, of course, this discussion has no place to go, I'm afraid.


Premium Respected Member
Jan 28, 2006
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when we die it will just be like when we wernt born feelings are all just chemicals in the brain tehres no soul or anything when we die were just nothing


May 3, 2007
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What I really want to know is how can we as human beings even begin to understand the way God thinks / judges. Better yet, how can we say that it gives the slightest damn about any of us?

Humans seem to think that merely by existing we are entitled to being "special" to the great being that created all that is and ever will be (I refer to no religious God; however, something had to create everything, that is a given.) and feel that it really cares about what we do with our existences.

Why? What entitles us, undoubtedly the vilest creatures to exist on this planet, to this special treatment? The universe is impossibly massive with countless things that (probably, just going by the unbelievable numbers) put our pointless existences to shame. What’s so great about us?

Humans are so egotistical that while we are fighting over how God judges us we forgot to ask why the **** would it care in the first place. It's like we cant stand to think that we are not number 1.

(BTW- Hate to come off like such a pissy bitch with the off topicish remark, it's just I didn't see anyone bring it up above and it is kinnda related to the subject. Pretty much.)


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Eternal punishment is completely ****ed up. I mean think about it ETERNAL FOREVER... itll **** with your head 10,000 years top punishment chia.

Metal Gear Flash

Oct 26, 2002
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hell is a literal burning place i believe

scripture references...both new and old testament

but the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away
-psalm 37:20
if a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
- john 15:6

i highly recommend "23 minutes in hell" to anyone with an interest in this area, i bought it couple weeks ago, very who claims Jesus took him into hell for 23 minutes to show him hell, so he in turn warn the world, that hell IS a literal burning place good read


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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It doesn't work like that. God does love us.

This is how it works. We're all sinners and none of us deserve to go to Heaven. But thanks to Jesus Christ dying for our sins, we're able to have everlasting life with God in Heaven.

If one rejects Jesus then one cannot be saved by His blood. What then can God judge us on? Our works. And our works will never be good enough to allow us into Heaven. If one isn't taken into Heaven with The Lord at judgement day he is left behind, with Satan (I could go deeper into this, but that's it in a nutshell).

Who are you to judge how many people will and will not go to Heaven? I can confidently say that it's gonna be alot more than just 1% of the world's population. I'm not saying i'm perfect, i suck just as much as the rest of us. I sin all the time, i can't help that. I am human. But i am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. All of my past sins, the sins i'm committing now and the ones i will commit were carried by Jesus when he hung on the cross.

What i'm saying is, is that you don't need to be devout to get into Heaven. Now that's not to say you just accept Jesus as your saviour and then just go back to doing what you did before. God knows if it's genuine or not.

How is it God's fault that we ate the fruit? We're the ones that ate it. We were tempted and deceived by Satan. Seems like our fault to me.

Yes, it is God's fault that Satan exists. But what would you have God do? When Lucifer challenged God and wanted all the power and glory for himself (He thought he was better than God), God could've easily have killed him. But what then? If God had've destroyed Satan then the Angels would only worship him out of fear (Rather than love). Fear of being destroyed if they did what Lucifer did. So God instead threw Lucifer out of Heaven.
you just gg'ed me

on topic: ive accepted Gods righteousness. although i still cant see why he would ever impose an eternal consequence on us. i think its just the church trying to control us out of fear. my stance is still the same. God or no God, eternal punishment is absolutely wrong.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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If you believe in god, you do not believe in free will. It just can not be done, it's pure logic.
I believe in god and in free will. If there wasnt free will then everyone would be a puppet on a string and never sin. Not everything has to be based on logic. Have faith my brother.

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