I spend only about 20 minutes a day on meph runs lately,which equals 20-30 runs. Usualy I find crap,with the exception of the occasional ss/gaze or similar decent item once or twice a week. Which is good enough for me.
Its strange though. In the first month or two of the 1.10 patch i rember meph to have been dropping "good" uniques alot more frequently. That was even when i was using my barb that had almost no mf because i still belived that mf didnt work on bosses in 1.10.
i don't even waste my time at meph... i just clean out the worldstone levels and mix it up somtime wiht the ocassional boss runs.... i found a bunch of items in no time which include:
Bonehew (got this from a hell dark archer )
G-Bane (2)
Eth demon ach
Haleberds Reign
and more that i can't remeber.....
i really belive that bliz has put a mf time limit... i.e. if you constantly kill a boss in a set amout of time mf has less of an effect.
I wouldnt doubt it, there has got to be something going on because the diffrence is to noticable imo.
About the worldstone thing, i didnt mention it but i do solo minion/baal runs too. Ive found recently Tal armor, Pally combat/+20 life GC, etheral WS, a few good superior def armors good for stone and enigma and last night a perf 320%ed stonecrusher(yeah not a great weapon but..).
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