Is being an American not good enough for you?


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Three even a lot of the democrats voted for the Bill that allows Gonzales (you know the Bush puppet) to monitor emails not only of suspect terrorists but of every person in the US without a warrant. And you know what their excuse is? They wanted to have a careless one month vacation so say if something does happen while they're away they can all relax and blame it on the White House and the DoJ cause they gave them the tools "to spot" terrorists. The Bill Expires in 6 months, so for next 6 months any attempt to remove it will be stopped by the President through veto power, lets hope that after that time passes Congress won't repeat the mistake it made by extending it. Seriously how can you claim that your nation is based on your constitution and its values while your government is discarding personal privacy of the citizens of US?

Riiiight, you see if everyone was getting into college then they would have to build twice as many colleges as there are now, in addition the statistic goes that half of people who get in, never graduate. Life is dictated by circumstance, say your father died and now you have to get a full time job to feed the family, say you got your girl friend pregnant, say a friend of yours died in Iraq and you have to go there for revenge, there is an infinite number of possibilities, life is not what you make of it, but rather what you make of it with the circumstances that were given to you.

you have a point but wire tappings happen all the time they just failed to inform the american people that they do it. Honestly If you have nothing to hide then I see no harm done.

Alot of americans dont understand how easy it is to obtain an education. My dad went throught one of the situations you described -- father died and had to get a job. Today he has a degree in Computer Science and did it while on a part time job trying to suppourt my ass as a single parent. Circumstances can become major obsticals people just let it overwhelm them and not get the education that would greatly benefit them.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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you have a point but wire tappings happen all the time they just failed to inform the american people that they do it. Honestly If you have nothing to hide then I see no harm done.
They have happened and there are now on going judicial processes to put people responsible in jail. As for your last sentence, that kinda describes the ideology of the soviet union during Stalin's time.

Alot of americans dont understand how easy it is to obtain an education. My dad went throught one of the situations you described -- father died and had to get a job. Today he has a degree in Computer Science and did it while on a part time job trying to suppourt my ass as a single parent. Circumstances can become major obsticals people just let it overwhelm them and not get the education that would greatly benefit them.
Tip of my hat to your dad, but unfortunately most people don't share his commitment and instead let bad circumstances take them to the bottom and keep them there. My own father had a bit of a different situation, in the early 80s he joined the Soviet Navy and trained for 5 years graduating Soviet Union's (and Russia's) most elite naval academy as an officer with a degree in nuclear engineering, he eventually served 10 out of 25 years of his officer's contract, first on a nuclear attack sub, then doing research, however since after 1991 Soviet Union fell apart and the Navy stopped paying, in the meanwhile he had two children and a wife to support. He was able to get out by having an understanding doctor fake a condition so he would be presumed unfit for service. After he got out him and some of his navy friends started a business, while everyone else was using shady money, shady muscle and making shady deals he made it so the company they created stayed legit and although the onflow of easy money in the early years wasn't present like it was for pretty much all of his competitors (who more often then not ended up shooting each other up) he and his friends were able to make Parnas one of the leading meat processing businesses in all of European Russia and the beauty is he managed to not owe anyone anything, then he got his MBA from a University in Holland, now he got 15 years experience on the market, lots of business contacts and lots of people coming to him for help with business questions and such, meanwhile he also owns two meat shipping businesses one based in Canada and one in US both cost several million dollars.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
Reaction score
They have happened and there are now on going judicial processes to put people responsible in jail. As for your last sentence, that kinda describes the ideology of the soviet union during Stalin's time.

Tip of my hat to your dad, but unfortunately most people don't share his commitment and instead let bad circumstances take them to the bottom and keep them there. My own father had a bit of a different situation, in the early 80s he joined the Soviet Navy and trained for 5 years graduating Soviet Union's (and Russia's) most elite naval academy as an officer with a degree in nuclear engineering, he eventually served 10 out of 25 years of his officer's contract, first on a nuclear attack sub, then doing research, however since after 1991 Soviet Union fell apart and the Navy stopped paying, in the meanwhile he had two children and a wife to support. He was able to get out by having an understanding doctor fake a condition so he would be presumed unfit for service. After he got out him and some of his navy friends started a business, while everyone else was using shady money, shady muscle and making shady deals he made it so the company they created stayed legit and although the onflow of easy money in the early years wasn't present like it was for pretty much all of his competitors (who more often then not ended up shooting each other up) he and his friends were able to make Parnas one of the leading meat processing businesses in all of European Russia and the beauty is he managed to not owe anyone anything, then he got his MBA from a University in Holland, now he got 15 years experience on the market, lots of business contacts and lots of people coming to him for help with business questions and such, meanwhile he also owns two meat shipping businesses one based in Canada and one in US both cost several million dollars.
Thanks, I hope one day I have his determination to succeed in education but sadly Im going through that party phase. Im hoping I can leave it behind this coming semester.

A good sucess story your father has.

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