Iron Man

Mar 20, 2008
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They turned iron man into a complete dick. :'(

Putting Spider-man in the black suit made no sense except for the Spider-man 3 garbage, The X-men sort of did their own thing, the Fantastic four have always bored the **** out of me, killing Captain america? huh? why?
Tony Stark always was a dick, but they elevated his level of dick quite a bit. Spider-man put himself in the black suit to put fear in the people that hurt May. X-Men are never connected to big events anymore, which is retarded. Fantastic Four were bleh in Civ War. As far as killing Captain America, Brubarker has something like 3 years worth of stories that involove his downfall, his death, his ressurection, and his struggle to get back and kick some ass.

Rumor has it he's going to eventually come back, register, beat the **** outta Stark, then become the Shield Head (as Steve Rogers) and leave Cap to Bucky.

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