What are your thoughts on this?
I do not believe that Iran will build a nuke because it is depending on support from passive Islamic nations who are against sanctions and action against Iran. Once it builds a nuke most of this support will vanish.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was an idiot for saying Israel should be wiped off the map, and I think he has received enough condemnation for that. However, we should not deny a country the right to build power sources.
The trust issue comes in here. The more nations distrust Iran, the more likely it is to go against their wishes. I don't believe Iran will build a nuke for the reasons above. However, until we receive concrete evidence about Iran's intentions to build a nuke (not evidence akin to the Iraq war starting!), Iran is innocent until proven guilty.
I'm fairly sure Iran is building a nuclear weapon, though am I afraid and should you be?
No, many countries already have nuclear capabilities, and more than likely will never use them. If Iran were to acquire a weapon, let alone enough for a war in the middle east, it would still need a capable navy and airforce, which it doesn't have. Israel would have absolutely no problem in an war with Iran, they have no reason to fear Iran. If anything Iran has reason for acquiring these capabilities, look at their boarders.
The current leadership in Iran doesn't speak for the majority of Iranians, as I've heard the majority of the youth don't actually hate the west like the media would like you to believe. There is no reason to fear the Iranian people, if anything we should open relations and try to stabilize the middle east through economic and political relationships. (No alliances though

This is from my understanding of Iran and the middle east, feel free to correct anything that's wrong.