zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz blizard sucks balls when it comes to making games a game like starcraft 2 where they use these very low graphic games so nubs can play it even takes them ages to finish it *rofl laughs and lol over again* and the reason wow is famous is cause of all the cs and wc3 nubs sit and watch those wsg tournament movies of wc3 they think aa wow this game must be so good and i remember people saying wow is alot better then wc3 that just said how retarded people are on wow you cant even do instances anymore with random groups cause the huge ammount of retards on that game and i had around 20 rl freinds playing wow and weve all quit now waiting for hellgate and age of conan cause wow will never get any good cause of there 100 year old engine theyr using to have all the noublets play there game just so tehy can make more money witch will be there backfall now when age of conan and warhammer comes wow will completely die apart from the people to retarded to notice anything