lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you all think your bad huh well i was killed by a barb called antihacker and he used a wortes leg lol ya wortes lag that did over 6000 dag it did like 2000 to 6422 dag i thought i was seeing stuff then he showed me i asked him if he could make cow with it he said ya but he would wast it then oh he ended up makeing cow game all the ****ing cowes were cow kings all of them with cold ara and omfg 1 kill and i went form lvl 89 to 90 then kill 2 went form 90 to 92 then got killed and went to lvl 60 well all went good cause i got to lvl 98 till we got kicked and im still lvl 98 so that was ****ing sweet as hell