I'm beginning to think i'm baby sitting

what can kill the Grimace? (that big purple blob that drinks milkshakes at McDonalds)

  • the ebola virus

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • cholesterol

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • that was a trick question, nothing can kill the Grimace, NOTHING!!

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • why do little blue midgets hit me with fish?

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • where the hell are my pants?

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • i'll take "U.S. presidents" for $500 Alex

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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i think she might be headed for "the island"


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 11, 2002
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the island....i feel hungry for ice cream...no, and seriously? for the pssa tests we had to write a convincing letter to the people "up there" to let our favorite show stay on the air. so i, of course, wrote about the simpsons. my reasons were actually pretty solid: good morals, it's good to be smart, etc. plus, it shows kids what it's like to be drunk.....you look a stupid and do odd things, as far as i can tell. anyway, i got the equivalent of a hundred on that.....99%s in everything on that damn test, baby! w00t! so i get to take the SATs this year...is hould have taken them last year, but oh well. better go study.......

oh, and i love lisa simpson.....i mean, i can i identify with her, a bit. i don't play the saxaphone, true, but i'm a bit of a "nerd" at school, and that can be really rough. well, everyone goes through it, i guess.

jenn, learn to ****ing spell. and stop bragging about how you're so ****ing put upon and how it's really so difficult to be perfect all of the time, i don't really need to hear your crap.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by |B|j|o|r|n|i|t|a|

jenn, learn to ****ing spell. and stop bragging about how you're so ****ing put upon and how it's really so difficult to be perfect all of the time, i don't really need to hear your crap.
take it from me, it's rough being perfect.:(
if only i was born rich instead of beautiful:D


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 11, 2002
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"don't hate me because i'm beautiful!"

teehee, i've always loved that quote, because it's so fun to make fun of......


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
A lot of you people must have had some tough friends you hung around. My childhood experience was different than a lot of your experiences probably. First off, I come from a small town and basically popularity is determined by your family's name and what people think of you. My family only came to the community in the 1970's which believe it or not is a recent year to come into the community when I started kindergarten in 1989. Entering into school, I only had one real friend that I had known for basically my whole life up until then. School really does teach you about friendship. We were best friends until around the high school when I became best friends with someone else. Anyway, since my family was new, I was not very popular. Keep in mind my class was less than 20 kids. We all knew each other and I started my role as sort of the class comedian in order to gain acceptance. Once we got into the higher grades I had some actual friends besides my best friend. I think the sometimes the only way I made it through the early years was because my best friend Anthony was tough. I was not tough or very good at sports. As we went through school, it became apparent I was the smartest person in the class and I was also the fastest person in the class. Basically I was naturally gifted to be faster and smarter than the rest of them. Though in Junior High my best friend became faster than me because I didn't ever practice running or work at getting my legs stronger while he did. When we were kids we used to play outside all the time and we rarely ever just sat and watched TV. We climbed trees, lit fires :), and killed cats (Kitty Time as we called it). We did some fun stuff and I was picked on by bullies like Anthony's older brother and his brother's friends. In fact, most everyone was an asshole to the kids in my family if the people were in a group. Peer pressure I guess, it's the root of all evil during childhood. Anthony and I just had fun when we were together. We did stuff for hours at a time together, like playing hide-and-go-seek in the cedar trees on our neighbors' property. I don't know what you all will gain from this life-story but maybe it will shed some light on the alternative view points that some of you people have on beating up "nerds." I wasn't ever physically beaten up bad, but all the torment I endured over the years with people insulting me and using their strength and popularity to be ahead of me, I have truly been shaped by all of that. I think that is why I am such a quiet person, people never wanted to listen to me when I was a kid. That changed in later years in the classroom because I knew my stuff when no one else had an idea. I gained the respect of my teachers with my brain power and that is how I got protection from those kids who tried to bully me. You people probably have no idea how many times I have had to restrain myself from bursting emotionally and beating the fudge out of someone. The fact that I have held in all the strong feelings over all the years makes it hard for me to express myself emotionally now. I think nowadays kids are "soft" because parents want their children to have better lives than what they had. I know I don't want any of my children to have to endure all the anguish I did. It really is not healthy, in my opinion, for anyone to have to endure such hardships as a child. I mean sure they can still have fun, but they're kids and deserve to have fun. All parents want this hopefully, and I certainly hope that they want their kids to have easier lives than they do. That is how it usually goes throughout recent history. Hope I gave at least one person something to think about or I inspired someone.


The Returned
Nov 3, 2002
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Oh yeah, killing animals is soooo cool. You are a dickless asshole. Smartest person in your class? Your classmates were obviously even more retarded than you. If I ever meet you I will personally ram a garden fork up your ass as payback for "Kitty Time". You make me sick.


Sep 3, 2002
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it is very clear that u did hAVe a lot of anger issues when you were a kid but killing cats is going to far! if ur doing that then you should be sent to a pyc word and cheaked for ur mentle heath i my self am a teen right now and never plan to or have partaken in torturing any animals or other ppl unless there bulling me then there dead even though im only 13 i still can never see my self hurting animals! (much less cats) and peer presure is not a good enough of a reason to do all of these horried things in the name of fun i do not care what ur inbred little town thinks of you after reading ur last post i am thinking of adding u to my ignore list so i will not have to hear such horrid things anymore. On anouther note even though kids are getting weaker now a days they will be twice as smart as there grandsirs when they get around 32 or so ( loss of strangth for smarts ) this is good though even though we will lose our basic natural skills of hunting ect we will be able to do much more then ever before! this was not ment to offend u but to tell u wut i think of ur life if u have to kill animals to be popular MOVE!


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
Regarding the Kitty Time issue, I never actually killed a cat in that. I have only ever killed a cat once in my lifetime. I was like 4 years old and a Siamese cat scratched my favorite Super Man shirt and so I beat the crap out of it and I didn't mean to kill it. At that time I didn't even fully comprehend that it was dead until one of my brothers came outside and saw it. I would never do anything like that again, and I never did. I felt very bad when I saw my friend and my brother beating up stray cats because I felt sorry for them. I am not a violent person because I don't think I could really hurt someone unless they did something horribly wrong to me. Even my friend only killed a couple cats and these were not major events. He did the killing when I wasn't around because he respected me. My friend was a tough guy and he didn't like cats so it was just something he did a couple times. We are not really murderers. You guys pick apart things too much. All the cat incidents we had can be counted on one hand. This probably isn't gonna help but we did kill quite a few toads when we were messing around with them. It was never our intentions to just go out and kill toads just for the fun of it. Just so you know, we were not really sadistic kids. Anymore comments or questions you would like to make, feel free to ask.


Sep 3, 2002
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my kittin was killed by a brat where i used to live the poor thing had his legs broken then was drowned


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
You people need to lighten up, and anyway the cats were strays so no one missed them. That doesn't make it right but Jesus Christ you are making a big deal out of something that amounts to nothing now because it didn't affect any of us and it didn't affect any other people. The cats are dead so just accept that and you wouldn't miss them. I only killed one before understanding death so man you have no idea how exactly the cat incidents did or did not affect me. Quite frankly I don't care anymore about those deaths. They were meaningless to us. I don't know if you can understand what I am getting at. Maybe you just have to know me personally to see that cruelty to animals is not my thing. Violence was just something that happened and not everyone had the same childhood (that is so totally obvious here). So don't try to tell me how I should treat animals because I would never do anything like that again (well unless they were very bad cats like in some movies I've seen). But those things aren't gonna happen so there is no worry about that. Oh and PETA is dumb in some aspects because I am still gonna eat hamburger, chicken, turkey, pork, and other meat products. I don't kill for fun or sport, I just don't kill animals, but I'll eat up that dead animal meat. PETA has some good points but it should leave me alone when it comes to eating normal meat products. Those animals are raised to be killed and quite frankly it would suck if they were roaming free because you would be swerving away from cows and horses. So Korrok and shrimpshark you can both just shut the fudge up because you don't really know what you are talking about in my case.


The Returned
Nov 3, 2002
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You are a very sick person if you think that killing cats is "no big deal" because it didn't affect you or any other people. Who are you to put one animal above another? You think that some scummy kiddies had the right to kill innocent cats? You're not any better than them. At least they're not going around being cruel for the sake of it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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United States
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true true..... The only time i think you should kill an animal is if you need it for food. (or if they are spiders or stupid little bugs... they dont count squish all the bugs ya want)


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
I probably should stop responding to this thread but I guess not. We all obviously come from diferent backgrounds and you people just happen to be animal lovers. The fact still remains that animals can often times be dangerous just as much as humans can. Humans are animals but the only difference is that we have a higher level of consciousness than them. When I say it is "no big deal" I mean to say that it did not make me an animal hater and it didn't make me want to kill animals. It's not that I didn't care about the deaths of the cats. Sometimes you people can't read enough into what a person is saying simply because it is just writing and you have no idea of what others are really like. You make too big a deal out of the incidents. You will probably never understand what I am trying to get at because it is just too complicated to put into words. And quite frankly I am just not sure how exactly I could explain the situations to you. The one incident where I killed the cat was a learning incident and I didn't kill it just for fun. I was like a murderer who let his emotion get the best of him, but the main thing for me is that I didn't let that happen again. I didn't beat up cats or kill them after that. I love cats nowadays. I would have one if I didn't live in a dorm. And to be quite truthful, I feel sorry for mice when they are killed by traps. It pains me to see animals slaughtered. I don't condone the killing of inocent animals. I won't kill spiders most of the time, but I will kill roaches, termites, flies, and wasps(if they sting me or freak me out by flying really close to my face). As I said before I am not a violent person and I think this is because I know how to control my emotions. That is why you really don't know what you are saying when you talk about me and my view of killing cats. I wouldnt kill a cat now.


The Returned
Nov 3, 2002
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WilliamDell - you seem to miss the point, not us. First, you made out that "kittytime" was something you indulged in because you said it with amusement, then complained that you had never done it when you got a reaction you did not expect - disgust. But you went on to claim twice that it was "no big deal" "didn't affect anyone", and now you claim that you are misunderstood, you're not a cat killer.

BUT it is through your "no big deal" attitude, and of course the way you said it in your first post, i.e. clearly to sound "cool". That's why people have continued to be unhappy with your attitude and that is not going to change by you claiming to be some misunderstood child, because you keep saying the same things over and over.

You have to accept that in the real world, people will find your attitude disgusting, as I certainly do.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Kamikaze
besides me, is anyone else in here old enough to remember when televisions stations had to be changed by hand?
or has anyone else here ever owned a TRS-80 back when they were new?
anybody else long for the days when children played on monkey bars perched above concrete? and slides were made of steel ( try sliding on one of those in the hot sun with shorts on)

kids were rough and tough back then, not like the kids of today.
anybody else who is old enough to remember knows what i'm talking about, you go outside ( that place away from the computer) to play and your best friend hits you in the head with a stick, you would punch him in the eye and then you would go and play baseball.
today, kids would run home crying, then there would no doubt be a lawsuit for pain and mental anguish.

i remember when scars, stitches and a cast were badges of honor
Wow you are about the most ignorant person ever.I mean come on why in hell would my freind hit me with a stick im sure if sum1 hit me with a stick i would beat his ass so wuold most people over the age of 4 an were the tv is consernd fock u im an very happy with my remote i dont have to get off my fat ass to change the channel its very nice. but anyways you are sujesting you want to break your arm i mean badge of honor?? i personally think of it as something that itches for 2months that keeps you form doing many physical activites inlcudiong jacking off if ur unlucky.

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