lol time travel, hahaha, one problem hell warp back intime before you ask the question and be like, "any questions?" *which i think he does do if you click him a few more times lol*
okay well,
1: I would want a pet ling
2: I would want to be a ling
3: Lingzors rulezors
4: Try me in melee someday if you dont believe me that lings rule
5: everygame, i win, imagine, 350 lings (thats 175 supply points) fully upgraded, just massing to your base, my friend pees his pants when he sees those shizt.
6: 12 lings unburrowing right around you when u walk in my home (ultimate burgler system)
7: lings, who has a better name then Zerglings

you can name em whatever you want, but Zerglings, damn, whod wanna mess with zerglings the name is terrifying lol.
8: screw backstabbers my lings always win, i got replays if you don't believe me
9: screw hackers... i still own u, mother****ing map hackers.
10: screw you comp stompers, if you don't have enough skill to melee then play some UMS maps stead...
11: lots of stuff
12: you know youra red-neck if you drink beer at eulogy.
14: what happened to 13?
15: if you get these, then your a sc nerd -_-