BattleForums Senior Member
Anyone figure out on what to delete not to be banned? I tried a proxy, but it did not work.
As found on http://www.myg0t.comHow to ban evade Church of Fools
Posted by [myg0t]OldManPeterson on 06/10/2004
Madrox has discovered a way to avoid being banned in the online church ( [myg0t]Techno wrote the process for doing this which can also be found on the myg0t forums. The following instructions are for WindowsXP users, other versions of Windows will find the file in a different directory.
When you're banned from the Church of Fools, do the following to keep coming back:
1. *Open this directory: C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Macromedia/Shockwave Player/Prefs
2. **Find and open this file: smto.txt
3. Delete whatever content is in smto.txt and save.
4. Right click smto.txt and make sure Read Only is checked, hit OK and go back to raging. Anytime your banned now, just refresh the window and rejoin.
Please Note: It may be possible for them to ban you by IP, which overrides this method. Some users have reported this happening, I personally have not seen it myself, but that is what proxies or dynamic IPs are for.
* Make sure you get the smto.txt in this directory, you may have additional copies of the file on the computer, but the one in this directory is the correct one.
** If this file does not exist, its because you have never been smited(banned), create your own empty file by this name follow the steps listed above.