BattleForums Senior Member
Another thing is to just not get discouraged. Whenever you're trying something new, it's going to take a bit to figure everything out. Like when you get creamed during BNET games (as opposed to using Bots, cause there are up-to-date AI maps) just don't take it so personally. If you do decide to do BNET games, I highly recommend you inform your team that you are new, and like communicate with them. Ask for what items are good to get, or good builds. If you don't and wait until half way into the game (where it's most likely already been decided who's going to win) then they are just going to get pissed off at you.
So yeah, communicate with your team, don't be shy, etc. And don't take shit too personally if it's your first few games.
So yeah, communicate with your team, don't be shy, etc. And don't take shit too personally if it's your first few games.