mccain's fucking old. obama is a target of racism and even though the "assassination attempt" they foiled against him was obviously not gonna happen, it's a very real possibility that both mccain and obama would not fill out their full terms. that's why the vps played such a role. also the vp nominations say a huge deal about the way the candidates would have governed. obama chose someone who's outspoken and who wouldn't be afraid to challenge him and offer him constructive feedback. mccain chose someone who would pump up the religious right because mccain's seeming lack of religious conviction doesn't appeal to most people who have voted republican in the past. I don't vote that way, but lots of people do. frankly, I think a mccain lieberman ticket would have been more historically important than the first woman vp
and seriously, how much experience do you need to be president? how would any of mccain's legislative experience have translated to an executive seat? or is it just that he's been in washington for longer and knows how it works? and if that's the case do we really need someone who knows how washington works or do we need someone who knows what people want and how to get it for them? bottom line people vote on their impression of the candidate and how they think they would govern more so than their policies and obama ran his campaign with an extremely steady hand, using all his available resources and staying completely cool despite some of the most disgusting negative campaigning ever. shit, palin had more executive experience than both mccain and obama, but it doesn't fucking matter