I was bored with nothing to do so I made a small story line. of the upcoming FFA. Even though some people wont be joining to strange time zones or forgetful ness
It all started with a dream. Thronga Wanted to become the head general of all throughout the galaxy. Growwing up he would always think things out strategically. Always trying to break things out into rewardable outcomes.He is The friendly conquerer
But there was also another man by the man of Icabod, ruthless ruler of char. Sending in his units as if they weren't living creatures but pawns in a great game of chess. But to him, thats all they were. He later became known as PUMPKINHEAD. He is the bringer of Zergish doom.
The one who knows all to much about the conclave. Renzokuken grew up always wanting more for his fellow protoss. He Started out as one of the greatest Dark templars to ever work for the conclave. You name one of the big battles, he's been there. From the great shrine at the Lost Temple to the great blackout of the lazer arm thingies. He is the silent assassin.
~)The fighters of the Cause(~
A gender confused Alura arose from the ranks to become the leading in Gender confused warriors. With the "we don't ask so shut the hell up" policy they got many a recruite. He fights for his people.
A once highly respected Gundam pilot turned General Wing Zero believes he is trying to show that the once loved Gundam units of yore are still able to use their smarts in battle. He fights for the Men who served under the armor of a Gundam.
Frozen in the Ice crown of the northern lands of the Human planet N_ was a lengend of her time. Fighting for the Nightelf way of life she was with one with mother earth. Now she was unfrozen and perfectly preserved and once again fights. She fights for the days of old.
A once great leader of the Red Mafiya Static, AKA Yuri Petrova. Changed his mob ways and became a small time general. Yet to win any major battles, he Fights for all of his commrades.
Thegrim_reaper, bringer back of all that is dead. He always wanted more then to just collect the dead, so he became a warrior, captin, and Now general. To not only collect, but to create the Dead. He fights to keep his job.
For the most time Reign wanted to become a painter. But in a freak accident where he lost his big toe he desided to Reign his forever pain of his new deformty on whoever challenge him. He fights for his own self hatred and loathing. (no offense dude, couldnt think of anything

Betrayed, alone, hated. This is the daily emotions of the one dubbed "Fall0ut MuTanT." Force to live life alone in the sewwers he rose out and created a band of brothers that followed his every whim. He is now fighting for the respect he never had.
After his close friend RyanXrated came falling to the whole Billy the overlord battle, he has vowed to seek revenge on all who opose him. He takes kindly to no one except his men. He fights for his fallen brethren.
These are the contender. The date is set. The stories have been told. Only one more battle is to come. The battle for all which remains.
As you can See i have way to much time on my hands.