Really when you get down to it we have the technology to reduce energy consumption. We could in theory put a solar collector on every house. We could in theory make auto manufacturers make all cars more fuel efficient, and they would be capable of doing so.
The fact of the matter is greater fuel and energy is bad for the certain industries that sell fossil fuels. Think about it, if everybody had solar collectors powerful enough to supply 10% of their power needs the cost of fuel sources would go down. This would have the potential to drive down manufacturing costs for some industries increasing profitability.
If technology was made available to produce 100% or even as low as maybe 40% of a homes electricity cheaply through something like solar panels, and it was advertised and made widely available this would result into a large scale conversion to solar power for individual homes. This would force a drastic reduction in power demand, and it would be logical to assume a drastic price reduction. This would devastate power companies.
My point (I actually have one this time) it is possible that there is such a way to get affordable small scale power generators based on cheap rapidly renewable or feedstock, or solar or wind sources. If there is, there would be a huge effort by certain industries to get rid of anything that could destroy their industry.