He he...
You people are idiot n00bs when it comes to Halo...
Vicious, you sir, are a dumb f***. You can suck my balls.
I loved that Yellow Banshee thing... but the Bling Bling Banshee waas the best.
That pic is the fakest thing I've ever seen...
Ask Bungie about this so-called Immortal thing. I'll contact them ASAP... And if I'm right, and this 'Immortal' s*** is fake, Vicious, you are gonna suck my c***.
Heh heh... bow down to me, Vicious. Straight from
Bungie's FAQ on Halo...
I hear that there's another secret if you complete the game on Legendary in less than three hours, true or false?
False. It's an unfounded rumor. There is ONE Easter Egg hidden in the game and you do indeed find it by completing the game on Legendary, but you can take your own sweet time.
Booyah. Get ready to suck my c*** Vicious.