Holy good ideaz, Axe. The Dark Riderz could be trying to bring them back by collecting partz of demon kingz that would span across 4 normal earth places, an astro-plane where they try to summon him, and a place to battle the head of the Riderz. 4-6 questz in each place, new weaponz and all that. The thing iz, when you defeat the summoning party, one of the prime evilz iz brought back in spirit form and it enterz your body, but you don't know about it. When you strike down the head Rider, it'z powerz enter you and turn you into the new prime evil. You couldn't play that character in that difficulty again. When you'd by part 4/expansion, the boss of the last or before last level would be that corrupted character with the waeponz, armor, rindz, charmz, everything llike that character but more powerfull. You could make a cow level in the difficulty you beat, but you'd be there to try and find a cure from the cow king, but since nooone likez to kill him so they can go back you never find one. If you kill him, you can't play that character again.