How to OWN all with WIND DRUID


Nov 12, 2003
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Hex charm eh? Apparently no one told you that the west realm is a newb realm. Sorry i play on east. Yes Psn Nova Necros do use Bone Spirit; Psn Nova only has 3 Synergies. Yours clearly doesn't have it. You propbabily did something stupid like max Terror. Remake! Dueling in 08? Hmmm, the charcters are over powered in 1.1. Sorry but you just make yourself sound really stupid. I do know what I am talking about and if you don't belive me then don't make the druid....
Also if you weren't a noob you would have realized that i was talking about ladder play when i mentioned Natures Peace (ladder only.) I'm sure that the ladder duelers blow on West Realm. Last time I logged onto my acct there it was about 3-4 months after the patch, and the Zons were still using 09 gear. RoflLmfao! Your only making yourself look stupid with your comments. You can't make me look stupid for as much as you try. I know what im talking about. Pwned ok? Thanks.


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Oh my god....when you say: Pwned ok? Thanks., you do my job for me.

Secondly, East = douchebags. LEGIT dueling on West is the same as east. And no, novanecro's do NOT use spirit. Maybe you were dueling a Bone Necro with 1 point in nova or something like that.

Anyhow, I didn't say I maxed terror, moron. I said that could be a seperate build.

Also, I'd bet that there are more people here that respect me than opposed to you. So, why don't you just know your role and shut the **** up? (How bout some of your own medicine, eh?)


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 14, 2003
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Originally posted by fuxor
Hex charm eh? Apparently no one told you that the west realm is a newb realm.
West a newb realm? the new patch deleted the hexs, n as for ur info, east did hav better hacked armor/weapons then west.


Aug 29, 2003
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Hey im on east and im not a well maybe i am but anyways thanks for the good read everyone :D.


Nov 12, 2003
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Yes towards the end of 09 east did have better hacked armors and weapon i.e. 4 socket valor and quark. However the hex charms, quarks, and whites were on west for a long long time.

Originally posted by Kao
Oh my god....when you say: Pwned ok? Thanks., you do my job for me.

Being a newb you don't know what pwned means. Thats ok i understands this. Let me clear it up for you.

Owned = you got killed by another player and can't win
Pwned derived from owned first as a typo. P is right next to O. Shortly after this it came to mean POWER OWNED

For you Kao I respect you about as much as I respect a pile of shit; you have to show respect to earn respect and you show absolutely no respect. Anyways its pretty clear that you just make stuff up and hope that its right. "80% of duelers on ladder aren't real duelers." Were do you get this stat from? Well this druid is a real duelers the majority of the people i dueled on the ladder were real duelers; most of them had more pimp gear then non ladder duelers. With that in mind im finished talking to you forever because your an asshole.


Nov 12, 2003
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Originally posted by Kao
Oh my god....when you say: Pwned ok? Thanks., you do my job for me.

Being a newb you don't know what pwned means. Thats ok i understands this. Let me clear it up for you.

Owned = you got killed by another player and can't win
Pwned derived from owned first as a typo. P is right next to O. Shortly after this it came to mean POWER OWNED


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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wow fuxor, triple post + double post, i wouldnt mind if it was lag, but no, they are all diff posts!

stfu fuxor, Kao's better than you, and plz... If u really think ur wind dru pwns, tell us his life, resist, attack dmg (one of ur skills i guess) and mana and etc.. (FHR, FRW, etc)

oh yea, ur d2 is taken away! So you cant even prove this!

And if Kao was a newb, he would've not gotten respect from many ppl in this bf, as for you, you seem to be an ignorant, not-following-forum-rule jack sh!t, at least follow the rules man, and if u didnt know, now u do.

Plz dont fight now, its useless since fuxor cant even prove this, lets call it a draw and move on wit ur life kthx bye

OT: Kao when are you updating ur site again? :(


Nov 12, 2003
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What is there to prove? The druid owns. How many times i got to say if you don't like the guide then don't make the druid. It pretty clear that i know what im talking about if you would read the build. Noobs don't know what some of the items are that are mentioned. Mabey you don't either. Mabey your in the wrong place, you and Kao. There is a Newb forum too ok. You know i think you guys are just up set because I showed you up on character builds for a druid. Anyways I'm finished. Hopefully you will end your close minded denial when people start to use this guide and owning you.


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Lol..that's all I have to say to you fuxor. You just don't get it...

Anyhow, I will be updating my site soon, but I just downloaded 3 d2 Mods (Ancestral Recall, pwns so much), And Zy-El, which is not working for some reason (trying to fix it), and another one....yeah.

On your wind druid fuxor:

If your druid is so godly, why does he not have max poison resistance in hell? With Lower resist, you are down about -60 or so, bringing you to 0. Now, take one hit from a 8600 Nova over 2 seconds, see what your life is, see how much I block/Reduce (DR), and then see who wins. It's pretty damn clear to me.

And I don't think people need to know how to build a damn cookie cutter build. You might as well teach people how to take a shit. It's useless information everyone knows. You just expressed a little more interest in it, and recieved critism for being such an arrogant asshole aobut your guide. Maybe if you came off something like- "Yea, this druid is pretty good, what do you think?". Not "How to OWN all with WIND DRUID" bullshit. Next time try not to be a douchebag and you might get respect and not an enemy at a new forum already.


Sep 21, 2003
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ur druid can't be that godly if u say blizzard sorcs kill in one hit. i'm sorry but my druid can take two lvl 37 blizzards before my CA even goes away, and i dont' tele either...i just run through it. I'd say ur druid is alright. but owell


Aug 30, 2003
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Non ladder play is irrelevant
My ladder wind druid has dueled and killed a 95 botd ww barb and ik conc barb, a trapsin using griffon's eye. The only problem i had was with a doom(runeword)/frenzy barb even tho i have max all resists. Bow or java zons are no problem, meteorb sorcs are a stalemate most of the time since i catch em and they tele out the way while my ca absorbs any fireballs they throw randomly.
Chargadins, zealadins, fury or rabies druids cant even scratch me, hammerdins with enigma do give me trouble tho.


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Jan 19, 2004
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On your wind druid fuxor:

If your druid is so godly, why does he not have max poison resistance in hell? With Lower resist, you are down about -60 or so, bringing you to 0. Now, take one hit from a 8600 Nova over 2 seconds, see what your life is, see how much I block/Reduce (DR), and then see who wins. It's pretty damn clear to me.

And I don't think people need to know how to build a damn cookie cutter build. You might as well teach people how to take a shit. It's useless information everyone knows. You just expressed a little more interest in it, and recieved critism for being such an arrogant asshole aobut your guide. Maybe if you came off something like- "Yea, this druid is pretty good, what do you think?". Not "How to OWN all with WIND DRUID" bullshit. Next time try not to be a douchebag and you might get respect and not an enemy at a new forum already.
pwned fuxor

and oh yea, wouldnt hammerdin kill u? (thx lorien, your post reminded me..)
like i mean, ppl who actually knows how to AIM as hammerdin, and 90 all resist stacked.

beats me, all i need is enigma in ladder to make that hammerdin, and i still pwn ppl.


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Lol...Yea, talking shit about dueling everyone but Poison necro's is like in the special olympics....

Anyhow- go duel a GOOD NovaNecro, then talk shit if you consistently kicked his ass.


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Jan 19, 2004
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ummm kao... he mentioned psn necro..


Essentially the Wind Druid is a TANK. At Lvl 99 a Wind Druid could have nearly 350 in Vita with over a 400% increase in life, Max Block, and over 2000 Natural Absorb Elemental Damage. However, the skill tree is completed at around Lvl 90.
With items from Item (list 2) and a belt full of Full Rejuvenation Potions at Lvl 80, my Druid has been able to stand in front of the D-Clone for up to 1/2 hour at a time without rest! In Meph runs, he sustains no Dmg most of the time. He can do Pit runs alone in a full game. He is nearly capable if doing a solo Baal run in Hell mode. Many times, he has DOMINATED PvP games.
I haven't perfected the build, however, this is close.
How can you stand in front of uber dia for 30 mintures.... and who cant do pit runs in full room? I think my sorc can solo hell baal, My trapper dominted pvp games, (20 mbs).

So how much life, mana, and dmg do you do? Im very curious...

Also, posting a build isnt like writing an essay you know :p rofl Summary??? why didnt u write a conclusion no offence :D

Both of these items are used for the additional life and other good mods. Remember that the Wind druid is a TANK; no one can take as much punishment as this guy.
err.. i think concen barb takes more punishment than winddruid... hes got those armor thingys... barbs dont..

and i dont see how you can call verdungos a beginners item, rather i would put it in godly/intermediate

and yet again, wind dru requires no skill, you use hurricane, tele around, tats all you do, jus like FoHer, which is bit more cheaper, jus click click click.

I'd say you wasted your 2 cents on strat part.


Dec 23, 2002
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BC, Canada
chill out ppl...its just a :cool:

anyway...i thought the guide was alright. a bit biased, but decent. contrary to what u think, it is nowhere near "godly" or "owns". hell...even i, who never played a druid b4, know how to make a wind druid properly without ppl tellin me what to do. wind druid = max all wind synergies, caster gear, etc,etc,etc...common knowledge.


Nov 12, 2003
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All im going to say here ever again....

I made a lvl 99 barb, zon, sorc, and another sorc in 09 all with LEGIT items and no bots. 4 more 90 + on the same account with godly legit items. Another two accounts both full of 95 + characters. 7 of my mule accounts were full with things such as etherial cruels, high runes, 40-15 jewels (no blue or red or green) 40-10 mins (no pink) unshoppable magical 160-60 legit armors ect....

I know you don't remeber these days, but I had so much shit when WF was worth 40 sojs i was giving them away. I shit you not.

No one is better at this game then me. Talk all the shit you want cause im never coming back to this gay ass newb forum again.


Dec 23, 2002
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BC, Canada
Originally posted by fuxor
All im going to say here ever again....

I made a lvl 99 barb, zon, sorc, and another sorc in 09 all with LEGIT items and no bots. 4 more 90 + on the same account with godly legit items. Another two accounts both full of 95 + characters. 7 of my mule accounts were full with things such as etherial cruels, high runes, 40-15 jewels (no blue or red or green) 40-10 mins (no pink) unshoppable magical 160-60 legit armors ect....

I know you don't remeber these days, but I had so much shit when WF was worth 40 sojs i was giving them away. I shit you not.

No one is better at this game then me. Talk all the shit you want cause im never coming back to this gay ass newb forum again.

...and all this bragging comes from a guy titled "Newblar" under his name. fuxor, i never had intentions of speaking against u, but with ur arrogant attitude, u dont deserve the respect of any forum.

few or no one here benefitted from ur use of battleforums, and ur disrespect for our critique did not help either, so dont expect any of us to cry over ur departure.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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Originally posted by fuxor
All im going to say here ever again....

I made a lvl 99 barb, zon, sorc, and another sorc in 09 all with LEGIT items and no bots. 4 more 90 + on the same account with godly legit items. Another two accounts both full of 95 + characters. 7 of my mule accounts were full with things such as etherial cruels, high runes, 40-15 jewels (no blue or red or green) 40-10 mins (no pink) unshoppable magical 160-60 legit armors ect....

I know you don't remeber these days, but I had so much shit when WF was worth 40 sojs i was giving them away. I shit you not.

No one is better at this game then me. Talk all the shit you want cause im never coming back to this gay ass newb forum again.
rofl.. hey guys u know whats funny? D2 is mostly about lucks.. with mf it increases ur lucks... if u get lucky u get wfs from pindle all the time, if ur unlucky like me with 500 mf in meph, u dont get shit

I pity u fuxor, 99 doesnt mean shit.. It jus means u have no life :)

btw there is no skill in d2, mebbe skill in using skills for ur chars, other than that, there is no skill.

I hope you dont come back with that kind of attitude, however if u do, have some respect, cuz you suck ;)

"No one is better at this game then me." woot, did u ever make kicksins? does it go to 60k dmg (AOE)? didnt think so, stfu...


i was wondering whether i should ignore this reply from fuxor or not... =/


Nov 12, 2003
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Yes I had no life when I played this game. That why my parents took it from me. See, you claim to have played since the original D2. I don't belive this but even if its true I am sure that I have more play exp then you. Again I've been playing since 08. Now, I never said I found a Wf. No, I did trade from them often though. Wfs isn't the only things I've given away. Yeah thats right, you see I've given away multiple accounts full of 90 + dressed characters on them. I don't mean dressed in shit like viper magi either. No, these were pimp characters (mercs with eth shafts and stuff of that caliber.) See I like to help people. So I made the guides to help you be the best that you could without investing as much time as I did. Because im not an asshole like you are. I'm sorry I don't know how to tie threads together to compensate for your stupidity. Yeah thats right all three guides I posted tie together.

Newblar; Lol ne one who buys into that shit is a noob

Thats Ok. I don't want your respect not that anyone on this forum knows what it means. After I posted my first guide, which was well thought out of a well planned character, I belive the response was along the lines of, "LOL noob stupid guide STFU no GG F U go die u korea KEK? k thx???" After I post my second guide what response?!? And third?!? Go read them. I have every right to hate you all. Have fun in noob hell. Peace.

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