How sure are you that God exists?


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Feb 2, 2003
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South Africa
God does not exist but humans do have a sense of spirituality, you cannot deny that. Try meditating and you will see for yourself. If God created every single one of us then why is there suffering? Would you put your child into a ghetto? To grow up and become a criminal? Do you realise that your belief system is based entirely on your upbringing? So if god chooses your parents then he can either make or break your life...

Religion was createed by early man as a means of controlling the populace, whitch doctors made the first early religions by making the townspeople belive that they had special divine powers and thus controlling them. religion also plays an important part in society as it gives people a belief system which everyone needs. Even atheists believe in something, they have spirituality. I would classify myself as an atheist only because I don't believe in a god but I do believe in souls and other things.

No-one here should say that they either do or don't believe in their theory before they have actually EXTENSIVELY researched the other persons point of view. Go to places such as

And find some for yourself.

I must also state right now that I respect everyone else's viewpoint and I am in no way trying to convert you. You need to make sure that you have enough reason to back your BELIEF (after all we are creatures of reason)



Premium Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Originally posted by IGTHORN
God does not exist but humans do have a sense of spirituality, you cannot deny that. Try meditating and you will see for yourself. If God created every single one of us then why is there suffering? Would you put your child into a ghetto? To grow up and become a criminal? Do you realise that your belief system is based entirely on your upbringing? So if god chooses your parents then he can either make or break your life...

Religion was createed by early man as a means of controlling the populace, whitch doctors made the first early religions by making the townspeople belive that they had special divine powers and thus controlling them. religion also plays an important part in society as it gives people a belief system which everyone needs. Even atheists believe in something, they have spirituality. I would classify myself as an atheist only because I don't believe in a god but I do believe in souls and other things.

No-one here should say that they either do or don't believe in their theory before they have actually EXTENSIVELY researched the other persons point of view. Go to places such as

And find some for yourself.

I must also state right now that I respect everyone else's viewpoint and I am in no way trying to convert you. You need to make sure that you have enough reason to back your BELIEF (after all we are creatures of reason)

omg i wish this was in the asylum so i could flame you... What religion are you? have you ever read the bible? there is suffering b/c God gave us free will and there is suffering because we made ti that way. If every single human was responsible since the beginning there would be close to no suffering... it is our choice, and from paradise in the beginning to war and violence now, we ourselves have ruined life.



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Dec 17, 2002
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i can't be bothered to read much of anyone else's posts, but here's my diminutive theory:

god exists within one's self, in your heart - you have to have faith otherwise you lose it. knowing that your not alone, and that he's always there is enough assurance for me to be happy ;)


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
I'm nearly 87% sure he doesn't exist. For example: I DO NOT BELEIVE IN JESUS CHRIST OR THE LORD. OH MY ****ING GOD JESUS CHRIST, WORSHIP 'FOR I AM YOUR NEW GOD. I just croke 2 or 3 of the 10 commandments but i'm not struck down... I mean I may sound like an ignorant jackass but in the bible I think ( I THINK) it says something about how you shouldn't need proof to beleive in god but im a person thats like seeing is beleiving half the time, and this is one of those times.


Custom This.
Nov 8, 2003
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I think im 90% i seen some mericales in my life that happned after i prayed for it... some conicidence just seem planned by some supernatural forces. ITs HUMAN (notice i caps human) science (and that i am human) that kind of prevent the rest of the 10 percent. But we never know.... until we die.....

maybe God is just like one of us..... in andother world.. and we are his class science project.. he created life, like how one of us creates mold bbacteria in a jar.... you never know... Maybe we are just soem alien experiment thing, or maybe we dont even exist.... we just think we exist, we are just some sort of electral signals and stuff, maybe a greaters forces never ending dream. Or (like in the matrix) we dont exist in this world, we exist in another world)


Aug 8, 2003
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Originally posted by IGTHORN
God does not exist but humans do have a sense of spirituality, you cannot deny that. Try meditating and you will see for yourself. If God created every single one of us then why is there suffering? Would you put your child into a ghetto? To grow up and become a criminal? Do you realise that your belief system is based entirely on your upbringing? So if god chooses your parents then he can either make or break your life...

Religion was createed by early man as a means of controlling the populace, whitch doctors made the first early religions by making the townspeople belive that they had special divine powers and thus controlling them. religion also plays an important part in society as it gives people a belief system which everyone needs. Even atheists believe in something, they have spirituality. I would classify myself as an atheist only because I don't believe in a god but I do believe in souls and other things.

No-one here should say that they either do or don't believe in their theory before they have actually EXTENSIVELY researched the other persons point of view. Go to places such as

And find some for yourself.

I must also state right now that I respect everyone else's viewpoint and I am in no way trying to convert you. You need to make sure that you have enough reason to back your BELIEF (after all we are creatures of reason)

Finally, someone actually saying something instead of just bashing religion. I would say that you are mostly right aboot people's belief systems being based on their upbringing. I would say that people live under the belief system of their parents politically and religiously for some amount of time- for some it's until they're an early teenager, for some, regrettably, they never find their own views. Many people in the Church's I attend, both young and old, have doubted their religous beliefs, and have looked elsewhere and experimented. I have myself. I have also done my homework in that area- I've read about other religions, and understand many of their philosophies decently well, especially compared to many other Christians who are afraid to acknowledge any possibilty of some groups in other belief systems, and call those who do evil heathens. Back to my original statements now...I believe there is a time in the lives of most people when they either formulate views on their own, apart from their parents, or realize that they do agree, on their own terms, with what their parents believed. I believe this as I have seen it happen in the lives of myself and many others.

Now, to refute the problem of

First it must be proven that there is a God to prove this. I already have posted what I believe constitutes proof of a god's existence, so I'll just to some copyage and pastage...

The first assumption Christianity makes is that there is a God. If there is not a God, religion is worthless. I believe in God for several reasons. First, because the world exists. Something had to have either intelligently designed the world, or have set into motion the sequence of evolution. By the way, I don't believe in evolution, but I'm smart enough to realize that evolution in no way refutes belief in God and that it's really not that big of a threat to Christianity, which is a point that much of the Christian establishment could do well to take. Secondly, because of absolutes I believe in God. This one is more complex, so bear with me. People are born with a sense of right and wrong. If you don't believe in that, I can prove that to whoever disagrees, but for now I'll take it as a universally accepted principle. Wise people before Christ have come to the same ethical, social, and philosophical principles as Christ's teachings held to be true, without influence of the Hebrew nation. The fact that everyone knows certain things to be right and wrong shows that there is either some sort of extremely odd evolutionary thing, or that God implanted certain laws into our mental makeup. These are, I believe, the two strongest philosophical reasons for which I believe in God.

Secondly, it must be proven that God was in some way responsible for creating the world, or at least man. I am in no way good at defending creationism, so I won't try to, I will just argue from God creating man. God created man because, of all animals, we are the only ones who have the capacity to think and reason in an advanced manner. Our brains and emotions and capacity to reason and think are so complex, that it would either have taken several trillion years to evolve just the brain, or there must have been some sort of intelligent designer involved...some sort of deity, whether it be the One i believe in, which i believe it was, or whether it was some other one, and I'm wrong about my religion. The second possibility, though not very likely, is more likely than the first, so I will take that as the truth.

Now, if God created the world, it would stand to reason that he created it to be good- no rational being, which God would have to have been to have created at least humans, would create something to be seriously flawed, and evil is the most serious of all flaws possible.

Now that I've laid the foundation to this argument, I'll make the actual argument. I submit that evil is not an actual entity, but the absence of good- just as dark is not it's own entity, but merely the absence of light. An object- a sword, for example, is not inherently evil. Not even the strike of the sword that sever's a head is evil- to do so, it must be a 'good'( well executed, skilled, and correct) stroke. The evil, or lack of good, is in the intent and the flaw of the soul/morals/being of the killer. The evil is not in the creator of the sword either- he made the sword most likely to defend the innocent when he is attacked, or to destroy those who have done great wrong. If evil were a tangible thing, it would not change- I am not saying this from the stance of a relatavist, but it will sound like that. I am not a relatavist. It is sometimes right to say something that is not true (i.e. lying), because it is not lying. For example, during world war 2, someone is hiding a few Jews somewhere. The SS comes to their house, and asks if there are any Jews there. The owner of the house says no, as he/she does not wish for the innocent Jews to be horrifically killed. The owner of the house has not told a lie, as the SS had no right, let alone any reason, to be told the truth. Evil changes, but good does not- protecting the innocent is always good, for example.

To avoid getting charged with plagiarism, some of the argument is based off some stuff in Peter Kreeft's Handbook of Christian Apologetics.

Congratulations to anyone who actually read this stuff.
Oh, and by the way, IGTHORN, welcome to the forums.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorozok
It all began then i had a bible study class, i took, i finished it, and i realized how rediculus bible seemes if you actually read it and analyze it. Many ideas are paradoxical, that is basically then i became an atheist, then i realized that.
So you've tried 1 out of 100 billion possible religions, so you denounce them all together.

Oh yeah, and I believe in God because I've had experiances in my life which lead me to that conclusion. Sorry for the vague answer, but that's all you get.


6 years and going strong!
Jun 4, 2003
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Somewhere In Asia
i just realized Troa bumped this almost 3 month old thread.. good job
Jul 11, 2004
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little ol la verne
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i dont know if he agnostic so hje could and he couldent i just dont really give a damn. now for my friend adams and i take on the bible
it was made by a 54 year old black hippie named jamal during the 80's who had one too many acide induced dreams and decided to write them down then thought he could make money by forming a religion around this and just lie and say it was made billions years ago.

another note religion is a cult that went way to far


Aug 8, 2003
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Would you care to back up your statements, nosferatu? Also, if you were agnostic, you'd be at least somewhat openminded to the existence of a god, not completely hostile to any form of any religion, as it seems you are from the nature of your statements. Now, i have no problem with people who have a great aversion to religion, as long as they don't say they have none.

RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by speaker
omg i wish this was in the asylum so i could flame you... What religion are you? have you ever read the bible? there is suffering b/c God gave us free will and there is suffering because we made ti that way. If every single human was responsible since the beginning there would be close to no suffering... it is our choice, and from paradise in the beginning to war and violence now, we ourselves have ruined life.

So you'd flame him because he doesn't believe in the existance of god? That makes a load of sense. What would the point of him reading the bible be? I mean, he very well may have already read it, but it doesn't take reading the book to not believe in it. Everyone knows the stories of god, and not everyone believes in them. Some people choose logic over faith...because logic simply makes more sense. Especially science. Think about it, tons of people believe in, and revolve their life around an old book full of stories.


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Feb 2, 2003
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South Africa
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

If you don't like religion then don't call yourself an agnostic, I think it was the pope that once said that agnostics are worse than atheists because they're confused and can't make up their mind, dude, you will still roast if your agnostic so you might as well be atheist.

Now onto another point, Reincarnatoin. When you really think about it this is the only way things could really work. I mean, you could believe in a Christian, Muslim Hindu or whatever god but the concept of reincarnation makes a lot more sense then the traditional "you only get one shot at life, and this is a test which if you pass will grant you access to eternal happiness and if you fail will damn you to the eternal hellfire". With reincarnation your present life depends on what you did in your past lives, it even fits in with evolution: in the beginning we were all spawned as microorganisms and then as we achieved higher states of conciousness we evolved into more comlex life forms, and here we are now as humans. This also explains suffering, why would a kind loving god put his children into families which live in ghettos or if he knows that they will have shit lives. No god would do that so reincarantion is just a natural process of the universe which rewards and punishes souls according to the choices you make in this life and your last lives. So if your having a shit life then don't worry, just bear it out and maybe in your next incarnation you will be born a bhuddist monk, be trained in various arts of self-realization and end up shooting straight to Nirvana, YEAH!!!

This is of course assuming that we humans even have souls, I mean we could just be lumps of meat and water doomed to suffering. Maybe we only became concious as a means of survival as it gave us the edge over our other fellow creatures. Maybe when we die we won't even know we're dead, and as the neurological impulses in your brain slowly cease altogether you will lose your consiousness and your knowledge forever and decompose and be eaten by maggots and worms, or have your ashes floating around in the sea, whatever seemed fit to you in your life, but hey what does it matter, your not sentient no more.... :-(


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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to have to create matter from nothing you need a infinate sorce of energy...and people belive that to be God
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.


Your explanation of what you believe in just cuts the shit and doesn't seem like it is forcing in anyway shape or form. Your about the only religous person that really makes any sort of small logical sense, I hope to see you post more in the future. You're the complete opposite of JD-inflames, no flimsy bullshit here :).


Jul 21, 2004
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My view on religion is somewhat simple and to the point. I don't need to contradict the bibles sayings to know that this God does or does not exist. Me personally? I don't believe in God. I do not believe in any religion at this moment. I once went to church. I once was a heavy believer in christianity, until I was old enough to think on my own... how do they know God is God. Is the bible just another bedtime story? Then I started wondering...who wrote the bible?

It's funny, basing religion on a book, which for all we know, was just a writer that wanted something to belive in. I think that if you are to believe in a religion, you should follow your own path, not what a book tells you to do. All you are then is a character in that book. A book that over millions of people partake in. If you are to believe in a religion, then do it. But for all the chrisians out there, please, refrain from trying to convert others. Let us walk our path, as we do for you.

Thought I'd throw in my two cents.


BattleForums Junior Member
May 27, 2003
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Well...I found a video series that proves, in a way, the existence of god...the guys name is Dr. Kent Hovind...check out his series if u r having doubts, he shows the similarities in the bible and actual science...just check it out.

100% believer, btw. The tapes back it up.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Thanks, but you just telling us that the "tapes back it up," in fact, backs nothing up for us. Mind mentioning specifics?


Jan 7, 2003
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This is easy.

No definitive proof - you cant be sure God exists.
Everyone believes because of faith, not fact.
What else is there?


Dec 8, 2002
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This one is more complex, so bear with me. People are born with a sense of right and wrong. If you don't believe in that, I can prove that to whoever disagrees, but for now I'll take it as a universally accepted principle.
posted by shutupandgoaway

People are born with a sense of right and wrong? I stongly disagree with that. People are taught what is right and wrong. Lets take Bushido for example, in that path of belief a samurai will take his own life for shaming the Daimyo (lord of their land). The samurai thought that was the "right" path to take only because that was what he was taught. Nowadays suicide like that is considered "wrong".
There are even examples of the "right/wrong" teachings in the past century. Somone talked about the nazis. They too thought that killing the jews/inferior races was the "right" thing to do, they were brainwashed/ taught that. they killed the jews and other people because they were taught that those people brought suffering to them.
If you were taught by everyone around u that killing somone that has mental/physical flaw since u were born. You would think that was "right" thing to do, and everyone that you came across that ahd a serious defect you would kill on the spot.

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