i dont have a gf. i dont want a gf. You have to spend money on them, money that could be going towards something more productive, like paying off dsl bill so you can play d2 for another month.If you get a gf, then it leads to getting married. Then you have to support some nagging biatch for the rest of ur life, and then she yells at you for playing games and not being 'active' or 'caring' or 'sensitive'. then they continue to nag nag nag untill finally you actually want to go to wokr just to get the **** away from her. and then the kids come in. You have to support them too. then they yell and scream and make you go to school plays and make you sign their report cards. but they go away after a while when they get older. but then the grand children come. its like having kids all over again. Your wife always has them over cuz she thinks they are cute and the whole house smells like shit cuz there are diapers laying around the house. finally when all kids go away and you retire, ur stuck with your wife again. and she wants to go to hawaii, or go on a cruise. but if she doesnt get her way, she makes you sleep out on the couch. YOU SLEEP ON THE COUCH! you ****ing paid for everything, so she should be the one on the couch... or better yet, the floor. Hell make her sleep in the driveway. Finally when she dies from cancer, everyone all think that now you are lonely, so they are always around you and asking how you are and trying to not make you feel alone... and the when you get old, they put you in a nursing home, and the whole place smells like shit and pee. and then you have to go to 'arts and crafts' an 'bingo night,' but actually all of the events there are just a bunch of old people shuffeling around, randomly swearing and talking aboot the good old days. and then the friends you do make just die, and your sad. And then you die, a lonely old man whose tombstone is marked by a name and a date. People attend your funeral, make up lies aboot how you were caring and loving and helped the poor and hungry. And as you sit there from hell, your memories come back to haunt you everyday, and the world goes on without you...
no thx! screw gfs! and wives! and kids! i'm living by myself, supporting myself, and not giving a rat's ass aboot the world.
But i do have a gf (the sword from diablo2 lol)