Originally posted by eldirox
Hmmmmmmm how about u being able to become a mercenary? Like have it 1 big world instead of lots of diff games, where you could become a merc and people could hire you to help em and u could get paid.... kinda like rushing
Originally posted by eldirox
If blizzard wanted to make diablo like everquest they would have. But they made it different they didnt want to b just like everquest, baldurs gate, etc.. They made it more simple for people who dont feel like having such a complicated game...
What do you meen by D2 being less complicated? You have to hack the stupid game just to find out how the stats affect each other and how the game "rolls" for hit/miss ratio. In DnD you can see it written plainly out on paper.
In DnD if you (or the computer for video games) rolls a:
1: Critical Miss (no matter what you have + to roll)
2-9: Miss
10-19: Hit
20: Critical Hit (have to get 20
before + to roll)
What is plus to roll? Simple! A weapon will have three citical stats:
x Example: 2d6 means you roll 2 6-sided die to determine intitial damage.
Bonus: Additional damage to roll Example: 2d6 +3 means that after the initial damage is determined, you add 3 to roll.
To Hit Bonus: Addition to the original d20 roll Example: 2d6 +3 +2 to roll means that you add 2 to what you rolled.
Now then, some ground rules to this:
Roll of 1 still is critical miss!
Roll of 2 is counted as a 4, so 8 is now a hit.
Roll of 20
only is critical hit, still.
What makes hiting easier? Dexterity! That's really it. The higher your DEX number, the greater the bonus. A high enough DEX plus a great + to roll weapon can make your hit percentage 95% no matter what. Now, DEX can of course help your opponent by giving them a higher AR (Armor Rating) making them dodge easier. It basically just subracts from your d20 roll. Easy enough to figure out (it's on your own paper after all).
I've basically written down all the rules to DnD hitting and damage (leaving out STR for damage). Now to D2:
Uh? What affects it is AR
directly, and DEX can increase that. It's very hard to determine, as it may show a 95% hit percentile, but it doesn't always show up that way. Why? Your opponent has % dodge and % block... That may show up as up to 75%, but it's even harder to determine. I sat down and tried to determine it (I don't have any hacks whatsoever), but never came close to what people found by tearing apart the hex codes.
Blizzard tried to come up with coding to differ it from DnD; that's what it looks like, anyway. What they did, however, was create a battle stystem that has come to depend on complex calculations of terribly unbalanced skills and classes, and the horrendious addition of damage reduction that can go up to 75% which further unbalanced the system.
Diablo 2 is a "harder" game based on programming, but it is far to easy once you learn how to take advantage of all the imbalances. In DnD, you have a challange as no character class or race has a distinct advantage over any other. You have to
build the character to see it's strengths and weaknesses. And there are so many different and interesting paths to take per class and race. D2 comes down to this: Zon or Sorc? Massive long range damage or DDR/Block?
Hmm? Maybe that's why I'd rather play my Planescape: Torment than D2...