How D3 Should Be... (Class/Races)

Should there be Races/Class combinations

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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BattleForums Junior Member
Jan 22, 2003
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ya good and evil is ok but theyre should be a middle ground like a hunter hunts whatever he doesnt like he doesnt like the good guy he kills him doesnt like the bad guy kills him too that would make the game a bit more interesting you see like one guy going to kill diablo and than theres some guy hiding and jumps right in front of you and than beats the crap out of you while your trying to kill diablo and hes trying to kill diablo and diablo is trying kill both of you i hope you understood that :)


Jun 8, 2003
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Keldramir... you ripped those characters almost directly from EQ... come up with something more origional with D3... we dont want it to be like EQ... and NO dammit D3 should NOT be ANYTHING like DnD!!! if you want to play dnd that bad go buy neverwinter nights...

Oh... and... I would play as a big beetle guy... could be fun... heh


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by mrshizzles
Keldramir... you ripped those characters almost directly from EQ... come up with something more origional with D3... we dont want it to be like EQ... and NO dammit D3 should NOT be ANYTHING like DnD!!! if you want to play dnd that bad go buy neverwinter nights...

Oh... and... I would play as a big beetle guy... could be fun... heh
I home you realize, mrshizzles, that all the EQ characters are rip offs of DnD, and so are the D2 characters.

Druid: Uh? Yeah, they're there.
Sorcerress: Female mage character.
Amazon: Female archer.
Necromancer: A little obvious...
Paladin: Yep...another one.
Barbarian: Male warrior.
Assasin: Female ninja.

So how is D2 (or the original) any different from EQ in the first place when both incoporate elements of DnD? In fact, name a game that doesn't incoporate DnD elements. Any/all classes and races can be linked to DnD. DnD is original; Diablo isn't. You want to make an RPG, you need, at least, the basic elements of DnD.

Children Lover

Jul 10, 2003
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Quebec Canada
That's right. I agree with bamthedoc completely. In Diablo 3 I think they're should be the following:
Races: (Good) Human,Elf,Angel (Evil) Undead,Orc,Devil
Gender: Male,Female
Good Or Bad
That's my opinion but feel free to add comments.


Jun 8, 2003
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Well bamthedoc, i do agree that most games do incorporate elements of DnD, however, D2 is unlike DnD in many ways. For example, D2 is much more fast paced. I highly dislike the whole "you have entered a dark corridor, the stench of a big hairy guy fills the air" deal that comes along with DnD. And i understand that eq characters are also like DnD, but what i meant to say was that the character classes that Keldramir suggested were the EXACT same classes as EQ. Even the descriptions he gave them matched EQ exactly. Im just saying that I enjoy how D2 has skill trees, stat point systems, and how its fast paced and origional. Thats what really sets it apart from other games.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
You obviously haven't played games like Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale... They are fast paced, if you know what you're doing--that is.

Besides, let me break down Diablo II for you:

You have entered a dark corridor. You can feel the evil stench in the air. You know that's a bad sign. You hold your staff close, feeling the moisture of the tiles below your feet. You see about a dozen monsters and demons walking around in the distance, though you know they are out of your spell range. You prepare yourself, as your mana trickles through your body.

Wow! Easy to make a DnD game out of that! Try coming to the RPR sometime, we'll show you a think or three.

And the Stat Point System and Skill Tree is certainly not unique. I might have to find you an example. No I don't! It's an exact rip-off of the DnD system! Coincodence? I think not! The numbers are a lot higher, but it's exactly the same thing.

STR--25 (video game max)
CON--25 (same)
DEX--25 (same)
INT--25 (same)
WIS--25 (same)
CHR--25 (same)

I doubt I have to even explain but CHR (Charisma) to you... Now, Diablo:

STR--(unknown max)
DEX--(unknown max)
VIT--(unknown max); aka: CON
ENG--(unknown max); aka: INT and WIS

The only thing missing is CHR. Which makes trading *yawn* boring. You can't ever affect the prices. And what is the trade base between the two? DnD: 1000 Gold = 1 Platinum. DII: Gold = worthless, SoJ = currency. That's sad, very much so. If an item is a currency, trade becomes...hard to say the least. In DnD you'll likely be trading your very hard earned plantinum for awesome equipment. Likely spending 1k+ plantinum on a sword that has +10 attributes to it.

You waste more time in DII trying to find some silly thing called a Windforce. There are much better bows in DnD, and all they basically do is add elemental damage, magical damage, + to roll, + to damage, + number of dice, etc. You skills increase your weapons, not the other way around as in DII. An Archer, for example, learns something like "Long Shot" or "Called Shot" making him/her shoot longer/further or without a chance to miss. In DII you want a bow to add x damage itself and to skills like Guided Arrow. I'd rather use Called Shot with 4d10 +10 +5 to roll (4 rolls of 10 sided dice plus 10 extra damage to total roll plus 5 accuracy--basically you are rolling a minimum of 5x4+10 damage and a max of 15x4+10). That's a whole lot of damage in DnD. Windforce is often lucky to deal 1/100th of a persons life in damage.

Oh well, enough ranting.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Diablo is Everquest BUT:

Less stuff
Less fun
Faster (too much so at times)
Outragous stats
Skills are weak
Fewer choices
Not as popular

Diablo is much weaker than Everquest because there is less custumization. That's what will drive Blizzard down with D3 if they try to continue with the same aspects of MMORPG as D1 and D2. They'll likely try to keep it free, but will upgrade if they want to sell.

EQ, at this time, > Diablo

Thats based on popularity, time online, and income to EQ servers/makers.


Jun 8, 2003
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Bamthedoc, you have come to some very good points about the game. I have come to the conclusion that D2 is DnD for the impatient. :D


Hmmmmmmm how about u being able to become a mercenary? Like have it 1 big world instead of lots of diff games, where you could become a merc and people could hire you to help em and u could get paid.... kinda like rushing


If blizzard wanted to make diablo like everquest they would have. But they made it different they didnt want to b just like everquest, baldurs gate, etc.. They made it more simple for people who dont feel like having such a complicated game...


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by eldirox
Hmmmmmmm how about u being able to become a mercenary? Like have it 1 big world instead of lots of diff games, where you could become a merc and people could hire you to help em and u could get paid.... kinda like rushing

Originally posted by eldirox

If blizzard wanted to make diablo like everquest they would have. But they made it different they didnt want to b just like everquest, baldurs gate, etc.. They made it more simple for people who dont feel like having such a complicated game...
What do you meen by D2 being less complicated? You have to hack the stupid game just to find out how the stats affect each other and how the game "rolls" for hit/miss ratio. In DnD you can see it written plainly out on paper.

In DnD if you (or the computer for video games) rolls a:
1: Critical Miss (no matter what you have + to roll)
2-9: Miss
10-19: Hit
20: Critical Hit (have to get 20 before + to roll)

What is plus to roll? Simple! A weapon will have three citical stats:
Dice: xdx Example: 2d6 means you roll 2 6-sided die to determine intitial damage.
Bonus: Additional damage to roll Example: 2d6 +3 means that after the initial damage is determined, you add 3 to roll.
To Hit Bonus: Addition to the original d20 roll Example: 2d6 +3 +2 to roll means that you add 2 to what you rolled.

Now then, some ground rules to this:
Roll of 1 still is critical miss!
Roll of 2 is counted as a 4, so 8 is now a hit.
Roll of 20 only is critical hit, still.

What makes hiting easier? Dexterity! That's really it. The higher your DEX number, the greater the bonus. A high enough DEX plus a great + to roll weapon can make your hit percentage 95% no matter what. Now, DEX can of course help your opponent by giving them a higher AR (Armor Rating) making them dodge easier. It basically just subracts from your d20 roll. Easy enough to figure out (it's on your own paper after all).

I've basically written down all the rules to DnD hitting and damage (leaving out STR for damage). Now to D2:

Uh? What affects it is AR directly, and DEX can increase that. It's very hard to determine, as it may show a 95% hit percentile, but it doesn't always show up that way. Why? Your opponent has % dodge and % block... That may show up as up to 75%, but it's even harder to determine. I sat down and tried to determine it (I don't have any hacks whatsoever), but never came close to what people found by tearing apart the hex codes.

Blizzard tried to come up with coding to differ it from DnD; that's what it looks like, anyway. What they did, however, was create a battle stystem that has come to depend on complex calculations of terribly unbalanced skills and classes, and the horrendious addition of damage reduction that can go up to 75% which further unbalanced the system.

Diablo 2 is a "harder" game based on programming, but it is far to easy once you learn how to take advantage of all the imbalances. In DnD, you have a challange as no character class or race has a distinct advantage over any other. You have to build the character to see it's strengths and weaknesses. And there are so many different and interesting paths to take per class and race. D2 comes down to this: Zon or Sorc? Massive long range damage or DDR/Block?

Hmm? Maybe that's why I'd rather play my Planescape: Torment than D2...
Aug 11, 2003
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Sob why the hell are you even discussing about this let the guys at blizzard take care of this. Luckily for us were on the internet posting reply and all cuz if we would all be in a real humain discussion group we would be killing each other so for now on battleforums i love being a netbeing so you can't kill me in a discussion group lolll. still will eber someone just stop the chit chat about d3 let the game be when it comes out play it and then discuss of thing in the game. Don't you think that would be better then comparing it to eq or DnD.

Well take care guys don't kill yourself in here lol :wavey


Aug 6, 2003
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Originally posted by wizzy_the_genius
:fencing HOW DIABLO 3 SHOULD BE...
Diablo 3 needs to have class/race combinations to make players different. Whenever i go in a game i see the same old stuff. All chars these days are too similar. Diablo 3 needs to have variety.
Classes (Of course the D2x chars): Barbarian, Paladin, Sorceress, Necromancer, Amazon, Druid, Assassin. New Classes: Archer, Ranger, Beastmaster, Cleric, Mage, Wizard, Fighter, Warrior, Rouge, Sorcerer, Priest, Demon Summoner, General, Bard, Theif, Illusionist, Mummy and Soldier. Possibly more.

Races: As i said before to many people are similar in the diablo world. Make the game more unique and original. Then whenever u join a game u will see somthing new not the same @$%! every single game. Races should include: Humans, Elfs, Orcs, Dwarfs, Cat people, Angels, Succubus, Goblins, Undead, Insects, Bird people, and Demons. Also there will be mixes of the classes. Of course there could be many more.
THAT IS BULL sounds alot like that old game called "REALMZ"

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