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Sep 5, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
sigh.. you too? all i have to say about that is..

1. you have no proof that 80% of my posts are spam, people just say that cuz i make your post count look bad
You want proof? I can easily get it. It would take at least a week to get it all though. Most of it comes from double posting. Under your profile they have a link to view all of your posts. And truely about 80% of your posts don't even fill up the preview box and 10% of them are quoted and they fill up the preview box. So that leaves about an estimated 10% of your posts non-spam. So out of 2000 posts that means only about 200 of your posts where non-spam.

All posts made by punk_rock_yam

Just look through the first page and you'll see that even most of that is spam.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
your definiton of spam is really ****ed up dude. sometimes i wonder how anyone could like you. wait hold on... nobody likes you :p
My definition of spam is anything that contributes nothing to the original topic, double posting, or one word posts. I don't care if people like me or not on these forums. I'm pretty sure I have more friends on this forum than you do though.

If you ask me, then you need to change your definition of spam. If you don't consider most of the mindless bullcrap you post 90% of the time spam, then your the one with the faulty definiton.

Yes, my last 2 posts where spam and have nothing to do with this thread, but I'd rather get that out of my system in this thread rather than starting a whole new thread.

punk rock yam

Jan 1, 2003
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Originally posted by SmashBros.Pro
My definition of spam is anything that contributes nothing to the original topic, double posting, or one word posts. I don't care if people like me or not on these forums. I'm pretty sure I have more friends on this forum than you do though.
k but think about it. when you said your definiton of spam is anything that doesnt contribute to the post, if the double posting or one word post contributes to the thread, it has lost its spam title. thus i think you need to fix your definition of spam.

punk rock yam

Jan 1, 2003
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Originally posted by DrakenX89
personally, i dont mind spamming and dont see why everyone hates it.

btw how do u quote?
you press the quote button at the corner of the post you want to quote

and yes... for some rason nobody seems to give a shit about my posts except for either
1. he does like me
2. hes a grumpy old fart
3. hes a nazi


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
you press the quote button at the corner of the post you want to quote

and yes... for some rason nobody seems to give a shit about my posts except for either
1. he does like me
2. hes a grumpy old fart
3. hes a nazi
Wow, your more childish than I thought... You actually made up a list that proves nothing at all.

1. I don't like you, I'm strait and I have a girlfriend (you probally don't know what a girlfriend is, but I'll save that lecture for when you finally hit puberty).

2. Grumpy old fart? Even more childish... I wouldn't consider myself grumpy at all. Because I finaly got tired of your massive spam and said something, I'm considered a grumpy old fart. Well that shows your logic isn't going to be a strong point in your life.

3. I'm not a Nazi, nor do I have anything in common with them. As a matter of fact, I have more friends of the opposite religion and race than I do white or Babtist. But you surprised by actually knowing what a Nazi is, good job.

Wanna know why I hate spam so much? It's simple, when I click on a thread that isn't even a week old that has 150 posts on it, I have to go through and read all of that, just so I can see what the smarter people had to say. The "Paranormal" thread is a major example. In the link where you can see how many times people have posted in a thread (under the Paranormal topic) you have 21 posts and only 1 of them actually contributed to the thread. You know how aggervating it is to go back 4 pages just to see what someone who didn't spam, who had an actual oppinion? You wouldn't know the aggervation, as most major spammers don't. You won't ever know the aggervation because you don't bother to read what other people think, you just try to find something to bash from the page your on. I guarantee you that I'm not the only person who gives a shit about the massive amount of spam you output. It's just insane for a person who joined on the first of January to have 2100 post counts with only about 200 not being spam. You should really think about that...

I doubt that you'll actually read that, from what I've seen of you so far your IQ is barely higher than a small woodland creatures. But because I said that maybe you will read it, who knows?

punk rock yam

Jan 1, 2003
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Originally posted by SmashBros.Pro
Wow, your more childish than I thought... You actually made up a list that proves nothing at all.

1. I don't like you, I'm strait and I have a girlfriend (you probally don't know what a girlfriend is, but I'll save that lecture for when you finally hit puberty).

2. Grumpy old fart? Even more childish... I wouldn't consider myself grumpy at all. Because I finaly got tired of your massive spam and said something, I'm considered a grumpy old fart. Well that shows your logic isn't going to be a strong point in your life.

3. I'm not a Nazi, nor do I have anything in common with them. As a matter of fact, I have more friends of the opposite religion and race than I do white or Babtist. But you surprised by actually knowing what a Nazi is, good job.

Wanna know why I hate spam so much? It's simple, when I click on a thread that isn't even a week old that has 150 posts on it, I have to go through and read all of that, just so I can see what the smarter people had to say. The "Paranormal" thread is a major example. In the link where you can see how many times people have posted in a thread (under the Paranormal topic) you have 21 posts and only 1 of them actually contributed to the thread. You know how aggervating it is to go back 4 pages just to see what someone who didn't spam, who had an actual oppinion? You wouldn't know the aggervation, as most major spammers don't. You won't ever know the aggervation because you don't bother to read what other people think, you just try to find something to bash from the page your on. I guarantee you that I'm not the only person who gives a shit about the massive amount of spam you output. It's just insane for a person who joined on the first of January to have 2100 post counts with only about 200 not being spam. You should really think about that...

I doubt that you'll actually read that, from what I've seen of you so far your IQ is barely higher than a small woodland creatures. But because I said that maybe you will read it, who knows?
ok ok mr. mature. if you truuuuuuuely didnt care you wouldnt fuss about my so called "spam". although you say one of the 21 posts in the paranormal thread was actually contributing, i have a feeling many many many people would beg to differ.

im sorry your too MATURE for the word FART! or OLD FART! and im sorry you think i havent gone through peuberty because strangely enough i think ive gotten through most of it.

i added that nazi part for no apparent reason but knowing mr. MATURE! you had to use it against me and call me childish.

i dont care if you dont like me, frankly i dont gave a crap about you either :). i also dont care if your straight or if you have a girlfriend. so all that crap you just told me was a waste of my time.

in other forums 2200 posts in 2 months is nothin you guys are just kinda lame by my opinion :|

and yes ive read nearly all the posts in a ton of threads before posting and yes i may have taken 1 thing somebody said and SOMETIMES bash it. sometimes i give out my opinion. sometimes i dont. frankly, nobody seems to have broken out in a rage like you have so i doubt anyone cares as much as you... maybe you just kinda hate me or something

ryanxwing why are you such a kissup? i mean youve literally agreed with nearly EVERYBODY!


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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This will be my last time posting anything unrelated to this topic in this section.

From the way your talking, you make being mature sound like bad thing. Well if you don't want to be mature, fine by me, but I prefer to stay the way I am and make something of myself by being mature.

2200 posts in 2 months is something and if most of it wasn't garbage, then I would congratulate you, but as I've said most of it is spam.

I put you on my ignore list and checked out what BattleForums would be like without you. But not surprisingly I found out that it would be much better. I'm not saying you should leave and I'm not adding you to the ignore list, because sometimes (Note: "Sometimes") you do make valid points.

I'm going to stop wasting my time arguing with you now, I wasted enough time already. I'm going to leave this thread alone and find something to do.

punk rock yam

Jan 1, 2003
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ive always tought of mature as in like boring and crabby mood n reading a book all day and usin big words n crap. gad id hate to be mature.

you say its spam yet you give me no proof. i swear you couldnt give me 10 posts of complete ccrap that doesnt contribute to the thread at all.

sometimes listening to crap like that i feel im not wanted. maybe i should leave. despite all the happy faces after im gone.

yeah your right dont waste your time on me.


Jan 28, 2003
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
btw what do you think is cooler? spiked, mohawk, liberty spikes, or just a badass skinhead:cool:
You sick evil twisted bastard *shudders*:eek:


Oct 11, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
1. i dont care
2. your cool.... to the newbs :p
3. your ugly
4. shes ugly
5. it didnt actually happen
6. lay off the mai tais
7. if she asked you out and you barely know her if it actually happened its probably a joke because they wanted to choose the ugliest guy to make fun of:p
8. this is another spam post that nobody cares about :D
I'd watch it punk, your digging yourself deeper into my list of people i will eventually lash-out at.

Originally posted by punk rock yam
8. this is another spam post that nobody cares about :D
Then why do you waste such precious bandwidth?


Oct 11, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
ive always tought of mature as in like boring and crabby mood n reading a book all day and usin big words n crap. gad id hate to be mature.

you say its spam yet you give me no proof. i swear you couldnt give me 10 posts of complete ccrap that doesnt contribute to the thread at all.

sometimes listening to crap like that i feel im not wanted. maybe i should leave. despite all the happy faces after im gone.

yeah your right dont waste your time on me.
Maturity is growing up, and as i see it, you havent done much.

I could give you 2200 of your posts that are complete crap. Which contribute little to nothing to a thread.


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
ive always tought of mature as in like boring and crabby mood n reading a book all day and usin big words n crap. gad id hate to be mature.

you say its spam yet you give me no proof. i swear you couldnt give me 10 posts of complete ccrap that doesnt contribute to the thread at all.

sometimes listening to crap like that i feel im not wanted. maybe i should leave. despite all the happy faces after im gone.

yeah your right dont waste your time on me.
Maturity is not just about 'growing up'. One of the major definition means: being respectful to other people, no matter how much you love or hate them.

No, I have got nothing against you punk. Just a few thoughts about maturity that I don't quite agree with.

- Amantis


Jan 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Renzokuken
I'd watch it punk, your digging yourself deeper into my list of people i will eventually lash-out at.

Then why do you waste such precious bandwidth?
Oooo scary having renzo as an enemy what would he do with himself...probably hide in a corner and curse the world for his unlucky fate :rolleyes:


BattleForums Addict
Feb 20, 2003
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Originally posted by panther_53085
wow, alot of different people are talkin in this thread.... kinda makes you think.....
LOL, kind of makes you think where the topic to the post went....

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