Originally posted by Towelie
Six million people, 3 million of them were jews. Saying 6 million people were killed at the holocaust does not mean he killed just jews. Half of them were not jews. He discriminated against homosexuals, bisexuals, crippled, retarded, and people he saw not fit as an aryan, and hitler was not a jew. He hated jews, you chose to be a jew, you are not born one. You could go one day, damn jews, I don't want to be one, or one day say, jewish people are cool, ima be one, because I believe what they do too. If he hates judiasm, he isnt a jew. Simple as that. Hitler was a great speaker, he couldn't plan military strategics for shit, besides common sense. Hmmm lets attack britain now that we own France. Yeah, he could have had britain too, but he wasn't smart. Maybe as a matter of fact, he wasn't smart, he was so stupid, that he just decided that he think he would lead germany, and luckily enough he did. Germany was so desperate at the time, getting out of WWI and France's stupid restrictions. Germany would do anything for relief. He got to the top, by being lucky, now he gets everyone to do what he wants.
If it weren't for America, there would be two nations, Germany, and the U.S.A. for a long time, I think U.S.A. would have won over Germany though, thats another story. Read Night by Ellie Wiesel that is another good book. Short, 100 pages, and easy to read, but a good book nonetheless. He was a jew too. I have talked so much, I have no idea where I am at, so I am going to stop now...