**Chokeslams Cort then hits with a swan dive from the top**
( LoL just kidding bra!! ^,~ )
Yes i totaly agree with you the WWE is fake as hell, it's a glorified soap opera for males if you look at it right...right?
I have had my bumps and bruises like 4 concusions 2 level 3 ( which are bad!!! ), 3 broken noses ( thank god i have a good surgen ), a broken leg, bur in my neck that had to be removed, but the one thing that keeps me going is the fans, it's very exilerating if you only knew how it feels to have 500 people screaming for you it just amazing!!!
But yeah just look up independents there porbably is one in each one of your citys, they R like the ECW of the biz, And i luv it like i am in a fed called the CCWA and it's based out of the night club 1st Avenue in downtown Minneapolis( the club from Purple Rain with Prince! ) and it draws such a great fan base it is just like the WWE just with out the bullshit drama and crap in!
( Just a tid bit there for you guy's.....sorry!! ) ^,~