Kao said:
Stop being so damn negative, christ. He will be able to solo Hell, but just not as fast as others. And he can do PvP also, just can't kill everyone.
Um actually I disagree, I wont kill anything I bet. I guess I'll find out if and when I get their. LoL! I will probably stay in normal for an extra time to level up, just to compensate for the lack of auras.
I found a four soceted shield on one of my mules this will cover a good deal of the resistence for normal difficulty and maybe early nightmare levels.
Unfortunitly I no longer have a demon limb, guess I traded it. Not sure really. If anyone has one for trade I.M. me with items you are looking for. I am moderatly wealthy, so just drop me a messege. Thanks.
A question for all of you helpful out their. I have a Scheaffers Hammer would this be a good mid-level weapon due to the static. Not really sure.
BTW It will be for PvM only, don't see the point in PvP with this.