Battle God
Alright, my SC works. Whenever you panzies want to play, we can set up a game between the lot of us and see who wins. 
Yeah, nothing pimpslaps the unprepared M&Ms better than a few strategically-placed lurkers. Ultimately losing three dozen marines and a dozen and a half medics and killing only two of three lurkers has got to be painful. Peeps be gettin' deep-sixed, yo.However, I am never again going to try to macro when I'm facing activiely engaging Lurkers. T_T
That used to happen to me. To stop that from being a problem I would keep making SCVs in my main base until I set up an expansion. Then I copntinually make them there until I make another expansion. By that time I have a sufficent amount to transfer to new bases. I do tend to eat up my supply with SCVs though. >_<and I forgot to have two drones per patch.
thats probly becuase you didnt start your game with penguin plugin (aka start the game from bnetx bw-launcher.exe!)Lord of Nukes said:I can play now, but N_LeGenD) would have to go onto Battle.net. I can't play PGT now for some reason.