Nice of them to kind of give you a choice in allowing you to believe what you want. Free will? Pffft. That was stripped from us years ago when we came screaming into this world with one mission... To follow "God" because believing in someone else, and codependency is right. If you don't agree, **** you, you go to the bad place.
I made a post similar to this before, but I think this is a good place to post it again.
If you think about when religion first became a major factor into life, you'll go back to medieval times. Before the Dark Ages and the Rennaisance. Back when the upper class were becoming prominent in everyday life, and they were realizing that they could hold the true power in government.
The theory behind "God" was created by the upper class, to keep the peasants, and middle class workers in line. I mean, who would dare oppose the king if he were supported by the Church? The upper class controlled the church with donations, the church controlled the king with the "blessings of God". Going against the King was blasphemy, you'd go to hell. The king going against the church would result in his loss of favor from heaven. You get the point.
Religion is great when you're growing up. Believing big daddy will always save you, and you should put your faith in the arms of another is a great philosophy.... for the dreamer. We're all dreamers at heart however, and no one is unique and special. You weren't given that ugly face because "God" has some higher order. You were given that face so you wouldn't be an arrogant **** with good looks. You'd become a humble person with a great personality if you're strong enough to endure the rigors of life.
I finally saw a Pro-Choice bumper sticker the other day. Made me smile...
"If you can't trust me to make a choice,
What makes you think you can trust me with a baby?"