-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
- Joined
- Sep 17, 2002
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Dominos doesn't let your actionbar get all fko'd when you get in vehicles. 
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina about all this evil hmmm maybe// just maybe do I want to be good? a rouge maybe?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: you want to be a shade of red?
Broadcast] Lady Destrina: maybe not
[Broadcast] Bright-Fire: lvl 3 corr lft
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: this IS going to get interesting ohh and the new rouge isles idea will put champpeeons on notice lol
[Broadcast] General Defiance: they're making a new isle where everyone wears rouge?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: or is everything there colored rouge?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: not wears dummy IS
[Broadcast] General Defiance: so everyone has to be a shade of red?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: interesting...
[Broadcast] Area 52 Ranger: I dunno being makeup sounds awesome
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: i never said that but hey iof you cant read not my bad
[Broadcast] General Defiance: right up there you said everyone was rouge
[Broadcast] Area 52 Ranger: i prefer being lip stick
[Broadcast] Shock Full of Evil: everyone is red?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: how else could that possibly be interpreted
[Broadcast] General Defiance: apparently!
[Broadcast] Vor'Kac: lvl 2 necro/pain MM LFT.
[Broadcast] NightsChild: lv 3 stalker lft
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: never said anything about anyone but myself dummy
[Broadcast] General Defiance: or the shade of red that gives said item of makeup it's name?
[Broadcast] NightsChild: lv 3 stalker lft
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: never said that either but if you wish to engage in semantics please pick a more tollerant host
[Broadcast] Shock Full of Evil: well it is rouge side i guess
[Broadcast] General Defiance: no that's exactly what you said
[Broadcast] General Defiance: please clarify your intent
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: no it isnt but hey read into what u want
Entering Fort Cerberus.
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: look I type in the dark but those expecting perfection I feel sorry for
Entering Mercy.
Entering Fort Cerberus.
[Broadcast] Travis Bickle Gang: typing "one handed" in the dark?
[Broadcast] Area 52 Ranger: you con, butt we get to luagh at ti
[Broadcast] General Defiance: maybe turn a light on?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: hell I can barely see my keyboard but I guess I expect the more intel to kinda of pick up on that
[Broadcast] Mrs. Emma Atom: I think what you meant to say was "Please excuse me. I misunderstood, and thank you for explaining so graciously." but that's close enough.
Broadcast] General Defiance: it was just amazing that you made the same typo so many times in a row
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: but those like General or whatever has a bAAAD child hood and wihses tro pass uit on to us BAD general
[Broadcast] General Defiance: I mean what are the odds
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: bad bad bad
[Broadcast] General Defiance: of course I had a bad childhood
[Broadcast] General Defiance: I live on the rouge isles after all!
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: General ur an idiot ohh wait ok you may even have a brain but from what I can see from what you have posted so far you have NO wisdom
[Broadcast] General Defiance: yeah I went with intelligence instead because I'm a spellcasting class
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: Gen your capitialixing on a typoe thats HARDLY proof of intel LOL
[Broadcast] General Defiance: goodness no! and I never intended to imply that it was!
Broadcast] Lady Destrina: see im a bit on the drunk side but general wont for a second give that possibility a try. See General its SO right for tyou to BE right fuck you lol
Broadcast] General Defiance: I apologise deeply for not considering the possibility that you might be playing the game while hepped up on goofballs
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: come on genearl capitlize on another persons mistake to makeyourself tyo be what?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: see im a bit on the drunk side but general wont for a second give that possibility a try. See General its SO right for tyou to BE right fuck you lol
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: oops
[Broadcast] Rot Fiend: Don't worry everyone else believes your drunk
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: sorry guys
[Broadcast] General Defiance: is it like a really SMALL keyboard?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: general your inquizition is a foolish errand
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: I mean who are your parrents?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: My god should they be shot forwhatn they did to you?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: an internet fight? gracious no!
[Broadcast] General Defiance: it's true, my parents were terribly cruel
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: Come on general why did you even bother? explain that to all of us
[Broadcast] General Defiance: mommy used to drink a lot
[Broadcast] General Defiance: and then play mmorpgs
[Broadcast] General Defiance: in the dark
Broadcast] Lady Destrina: General I think that you try and make others feel badly about themselves maybe for the sake of it I dont know but it is unhealthy
[Broadcast] Marvella the Mystic: lv 4 dom lft
[Broadcast] General Defiance: who is trying to make you feel bad?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: any other corrections you feel are needed General
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: I mean someone somewhere will MEET up to your expectations somewhere
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: soober or later
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: sooner or later
[Broadcast] Felli Moss: dominator lft
[Broadcast] Bonevault: Sober or later
Broadcast] Lady Destrina: General what? a typo is an entire new conversation for you?
[Broadcast] Marvella the Mystic: wow
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: damn
[Broadcast] Khaotic Kitty: level 2 stalker lft
[Broadcast] General Defiance: and what a wonderful conversation it's been!
Broadcast] General Defiance: we've laughed a little, cried a little, dare I say we've learned a little
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: General you have not even answerd one q
[Broadcast] General Defiance: I know, aren't I a scoundrel?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: ok ill make this simple for you General? why even bother?
[Broadcast] General Defiance: why bother with what, my sweet?
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: I masde some facinatiing comments about the new rouge isles expansionm and general take s a shit
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: I mean what the fuck ever
[Broadcast] Superior'Assassin: bowl movements are nothing to get mad about
[Broadcast] General Defiance: the what isles, sorry?
Petition sent.
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: I made some comments about the new rouge isles expansion and general took a shit over it
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: thats wghat this is all about
Broadcast] General Defiance: I just wanted to know about this new expansion!
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: and yes he even corrects grammer and typos too
[Broadcast] General Defiance: the one in which we travel to the rouge isles!
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: what a total fuck head
[Broadcast] General Defiance: presumably to try on makeup!
[Broadcast] Agent KAL: i cna splel too
[Broadcast] General Defiance: I am an innocent in all this!
[Broadcast] Travis Bickle Gang: i unh unk urk ulp
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: General I have wasted enough time trying to help you
[Broadcast] Travis Bickle Gang: yea destrina prolly a gender confused moron losing his/her mind i would say
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: and thats fine
[Broadcast] General Defiance: I was honestly confused and intrigued as to this new direction!
[Broadcast] Lady Destrina: in all the conversations I have had on COH chat this has been the least educational for me anyways.
[Broadcast] Travis Bickle Gang: ok bye now
This is where shit gets real. Bolded is me.
[Tell]Lady Destrina: ok here goes WTF is your problem?
my problem?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: yea YOUR problem
[Tell] Lady Destrina: fucker
I have no idea what you mean!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: please explain your need to correct me
[Tell] Lady Destrina: the NEED please
[Tell] Lady Destrina: not the why
[Tell] Lady Destrina: come on fucker
I find your language shocking and offensive!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: of couse you do
[Tell] Lady Destrina: ohh wait
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I mispelled
[Tell] Lady Destrina: course
[Tell] Lady Destrina: their we go
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I know fucker
[Tell] Lady Destrina: now please explain this NEEED
[Tell] Lady Destrina: its ok ill pay attention to you
[Tell] Lady Destrina: come onm now u can do it
do what?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: not the WHY
this is all a complete misunderstanding!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: really how so?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I mean my use of the term rouge was about makeup wasnt it?
that was my understanding!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: rogue is dif and perhaps correct and you capitiliazed on my mistake
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you chose to fuck with me bcause i mispelled a word
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you are like Hitler
I'm like Hitler?!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: fucken a right
you're equating someone allegedly making fun of you over a typo to killing MILLIONS OF JEWS
I mean I'm just saying that's a pretty audacious conversational gambit
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you fucked with me because of a mistake I made
[Tell] Lady Destrina: YOU CAPITALIZED on my mistake
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you fucker
[Tell] Lady Destrina: and THAT to me is AS bad as Hitler
and then I led the forces of the third reich to attempted world domination and genocide?
young lady do you know who Hitler is?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: what are you so fuckeing stupid that you dont understand what a inds set is?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: yuor MIND set was to ACCOMPLSH WHAT>?
I honestly have no clue what a inds set is
[Tell] Lady Destrina: to humilitrae me?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: Mind set dum ass
and I had no intention of hulitraeing you
[Tell] Lady Destrina: see there you go
[Tell] Lady Destrina: right there
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I can mispell ON PURPOSE asnd you throw it in my face WHY?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: come on fucker?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: tell me why?
why what sorry?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I see
[Tell] Lady Destrina: well assuming u has a freaken brain was another one of my mitsakes LOL
[Tell] Lady Destrina: had I meant had now
I apologise, english isn't my first language I don't know some of these words you're using
Lady Destrina, let's be global friends!
[Tell] Lady Destrina: ok I know a good mind fuck when I see one. Your need to humiliate others is WELL evident in this conversation. If you wish to engage other human beings in conversation you may need to ask someone for some assitance.
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you may need some help but either way
[Tell] Lady Destrina: you may need to ask your mommy or daddy to help you
my mommy and daddy are dead
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I apologize for this because I honestly thought you were an adult. I apologize for the foul lanugage I used as well. You are a troubled youth and I over stepped my bounds again I do apologize.
friends don't let friends drink and type
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I will put you on ignore in hopes that one day you will matue enif to handel conversatins like this in= the future
global friends?
[Tell] Lady Destrina: I apologise for the typos my thought get ahead of wehat I am trying to say and typing in the dark isnt as easy as some might think. I do hpe that you get the help you need farwell.
thank you farewell!