I got lots of chocolate and some peeps (they make me sick, but they're still so addicting for some reason

). I also got new clothes (nice pants and a shirt), but only because all I own are jeans and t-shirts and I needed something to wear to church. And we have some boiled eggs but were too lazy to color them, so I think we're just going to make egg salad or something.
The only thing I know about easter is that it's the second Sunday of April and it has something to do with Jesus Christ. Can someone fill me in on what this Hhy means and what "normal" people do on this day?
It's not on the second Sunday of April....It's based on the phases of the moon, which is why it's different every year, i.e. next year Easter is in March. It's the third day after Jesus was crucified, and the day he rose from the dead. I guess "normal" people go to church and do egg hunts or something....