Well since I have made a Thread on hack making tools I thought I should make one about the wonderful world a VB. Well What is VB you ask? VB stands for Visual Basic, it is a programming language and it can be used to program hacks for starcraft.
Visual Basic can be complicated. With the correct teachings it can work wonders. Here I will give you link Tutorials and other information on Visual Basic.
Now I know 99% of you people out there know WAY more VB than me but I thought if there some newbs out there that I can get into SC hacking and they work hard and become a good hacker, for example Nickolay, it will greatly benefit the forums and will add another hacker and will help the SC community make new hacks and things like map hacks becoming private will not happen
Well lets Start.
First of all you will need Visual Basic. This can be tricky to get, but if you know a very simple guide line you will be safe. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WITHOUT A ANTI VIRUS PROGRAM!!!!!!! ( that was not the guide line) You see if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on Visual Basic then you are going to have to download it. You can download it from Kazaa. Kazaa is a program that you can download different programs, music, and videos on. Well you can download Kazaa here http://www.k-lite.tk/ In order to NOT get a virus on kazaa you need to follow a very simple rule. Say you are going to download Nortan Anti Virus for example. There are lots of downloads. There are all different sizes. The one with the highest size is LESS likely to be a virus because a virus is a small program you it can be transferred easily. So if you have two Nortans Anti Virus and one is say 25 MB and another is say 10KB you obviously know that the 10KB one is a virus. If you get a virus it is now the end of the world. I warned you earlier do not attempt this without a virus scanner. If you did not listen to my warning you might have a virus on the computer. If you just found out this now DO NOT RUN THE PROGRAM!!!! That will activate the virus and that is trouble. If you did and your anti virus found one just look the virus up on the net and it wil tel you what to do
Ok when you download the file and it is not picked up as a virus SCAN THE VIRUS!! So you are shure it is not a virus. MAKE SHURE YOU VIRUS DEFINITIONS ARE UP TO DATE BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS!!
Now that you have downloaded Visual Basic you need to get a CDkey-Crack. In order to do this search for something like “Visual Basic CDKEY CRACK†now this is the most dangerous thing because this file is small. This one you cannot tell if it is a virus or not. Just choose the one that is the biggest and try it. Remember to use the rules above.
Now that you have the crack all you do is run the program and click “generate key†Then start up the Visual Basic Setup and when it asks you for a cd-key just type that in. DO NOT REGISTER THE PRODUCT!!!! Microsoft will find out and they will not be happy lets just say.
Now here is the part that you learn to program.Now I am not going to sit here all day writing a tutorial on how to write codes in Visual Basic. I have some tutorials that will help you learn. They don’t require any programming knowledge. Now give Starfish a big hug for this one. He made this tutorial that I have linked to here. Goto Starfish's website for VB for newbs and download it it really helps.
Here is another link to a Starfish post that helps 
Here is a tutorial that is the best tutorial for newbs (I think) Remember give a big hug to starfish
Now I know that some of the stuff in starfish’s tutorial (not the one above) is for Diablo 2 but you should still learn a lot.
Finaly I have a link to hacking tools. It is a thread I made earlier.
I hope this helps new hacker to be better and helps the BF community
PS: Sticky this if possible
If there are any mistakes pm me or post them and I will edit. Thanks
Visual Basic can be complicated. With the correct teachings it can work wonders. Here I will give you link Tutorials and other information on Visual Basic.
Now I know 99% of you people out there know WAY more VB than me but I thought if there some newbs out there that I can get into SC hacking and they work hard and become a good hacker, for example Nickolay, it will greatly benefit the forums and will add another hacker and will help the SC community make new hacks and things like map hacks becoming private will not happen
Well lets Start.
First of all you will need Visual Basic. This can be tricky to get, but if you know a very simple guide line you will be safe. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WITHOUT A ANTI VIRUS PROGRAM!!!!!!! ( that was not the guide line) You see if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on Visual Basic then you are going to have to download it. You can download it from Kazaa. Kazaa is a program that you can download different programs, music, and videos on. Well you can download Kazaa here http://www.k-lite.tk/ In order to NOT get a virus on kazaa you need to follow a very simple rule. Say you are going to download Nortan Anti Virus for example. There are lots of downloads. There are all different sizes. The one with the highest size is LESS likely to be a virus because a virus is a small program you it can be transferred easily. So if you have two Nortans Anti Virus and one is say 25 MB and another is say 10KB you obviously know that the 10KB one is a virus. If you get a virus it is now the end of the world. I warned you earlier do not attempt this without a virus scanner. If you did not listen to my warning you might have a virus on the computer. If you just found out this now DO NOT RUN THE PROGRAM!!!! That will activate the virus and that is trouble. If you did and your anti virus found one just look the virus up on the net and it wil tel you what to do
Now that you have downloaded Visual Basic you need to get a CDkey-Crack. In order to do this search for something like “Visual Basic CDKEY CRACK†now this is the most dangerous thing because this file is small. This one you cannot tell if it is a virus or not. Just choose the one that is the biggest and try it. Remember to use the rules above.
Now that you have the crack all you do is run the program and click “generate key†Then start up the Visual Basic Setup and when it asks you for a cd-key just type that in. DO NOT REGISTER THE PRODUCT!!!! Microsoft will find out and they will not be happy lets just say.
Now here is the part that you learn to program.Now I am not going to sit here all day writing a tutorial on how to write codes in Visual Basic. I have some tutorials that will help you learn. They don’t require any programming knowledge. Now give Starfish a big hug for this one. He made this tutorial that I have linked to here. Goto Starfish's website for VB for newbs and download it it really helps.
Here is a tutorial that is the best tutorial for newbs (I think) Remember give a big hug to starfish
Now I know that some of the stuff in starfish’s tutorial (not the one above) is for Diablo 2 but you should still learn a lot.
Finaly I have a link to hacking tools. It is a thread I made earlier.
I hope this helps new hacker to be better and helps the BF community
PS: Sticky this if possible
If there are any mistakes pm me or post them and I will edit. Thanks