Quote Permaphrost: "Zero is protected by copyright, thanks to the nature of the loader and the authentication system that I developed. In addition, users agree to a binding contract when using Zero as described in the End User Lisence Agreement. It clearly outlines the distribution of my company's intellectual property as being against our terms of service.
Sure, making hacks is against the game's terms of service, but I am not violating any copyright nor violating the DMCA. Hacking does not cost Blizzard income. Cracking software does."
End Quote (I'm a noob, cant even quote somebodythe right way...)
Well, Permaphrost, it is in fact illegal to hack software as of now. It is illegal to modify OR change OR edit, decode, decompile, reassemble, or look at or change the code of any copy-righted material in any way, shape, or form. As for your hacks, they ARE illegal because that is what they do my nature. Therefore, they can't be copy-righted in a legal sense because they are illegal and not subject to such law.
BTW, please correct me if I am wrong; this is the last and most current information i received (too lazy to go looking up laws to prove a point...)