Good N64 Games?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Legend of Zelda: Marjora's Mask are both great games. OoT is, arguably, the best game during that, particular era. GameSpot (one of the few gaming sites I still enjoy) gave it a 10.0/10.0 o_O OoT is one of only three games to ever get a perfect 10.0 on the site! Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker also got a 10.0, in case you were wondering of at least one other game. I don't recollect the third...

Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, and Jet Force Gemini were great First-Person Shooters. I don't even like the Genre, and I loved those games o_O

Quest 64 was okay, and it was good for release fodder, but it was certainly outdone by later games. Aidyn Chronicles: The Last Mage, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Calibur, Hybrid Heaven, Paper Mario, and both Pokemon Colesseums were much better RPGs.

Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Toowie are excellent games. The same goes for Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64. Pokemon Snap was interesting, but that's about it. Conker's Bad Furr Day was insane, but I have to admit it was fairly well done. Harvest Moon 64 was addicting. There are a lot of great N64 games, and many are overlooked.


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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Goldeneye was arguably one of the best games, or FPS, for the N64. Ir had good graphics, the replay value was through the roof, since you had to unlock all the cheats and all the multiplayer characters, and beat the missions on 00 Agent to get the last difficulty level and all. That has to be one of my favorites, and I think personally that it is one of the best games N64 has ever had.

Doom 64 was also a great game. I remember the Doom's for Playstation, such as Doom, and Final Doom. Now, Doom 64 appeared to be really bad then, atleast to me. So I gave it a shot, tried it for a little bit, and the graphics, the models, everything was better, the music was different, but i was the same style of gameplay and everything. I just loved it. :D

Star Wars Episode 1: Pod Racer. This was one fun ass racing game, even though your stats changed in a weird way that made me want to at times break my N64 in half with a sledge hammer, it was a very cool, and very challenging racing game, and it brought a little bit of the force, or faith, to me in the racing game genre. :D


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
bamthedoc said:
Quest 64 was okay, and it was good for release fodder, but it was certainly outdone by later games. Aidyn Chronicles: The Last Mage, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Calibur, Hybrid Heaven, Paper Mario, and both Pokemon Colesseums were much better RPGs.
I like those games, AC: TLM got easy late in the game, since you had the stamina to cast your spells and take damage. The desert was hardest parts and fighting 4 Chaos Warlocks in one battle. Quest 64 I beat easily. All you do is master Water and Wind and its complete pwnage (water to heal yourself). Or Earth (Magic barrier at 36), however that game it gets easier to raise defense then agility. Well, because spells were homing types like Magnet Rock, Homing Arrow Level 2, and Ice Knife. Pokemon, it only got good at Yellow, after that the game hit a severe slump! You had to choose between 100+ more pokemon when all you ever wanted was a Jynx (I usually use Gameshark to get this one, I don't want one named Lola :()

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