wow... wow... that guys work is ****ING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn I want to go where ever it is you live and do the private lessons.
we have a couple of short classes here, and im sure the equpment is pretty damn expensive so I don't see how im going to be able to practice and get better.
wish there was an open studio like they have for ceramics here.
Yeah, he is so chill too.
Like he could completely screw up a piece, and just say "Shit" and start over.
I live in Maryland. So if you willing to take a plane ride or long ass car ride. Feel free. The lessons where supposed to be for like 4-5 people. But a few of the people had to re schedule and one couldnt come. So it was just 2 of us. He charges 75 dollars an hour for a private lesson. And 45 an hour to just go in and make something without him there.
Im gonna go back in and make something else soon. Right now my budget is kinda tight