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Originally posted by glowpole
I think the whole buttsecks rave back a couple of motnhs ago scared what litte cats we had....btw what ever happen to JAS and kityKat?
They're busy taking care of my kids.
Originally posted by glowpole
I think the whole buttsecks rave back a couple of motnhs ago scared what litte cats we had....btw what ever happen to JAS and kityKat?
lol, gg?? Talk about maturity level. And Vizjerei has no power here, so me calling him VizJiz keeps my thread out of the void? You sir, are a dumbass.Originally posted by jd-inflames
You say this because you don't want your spam thread sent to the void...gg
Why? Because I split some of your posts?Originally posted by jd-inflames
Yet I can still post here? Sorry sir, but you are stooping to the level of this thread...
I'm not one of your haters AxL, but my respect for you right now is plummeting. Perhaps it's just because it is late and I'm tired...either way.
You are owned because you said it was not possible to add a thread in Vb yet I did.By the way. How am I owned?
Crap? Please evaluate what crap is.Originally posted by RoaCh Of DisCord
Axl does crap like this all of the time. Hmm, and people wonder why I have problems with him.
Once again what are one of those things? Also you are right, you shouldn't set your foot down.Originally posted by jd-inflames
I don't have problems with him...this is just one of those things that I don't agree with...perhaps I shouldn't worry about it beings it's not really my place to set down my foot, but this is rather agitating.
No it is still open because it has a legit subject and poll. What is so wrong about asking what gender you are? Nothing.Originally posted by jd-inflames
And the only reason it is still open is because "this kind of thing has happened before"...this truly is a forum for children...
You went offtopic. If you go offtopic, it is my duty to split all of the posts which do.Originally posted by jd-inflames
It was because one of my posts got split. Don't worry about it PD, if you get in trouble, it's AxL's faultHe decided to use some power in this thread for the wrong purpose.
Please show me those thread you talk about.Originally posted by RoaCh Of DisCord
No..not everytime...but JD has a point. And you of all people posting this thread is funny, considering your thread in staff about spam threads *much like this one*. The point is, AXL moves/closes threads that have more of a point than this one.
Why do you keep beating the dead horse? The Chick thread is closed. End of story.I don't have anything against this thread, it's just axl's moderating (like the chick thread for instance...using his powers in the wrong way). That's all I'm saying *for five seconds*![]()
No, I'm referring to you agreeing with Jason and saying that he "owned" me...the term "owned"...and you are saying I'm immature? And a dumbass for that matter...enjoy high school kiddo.Originally posted by Sakuhta
lol, gg?? Talk about maturity level. And Vizjerei has no power here, so me calling him VizJiz keeps my thread out of the void? You sir, are a dumbass.
How we make use of our time has no bearing on intelligence in this case. This is a form of social interaction that we undertake in for some form of fulfillment of our need to interact with other people. Perhaps this form of social interaction is less appealing to women, or perhaps they enjoy different types of games and therefore would not likely find this forum.Girls are smarter than us guys. They actually play the games while we sit here just talking about them.
Lol. I'm a male. ^_^Originally posted by ihaveproblems
Who do people think no girls use the internet. Just about all the girls I know play some computer game and use the internet.